RAR Print - homemade 3D printer from CD ROMs
In early December 2013 fell into the hands of the photopolymer 3D-printer Muve3D. The printer is set whale came directly from the US. This project was launched on kraudfandingovoy platform in April 2013 and успешно implemented . However, the design required a painstaking assembly and setup. Everything else was different kind of defects. Still get to build and run the printer. Got a first experience.
On a photo the same Muve3D.
In parallel with dancing in the printer began to study the subject more deeply photopolymer 3D printing. In Russia there is an institute ILIT , which deals with laser stereolithography (photopolymer printing) since Soviet times. They print different things:
Block headlights VAZ.
Layout module - "Quantum" space station "Mir".
Some time later, caught my eye exploded CD rom, immediately reminded of the thickness of the tracks that burns laser (order of a few micrometers). And then it started digging on the internet existing development. Online caught an interesting article about creating laser cutter from CD drive : < br />
However, the structure was designed for laser cutting and not three-dimensional solidification of photopolymer and it was decided to create their own design:
3D model of a prototype 3D printer mechanics.
And his first physical incarnation using 3D printing.
The principle of operation of 3D-printers RAR Print is similar to most existing. Digital 3D-model of the object, which we will print - loaded into the software. I used the open source software (Repetier Host) and an open hardware and software platform Arduino, this ensures the management of all components of the 3D printer. The optical system of the CD drive moves on two horizontal axes: X axis and Y axis. I had to do next, so it is replaced by a laser diode of the optical system of the drive on the UV LED for 20 rubles. This change is due to the conditions for curing the photopolymer liquid. Container is filled with liquid photopolymer that hardens when exposed to UV radiation. When the optical head lit a single layer of liquid photopolymer and it stuck, removable platform is raised up one layer (of the order of 10 -100 microns). The whole process is repeated until no otverdeyut all the layers that make up our 3D model.
Gutted CD and DVD drives.
Accommodation electronics (fee Arduino Mega 2560 - Brain printer).
Appearance of the printer body.
The first printing of the photopolymer.