Management roborukoy using leap motion

Last year I put together roboruku , wrote for her « driver » for linux, learn how to keep different items. And somehow forgot about it. But yesterday I brought leap motion and come up with a new idea - to learn to manage roborukoy by means of movements of his hands.
What you need to manage h4>
We have roboruki:
- base - can be twisted clockwise and counter-clockwise;
- shoulder - to move up and down;
- elbow - move up and down;
- wrist - move up and down;
- claws - open and close.
& lt; code class = & quot; python & quot; & gt; from roboarm import Arm arm = Arm () arm.base.rotate_clock (3) arm.elbow.up (1) arm.grips.open (2) & lt; / code & gt; pre>
The first implementation h4>
Leap motion can detect hands , fingers and their direction.
So I decided to tie the motion of the fingers:
Part roboruki th> My hand th> Number of fingers th> Axis th> Database Right 4 or 5 X Shoulder Left 4 or 5 Y Elbow Right 2 or 3 Y Wrist Any 1 Y < / Claws left 2 or 3 X It did not work. Leap motion correctly when the arm 1-2 finger, but when more - a random number from 1 to 5.
The second implementation h4>
Leap motion gives the coordinates of the hands within certain limits, I have about -200 to 200 X and from 0 to 400 with respect to Y. This is an area I've broken into ten equal parts, and tied them to action:
Basis clockwise Leverage up Elbow up wrist up Open claws Basis counterclockwise Shoulder down Elbow down Wrist vvniz Close claws This realization was working = )
What happened h4>
Video result where roboruka trying to raise the box:
A video where you can see hand movements better:
Links h4>
Roboruka owi robotic arm.
Leap motion.
source code implementation.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/214613/
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