Neal Stephenson joined the startup in the field of Augmented Reality Magic Leap

One of the classics in the genre of science fiction "cyberpunk" Neal Stephenson hired contact Magic Leap as chief futurist (Chief Futurist ).
Neal Stephenson - author of religious works of "Avalanche» (Snow Crash, 1992) and "Cryptonomicon» (Cryptonomicon, 1999), winner of the "Hugo." According to critics, the merit Stevenson is a comprehensive description of the novel "avalanche" of a new kind of commercial matrix in the form of the Metaverse as vertices of technological progress.
Magic Leap - one of the very mysterious start-ups in the field of augmented reality. Two months ago, получила $ 542 million in venture financing round B, a significant portion of the funding came from Google.
At the same time немногое known about the technologies on which runs Magic Leap. If you describe briefly, then it is something like «Google Glass on steroids" - a way to discreetly apply computer-generated images on the "matrix" of the real world. Exactly what Neal Stephenson described more 25 years ago. Unfortunately, the technology is not developing as fast as it seemed.
Magic Leap Technology combines helmet optical projectors, set of lenses and cameras. They work so that it turns augmented reality, which really would like to believe. At least, presentation technology to convince investors to invest in startups over half a billion dollars.
Neal Stephenson is also convinced: "I saw something on the optical table that I had never seen before - something that only Magic Leap, as far as I know, is able to do - he says. - And it was pretty cool. But I admire most is not what made Magic Leap, and the fact that it begins to make. Magic Leap has collected a set of technologies - some tried-and-running, the other incredibly advanced - to create a synthesized light field, which falls on the retina in the same way that light gets reflected from real objects in the world around us ».

«Magic Leap combines together physics, biology, code and design to create a system that should open the door to creative people, - сказал Stevenson. - Anyone who read, watch, learn or play video games can use the results of their work. I've never seen or heard of a company that brings together scientists, engineers and artists in such a way as did Magic Leap, and I'm glad to be a part of this. "
Source: geektimes.ru/post/243061/