HP Envy 17 Leap Motion: tested on humans

On another test, we've got a laptop from HP - on Core i7, 8 GB of RAM and terabaytovym "screw", equipped with two video cards. Here, 17, 3-inch touch screen is glossy. Good, powerful laptop. But no more than that. Why was he in this review? - Intrigue! - Because this is the first laptop with integrated controller Leap Motion. You are still using the keyboard, mouse, or simply God, the touchpad? Then we go to you! ..
About Technology Leap Motion - or simply Leap - first began in mid-2012. Prior to this, the creators kept quiet about their own child and raised money for investors. What they coped quite well - Leap year later began giving away the developers and then sell to everyone.
Gadget itself outwardly unpretentious. Its operating principle is as simple - and very similar to the Kinect, with whom he constantly compared. Alas, no magic - within only two monochrome infrared cameras and three LEDs - also infrared. "There" it costs a little less than $ 100, including shipping; we - 4-5 thousand rubles.

That's so, this Leap? It is simply the accuracy of motion detection in the order of magnitude Kinect. The only difference is in range: from maykrosoftovskih controller - meters, Leap - centimeters.
Today Leap Motion promoted mainly enthusiasts - this is thanks to them that gadget, for example, learned how to manage quadrocopter and even robots. But there is an exception - and here we are back to our laptop.
In fact, in 2013, their desire to integrate into laptops controllers Leap Motion announced the two companies ASUS and HP. Plans Taiwanese seem to have changed, but the Hewlett-Packard kept its word - so six months ago came to light 17-inch Envy c Leap Motion on board.

the meantime - HP Envy 17 inches, gigahertz and terabytes
screen: 17, 3 '', 1920x1080, touch
CPU Core i7 4702MQ 2, 2 GHz
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M (+ built-in Intel HD 4600)
interfaces: Wi-Fi 802.11n, Bluetooth, 4 USB 3.0, HDMI, LAN
battery: 62 Wh
dimensions, weight: 416x275, 2x33, 4 mm, 3, 4 kg
Unequivocally, we asked for clarification from HP: was it worth the fuss, ie incorporate innovative module, without asking users - and if he needed them?
According to Irina Kukina, head of consumer devices HP in Russia, the company saw a Leap Motion evolution of user interaction with your PC - there is the ongoing development of technologies from the mouse to the touchpad, touch screen and the list goes on.
At the end of the 2013th company has promised to build Leap Motion a few of their devices - they will be available later this year. In the meantime, can be purchased separately Leap Motion, released in partnership with HP.

The question whether conducted some research - as a laptop with Leap Motion interesting for the buyer than without it, Irina Kukina said that "at the moment to talk about some kind of qualitative research is difficult because such devices have been sold not so much, this is just the beginning "- of course, that in order to understand the advantages and / or disadvantages of such devices, it takes time. Well, let's see.
In our opinion, laptops with integrated Leap Motion fairly narrow niche, but HP believes that at the initial stage it is understandable: "Users are presented amateurs innovation, technology, something new. But here we see the young people and families with children. For example, there are many games that can be played using Leap Motion - children and even adults will be a lot of fun "- said the representative of HP on our doubts.
According to Irina Kukina, she tried to Leap into action: "It is unusual and rather unusual, which is normal for any new technology. It is necessary to rebuild the little brain and all starting to get ».

When you watch videos on the Leap Motion, a thought: well, everything - "Minority Report" is already here - remember a film with Tom Cruise? Spielberg is well looked delicious - and that with us? In general, it is amusing. Feeling quite unusual and if you perceive the process of learning how to play, then all you get. But if you are angry adore throwing various objects, if you suffer from tremors of hands, if the "diligent" and "patient" is not about you, and about some supermen, then ... well, it, this Leap Motion! Forget!
In fact, a number of strange features in the behavior of the controller is connected with its principle of operation. There is a set of unwritten rules that should observe:
the range of Leap - within 20-40 centimeters from the sensor; Controller pretty confident recognize individual fingers, but do not connect them; it is not necessary to set and hand edge - Leap accept this gesture as one finger If you have two hands, then they should not overlap, otherwise the system will go mad; Keep away from heat sources - Any source of infrared radiation, even an ordinary iron - can knock controller confused; can be used in addition to the extremities means available - for example, the same Japanese-Chinese sticks.

Where to get an application? Developers Leap did not philosophize slyly and run your own online store Airspace. Incorrigible pessimists here to look is not necessary - are only about 200 applications, and the number of free little less than half. The cost of a single program or utility varies from 1 to 10 dollars. There is an application on Windows, there is a Mac OS, there are works in every browser. In fact Airspace - is Google Play or App Store in miniature. Here you can find everything - from the silly toys to professional applications, but the number of real pearls can be counted on the fingers.

And what, you may ask: brother not to take? Definitely take - if you like everything new, if different calmness and steadiness, and biceps, triceps, forearm you, at least in tone - try to hold hands in front of 10-15 minutes, fingering. Price laptop with built Leap Motion starts from 45 000 rubles. Similar to stuffing models from Asus, MSI and the same HP, but without the "Lipa" are from 35 to 42 thousand. But without the "Lipa". If in doubt, please contact us in the comments to the post or YouTube-video and we share their own experiences.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/gttf/blog/218275/