Titanium blades with the help of 3D-printer
In China, successfully underwent surgery for prosthetic blades printed on 3D-printer.
After watching "People X», start to dream of iron bones, like Wolverine. And if you are then passed in the same breath Deus: Ex - I want to take the money, go to the doctor and put an iron prosthesis.
Until recently, one of the difficulties in carrying out such an operation was the individuality of each case. Procrustean bed is not in vogue, and customized to make the prosthesis to each individual patient - it expensive.
However, with the advent of 3D-Printing process much easier. 27-year-old Jay Lee (Li Jieyang) technology literally saved his hand. Two months ago, the Chinese girl was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer, the disease struck the left shoulder blade.
Disease in a short time spread to 75% of the bone. In such circumstances, the patients during treatment losing hand. But not at this time. Chinese doctors managed print and implanted Chinese girl an exact copy of the joint.
To create a titanium prosthesis, experts have used CT scans and created a 3D-editor exact replica of the blade girl. Then a plastic model printed on 3D-printer and sent to a special workshop for the manufacture of high-grade titanium copies.
The operation was successful, all the muscles spliced, and now Lee is recovering. After 6 months, doctors promise full recovery hand.
In the meantime, the Chinese are going "Wolverine" in Kazakhstan in full swing preparing for 3D Print Conference Almaty.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/smile-expo/blog/249100/