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Answers to strange questions that were asked at least once every

Usually the question "why?" we often hear from the mouths of children who because of their age do not know many obvious things. But if poraskinut brains, it turns out that we, as adults, do not know the answers to seemingly childish questions: Why is the sky blue or grass which has a green color? At least once in life, everyone thought about the questions to which answers are waiting for you in the continuation of the article, but because of their strangeness did not dare to ask
.Pochemu Old books have a smell?

Briefly, several hundred impart odor of volatile organic substances. In 2009, on this subject study was conducted, the results of which were published in the journal Analytical Chemistry. According to him, volatile organic compounds released into the air from the books, and more specifically from decaying components of which it is - paper, ink and kley.Avtor research Matija Strlich (Matija Strlič) described the smell as "compound grassy tones with little odor and acids vanilla, and to emphasize the smell of mustiness ».
How to grow seedless grapes?

Most fruits today do not come from the seeds, and cut off from the branches. A small portion of the vine or twig is cut, processed and placed in the ground, after which it begins to grow from the roots and listya.Nekotory seedless grapes still contains bones, but they are very small. In general, most types of grapes contain seeds, just not all of them are familiar to us form a hard shell.
Why do not we see chicks pigeons?

Perhaps because we do not often look into their nests. Pigeons do not leave their nests until they are fully grow up. In addition, when the pigeon grows so that he could leave the nest, it is almost impossible to distinguish from adult pigeons.
Why is it smells good in the rain?

This fragrance is called Petrichor (petrikor). It is this word decided to designate the smell in the air that remains after a shower of rain. It was invented by two Australian scientists in 1964.
This term Petrichor was formed by the merger of the Greek word petra («stone") and ichor («ichor" - fluid flowing in the veins of the Greek mythological gods) .Stoit noted that in creating this fragrance, a major role is played by the organic compound geosmin ( geosmin - with c. "smell of the earth"). This organic matter is nothing else as a waste product of various organisms, including cyanobacteria and actinomycetes.
Why do we cry when we cut onions?

In the onion contains volatile oils that give the plant its inherent flavor. These oils are organic substances - sulfoxides aminokislot.Pri cutting onions disrupted the structure of its tissues, cells rupture, which in turn leads to the release of sulfonic acid, which in turn tiopropional- aldehyde-B-oxide - that it brings tears. Furthermore, these acids are condensed in form thiosulfite, which gives its distinctive bow zapah.Stoit noted that the formation tiopropionaldegid-8-oxide as a result of cutting the onion peaks for the first 30 seconds after nadreza.Slezy - a protective response of the body, which starts produce a weak solution of sulfuric acid. Our brains "inform" the tear glands that secrete large amounts of time to the liquid to be washed off irritant. More disturbed tissue onions - more and more gas is produced fluid produced by the body, ie, more tears. Reaction onion is some protective mechanism against pests.
How much gold is losing gold ring, when we wear?

According to a study conducted in 2008 and published in the journal Gold Bulletin, the average gold ring loses about 0 12 mg of gold per nedelyu.Himik Shtayhauzer Georg (Georg Steinhauser), who authored the study, says: "Most of the gold is lost during relaxing on the beach, where the ring is subjected to the influence of abrasive sand ».
Why in hot weather garbage stinks more than the cold?

Most of the debris consists of an organic material - peel from fruits and vegetables, food remnants, etc. This material begins to decompose, releasing an unpleasant odor, which signals that it is no longer possible est.Esli environment quite warm, organic material decomposes faster. In addition, we are less sensitive in the cold, so that when it's warm weather, the stench of garbage is getting stronger.
Why do not penguins fly?

In the evolution of birds, apparently, had to choose which skill it more useful: good to be able to fly or swim well. This idea was put forward the scientists, the study which was published in 2013 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Soglasno study, penguins can not fly because their body is more adapted to diving than to fly. "To learn to fly, they need to grow big wings, or increase the size of the body to better dive, but if both conditions are met, the flight would be impossible, "- explains Robert Riklefs (Robert Ricklefs), co-author of the study and an ornithologist at the University of Missouri in St. Louis.
Why is it difficult to sneeze with your eyes open?

Should first be noted that if you decide to leave your eyes open especially when you want to sneeze, they do not come out of their sockets. And even if that happens, the closed eyelids would not be able to help you izbezhat.Na this fact during sneezing we close our eyes simply because the reflex. When your brain sends a signal to a sneeze, some of it informs that the eyes should be closed.
Why do people go to rehouse, not sideways?

If so crabs go, why people do not do? Even if we have to go left or right, we still turn around and move peredom.Odnoy of the reasons could be the fact that walking sideways uses as much energy as running peredom.

A study published in the journal Biology Letters in 2013, showed that walking sideways needs more energy because the person during such a process has to stop after each step to make the next step.
Why some people are covered with freckles, while others do not?

Freckled contains the pigment melanin. Most freckles appear due to the same gene, which leads to red hair - MC1R.Kletki in the skin that produce melanin called melanocytes. MC1R produces a protein that lives on these cells and tells your body what melanin sozdavat.V more dark-skinned people produce more melanocytes one type of melanin - eumelanin. The people who produce more pheomelanin, pale skin and a lot of freckles. By the way, such people are not very tan, ie the sun their skin is almost no change in hue, as pheomelanin - unlike eumelanin - does not protect people from ultraviolet rays.
Why even the smallest speck of dust in the eye creates a very unpleasant feeling?

Your cornea is the front convex transparent element of the eyeball, has a lot of nerve in the eye okonchaniy.Esli prevent dust and then you started to rub it, you just rub a speck of dust on the surface of the cornea, which worsens the situation, making the pain more. You can also inadvertently much pressure on a speck of dust, and it will go into the cornea. Instead of rubbing the eye, try to blink, in most cases, it helps.
Why fingers popping warts?

It is known that causes warts human papillomavirus (HPV). There are more than 100 varieties of HPV from a very contagious forms, causing warts in intimate places to less threatening, which become the cause of warts on hands and paltsah.Kogda pesky virus affects the outer layer of the skin, usually through a cut or scrape, it provokes rapid cell growth on the outer layer of the epidermis. So it turns mostly benign tumor, which we call the wart.
Why do men have an erection in the morning?

Science gives a very vague answers to this question. There are some interesting theories that provide an explanation for this phenomenon. In medical terms is called a morning erection of the penis swelling of the night. This is quite a natural phenomenon that occurs with any healthy men 3-5 times a night, no matter what he snitsya.Soglasno One theory is that morning erection occurs when blood enters the night the corpus cavernosum of the penis, increasing the flow of oxygen to the tissues thereby preventing incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
Why are we three bruise and remove the crust from the wound?

Bruises - fairly widespread trauma caused by rupture of blood vessels under the skin (usually from a stroke). Bruising causes inflammation that triggers pain receptors in the muscles and skin, that is, when you click on a bruise we feel bol.Tak why we often push or three place hematoma formation? It turns out that this is a way to kind of anesthesia. When we three therapy area, it contributes to the launch of other receptors on the skin: a sense of pressure, light touch, temperature and more. Activate other receptors for a short time, we thus "drown out" the pain that our brain recognizes and for a while feel oblegchenie.Udalenie crust on the wound - this is absolutely the opposite phenomenon, but as is the case with a black we do it instinctively . On the one hand, it may be a symptom "obsessive-compulsive tendency which often indicates the underlying anxiety disorder." On the other hand, some experts believe that this kind of a relic of ancient times, when our ancestors for reasons of hygiene were forced to lick and scratch themselves. Peel like a natural patch that covers the healing wound, and it certainly begins to itch, so we often pay attention to it.
Is it possible to die of old age?

Not really. It is true that the living cells have a limited life span; the body will never die just because its cells become too old. However, the old cells are very weak, which can lead to malfunction of organs or their complete incapacity. It also means that weak old cells can not fight disease with the same ease as do young cells. This leads to the fact that the disease, which pass almost unnoticed by the young organism, can be fatal for older people.
Why can we wet oneself from fear?

Throughout the blame our brain. You may be surprised, but when a person feels the need to urinate in the area of ​​the bladder, the action itself is controlled by our golovoy.V stress inhibitory signals from the frontal lobe (the one that does not give us crap in their pants when the bladder becomes full) may be " canceled "limbic system - a collection of some structures of the brain that controls the so-called reaction" fight or flight ". When we are worried or scared, electrical signals from the limbic system, become so intense that the brain stem is having trouble with the execution of commands coming from the frontal lobe. That's why some people have unforeseen embarrassment, for example, before an important exam or at the start of the marathon.
Why nausea during vertigo?

Because our brain thinks he was poisoned. Unexpectedly, is not it? Vomiting occurs in one of three reasons: something irritates our brain, something irritates our alimentary canal or during the hormonal changes (usually during pregnancy). When our eyes see something different from what fluid (endolymph) in our inner ear sends to the brain, it's starting to annoy him. To protect themselves, the brain causes the body to release the contents of the stomach.
Why men nipples?

In the bud, men and women are alike. In the first few weeks, the embryo is formed by "female-pattern", starting with the reproductive system and ending nipples. Only 60 days is effective hormone testosterone (in embryos with a Y-chromosome), altering the genetic activity of cells in the genital organs and the brain. Although the mammary glands in males cease to grow, nipples on the chest does not disappear.
Why one nostril breathing is better than the other?

Nostrils are good friends who are doing their job to the queue. Even if we do not have a cold, our nostrils distribute the load among themselves, most air enters and exits through one nostril and a much smaller amount of air passes through druguyu.Kazhdye few hours, our autonomic nervous system, which monitors heart rate, digestion and other important functions, we deliberately do not control, makes it so that one of the nostrils for a while took over most of the work. At a cold extra mucus causes a feeling of fullness in one nostril, which is currently "resting".