Famous revolvers
January 10, 1862, died inventor and industrialist Samuel Colt. He has created a completely new for its time, the type of small arms - a revolver. Improving these weapons, Colt and his followers launched a number of different models. We remember some of them.
Colt Paterson
Revolver Colt Paterson (Paterson Colt) got its name from the area where there was a weapons factory Samuel Colt in New Jersey. By the beginning of the XIX century all the small arms were locking single or doubly charged, and its design has not changed for centuries. Brand new, reliable and efficient type of weapon Samuel Colt created when he was only 22 years old. The idea came to him while working as a sailor on the brig «Corvo». Young Samuel pointed out that after the steering wheel is one of his arms falls into the grip sleeve and the steering wheel is fixed. Such a mechanism, and it became the basis for future revolver. Colt made the first prototype of a wooden drum to charge and the gun made in 1835. February 25, 1836 22-year-old Samuel Colt received a patent for the invention. But it took time before the gun was recognized and appreciated by the military. First he passed the test in skirmishes with the Indians, who fought with the dragoons and the Texas Rangers. But experts from the Military Academy at West Point skeptical attitude to the new product. Only when armed with revolvers Expeditionary Force, fought with the Indians in Florida and Texas, it has been recognized. Since then, demand for the Colt revolvers began to grow rapidly. Meanwhile, he had a drawback: the trigger of a revolver had charged manually after each shot weapon.
Colt Walker
Colt Walker Revolver was introduced in service with the US Army in 1847. It is considered the largest and most powerful gun, which used black powder. A major role in the creation of this model is played by Samuel Hamilton Walker, the famous Ranger. Together with his colleagues from fifteen Colt Patterson in his hands, he defeated eighty Comanche warriors. But this did not suit Walker revolver. He imagined "... the gun at half arm's length, 44 or 45 caliber ..." more reliable than the five-shot Paterson. Walker had a tool that can be used at full tilt, which would be struck and the rider and the horse. In addition, the revolver had to be easy to recharge. In 1847, three people - Ranger Walker, inventor Samuel Colt arms factory owner and Eli Whitney, Jr., joined together to jointly create a new revolver.
The result was a six-priming a revolver with an open frame, 44-gauge, a total length of 15, 5 inches (375 mm) and weighing 4 to 75 pounds (about 2, 5 kg.), Advanced shock-trigger and trigger guard. Had the powder charge 60 grand (3 of 9) in each breech. It is twice more than the typical charge when using gunpowder in other revolvers.
COLT Dragoon
During the Mexican-American War (1846-1848 biennium). Colt Walker revolver was popular. But there were problems with its use. It was heavy enough, during the shooting arm to arm bullets fell down, blocking his revolver rod drum, and the drum is still sometimes torn. In place of Walker Samuel Colt in 1848 he developed the Colt Dragoon revolver (Colt Dragoon). It is clear that first of all intended for the new cavalry. 44 Caliber weapons, trigger mechanism of single action, a drum with six chamber. The loading was carried out with a muzzle side of the bolt. A feature of the Colt Dragoon revolver became the latch lever gear drum, which when fired are not allowed to go down the front of the arm. New Colt Dragoon revolver became stronger by increasing the wall thickness Camore and barrel length Samuel Colt reduced 9 to 7 inches, 5 inches. Colt Dragoon Revolver was produced from 1848 to 1861.
Colt Navy revolver appeared in 1851 godu. In many respects he was much more comfortable than its predecessor Colt Dragoon and soon gained popularity. By the way, if firma "Kolt" znachitelno increased eksport svoey produktsii. Tom contributed bolshaya vystavka in Londone so vskore British Po dostoinstvu otsenili these weapons. In addition, Kolt can immediately start production. Revolver in tselom was pohozh nA "Dragun", Nr pomenshe size. Vosmigranny stvol with mushkoy-businoy fastened to ramke with pomoschyu klina, prohodyaschego barabana through Axis, a takzhe prilivom the bottom chasti ramki. Weapons bylo vypuscheno nA fabrike "Kolt" in Londone, kotoraya rabotala in 1853-1857 godah.
COLT Wells Fargo
This model is designed as a gun for couriers, the agency which is Wells Fargo Company. Colt has developed this small pocket revolver in 1848. It got its name after the company "Wells Fargo Express", engaged in the shipment of money, luggage, correspondence armed riding messengers that revolver.
This revolver, which, incidentally, produced up to now, has become a legend of the Wild West. Compared with other models, it has many advantages. For example, the trigger can be cocked his left hand. Reload the gun can be quite fast with the speed at which he is capable of arrows - the trigger was on poluvzvod, opened the door of the drum by the side of the ejector cartridge was removed from the drum and then rotate the drum itself and so 6 times. In the end it was necessary, of course, close the door of the drum, or cock on the firing position or put the safety on.
.45 Revolver and a barrel length of 19 cm has received several names. One of them - the Colt Peacemaker, because where they enjoyed rapidly advancing world.
Colt Python revolver American won many fans among lovers of weapons around the world thanks to its sleek design. A series of revolvers Colt Python is designed as a sports-target weapons under the powerful cartridge .357 Magnum. On the market of weapons Colt Python did in 1955. He was famous for high precision and excellent workmanship. Serial production model of Python by Colt's Manufacturing Company was terminated in October 1999. The final release of revolvers Colt Python was discontinued in 2005.
Production of the King Cobra was started by Colt in 1986. The gun was made of stainless steel with a cartridge .357 Magnum. Trunk, like Python model had pencil axis extractor on the outer part of the entire length of the barrel, but unlike Python upper bracket barrel revolver King Cobra was not vented. Barrel length is from 102 to 152 mm. Revolvers with trunks length of 51 mm were produced from 1988 to 1992. and from 1994 to 1998. From 1990 to 1992. produced version of the revolver with 63, 5 mm barrel. Sights consist of a removable front sight, fastened to the barrel by means of a pin, and adjustable micrometer entirely. Cheeks handle made of synthetic rubber, instead of the traditional wood. Manufacturing Colt King Cobra was first rolled in 1992 and then renewed in 1994 and again, was finally discontinued in 1998.

Colt Paterson
Revolver Colt Paterson (Paterson Colt) got its name from the area where there was a weapons factory Samuel Colt in New Jersey. By the beginning of the XIX century all the small arms were locking single or doubly charged, and its design has not changed for centuries. Brand new, reliable and efficient type of weapon Samuel Colt created when he was only 22 years old. The idea came to him while working as a sailor on the brig «Corvo». Young Samuel pointed out that after the steering wheel is one of his arms falls into the grip sleeve and the steering wheel is fixed. Such a mechanism, and it became the basis for future revolver. Colt made the first prototype of a wooden drum to charge and the gun made in 1835. February 25, 1836 22-year-old Samuel Colt received a patent for the invention. But it took time before the gun was recognized and appreciated by the military. First he passed the test in skirmishes with the Indians, who fought with the dragoons and the Texas Rangers. But experts from the Military Academy at West Point skeptical attitude to the new product. Only when armed with revolvers Expeditionary Force, fought with the Indians in Florida and Texas, it has been recognized. Since then, demand for the Colt revolvers began to grow rapidly. Meanwhile, he had a drawback: the trigger of a revolver had charged manually after each shot weapon.

Colt Walker
Colt Walker Revolver was introduced in service with the US Army in 1847. It is considered the largest and most powerful gun, which used black powder. A major role in the creation of this model is played by Samuel Hamilton Walker, the famous Ranger. Together with his colleagues from fifteen Colt Patterson in his hands, he defeated eighty Comanche warriors. But this did not suit Walker revolver. He imagined "... the gun at half arm's length, 44 or 45 caliber ..." more reliable than the five-shot Paterson. Walker had a tool that can be used at full tilt, which would be struck and the rider and the horse. In addition, the revolver had to be easy to recharge. In 1847, three people - Ranger Walker, inventor Samuel Colt arms factory owner and Eli Whitney, Jr., joined together to jointly create a new revolver.
The result was a six-priming a revolver with an open frame, 44-gauge, a total length of 15, 5 inches (375 mm) and weighing 4 to 75 pounds (about 2, 5 kg.), Advanced shock-trigger and trigger guard. Had the powder charge 60 grand (3 of 9) in each breech. It is twice more than the typical charge when using gunpowder in other revolvers.

COLT Dragoon
During the Mexican-American War (1846-1848 biennium). Colt Walker revolver was popular. But there were problems with its use. It was heavy enough, during the shooting arm to arm bullets fell down, blocking his revolver rod drum, and the drum is still sometimes torn. In place of Walker Samuel Colt in 1848 he developed the Colt Dragoon revolver (Colt Dragoon). It is clear that first of all intended for the new cavalry. 44 Caliber weapons, trigger mechanism of single action, a drum with six chamber. The loading was carried out with a muzzle side of the bolt. A feature of the Colt Dragoon revolver became the latch lever gear drum, which when fired are not allowed to go down the front of the arm. New Colt Dragoon revolver became stronger by increasing the wall thickness Camore and barrel length Samuel Colt reduced 9 to 7 inches, 5 inches. Colt Dragoon Revolver was produced from 1848 to 1861.

Colt Navy revolver appeared in 1851 godu. In many respects he was much more comfortable than its predecessor Colt Dragoon and soon gained popularity. By the way, if firma "Kolt" znachitelno increased eksport svoey produktsii. Tom contributed bolshaya vystavka in Londone so vskore British Po dostoinstvu otsenili these weapons. In addition, Kolt can immediately start production. Revolver in tselom was pohozh nA "Dragun", Nr pomenshe size. Vosmigranny stvol with mushkoy-businoy fastened to ramke with pomoschyu klina, prohodyaschego barabana through Axis, a takzhe prilivom the bottom chasti ramki. Weapons bylo vypuscheno nA fabrike "Kolt" in Londone, kotoraya rabotala in 1853-1857 godah.

COLT Wells Fargo
This model is designed as a gun for couriers, the agency which is Wells Fargo Company. Colt has developed this small pocket revolver in 1848. It got its name after the company "Wells Fargo Express", engaged in the shipment of money, luggage, correspondence armed riding messengers that revolver.

This revolver, which, incidentally, produced up to now, has become a legend of the Wild West. Compared with other models, it has many advantages. For example, the trigger can be cocked his left hand. Reload the gun can be quite fast with the speed at which he is capable of arrows - the trigger was on poluvzvod, opened the door of the drum by the side of the ejector cartridge was removed from the drum and then rotate the drum itself and so 6 times. In the end it was necessary, of course, close the door of the drum, or cock on the firing position or put the safety on.
.45 Revolver and a barrel length of 19 cm has received several names. One of them - the Colt Peacemaker, because where they enjoyed rapidly advancing world.

Colt Python revolver American won many fans among lovers of weapons around the world thanks to its sleek design. A series of revolvers Colt Python is designed as a sports-target weapons under the powerful cartridge .357 Magnum. On the market of weapons Colt Python did in 1955. He was famous for high precision and excellent workmanship. Serial production model of Python by Colt's Manufacturing Company was terminated in October 1999. The final release of revolvers Colt Python was discontinued in 2005.

Production of the King Cobra was started by Colt in 1986. The gun was made of stainless steel with a cartridge .357 Magnum. Trunk, like Python model had pencil axis extractor on the outer part of the entire length of the barrel, but unlike Python upper bracket barrel revolver King Cobra was not vented. Barrel length is from 102 to 152 mm. Revolvers with trunks length of 51 mm were produced from 1988 to 1992. and from 1994 to 1998. From 1990 to 1992. produced version of the revolver with 63, 5 mm barrel. Sights consist of a removable front sight, fastened to the barrel by means of a pin, and adjustable micrometer entirely. Cheeks handle made of synthetic rubber, instead of the traditional wood. Manufacturing Colt King Cobra was first rolled in 1992 and then renewed in 1994 and again, was finally discontinued in 1998.

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