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Revolver Smith & Wesson

Hello and good day, dear YaPovtsy!

More recently, and in general, by chance, I became the owner of a revolver Smith & Wesson Model 67, so I hasten to share with you the joy of purchase, as well as try to show and tell a little about this weapon. :)
27 pictures and text. :)

First, a few words about the company.

As you know, Smith & Wesson is still one of the most famous arms manufacturers in the United States.

And this company was born back in 1852, when Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson created Volcanic Repeating Arms Company. It's simple - business partners wanted to make, producing very advanced for the time multiply guns lever action, called Volcanic Pistol.

Here's how they looked

Unfortunately, things went wrong, the money for the production was not enough, as a result of the owners were forced to sell their shares in the company and, ultimately, more than half the shares Volcanic, cleared by none other than Oliver Winchester.

Smith & Wesson did not want to remain in the company, which, in practice, is no longer owned, so in 1856 are gone and created a new, already under his own name - Smith & Wesson, which quickly achieved success, thanks to the development of a fundamentally new revolver Smith & Wesson Model 1. It was the first gun, which used cartridges - all earlier revolver in the chambers had to first fill the powder, and then push the bullet, which makes the process very long recharge.

And Oliver Winchester get him Volcanic renamed with the time in Winchester Repeating Arms Corporation, we know just how to Winchester.

Incidentally, it is the design and patent Volcanic, allowed Winchester gunsmith and Benjamin Henry created the famous Henry lever rifle sample 1860, which has become extremely popular, and brought Oliver Winchester first arrived :)

So like this, in some way, "raider seizure" of the enterprise took place 160 years ago. Severe grin of capitalism. :)

But back in our day. :) Smith & Wesson is now mass producing all weapons, from rifles to semi-automatic pistols, but still skate this manufacturer will surely remain revolvers of the highest quality.

How not to recall, for example, that such a handsome man, Smith & Wesson Model 29, from the movie "Dirty Harry» !!!

(and yes, some believe that the film was not used 29 and the revolver caliber smaller, model 57, but it's not. I've Pruflink naryl a lot, but I think the most reliable seem to link to itself smith and wesson, here it is: www.smith-wesson.com/wcsstore/SmWes...%20Industry.pdf )

Few models of Smith & Wesson.

In general, until 1957, some order in the names of models of revolvers produced by Smith and Wesson, was not. As the first revolver was given the name of the model 1, or so then assigned a number, for example, model 3 American, or given name - bodyguard, chiefs special, highway patrolman, and so on. D.

In 1957, all produced revolvers, and the old and the new numbers have been assigned, so that, for example, chiefs special turned into a model 36.

I'm not very clear why it was done, because of the order in the numbering either, ie model 10 is not necessarily greater or lesser caliber or size than the model 60 and model 22 - in fact, confusion with the names remained the same:) < br />
In general, the situation is reminiscent of the same as the Glock pistol models - itself features a leg break. Glock 19 - caliber 9mm Glock 20 - 10 mm caliber, and a new Glock 42 - just simply the caliber .380 ACP, 9mm ammunition and weaker, and especially 10mm.

To further confuse you, to tell and about the size of revolvers Smith & Wesson (in English it sounds frame size, frame size, or revolver). :)

They are standardized and are identified by letters. Over the decades, these standards have come and gone, but now the main dimensions of revolvers Smith & Wesson are J, K, L, N and X.

Here, though the procedure can be traced. :) The farther the letter - the larger the size. Ie. J frame - the smallest, pocket revolver, and X frame - the biggest.

Initially, a larger frame designed for greater caliber. So J frame .32 caliber revolvers were issued (7.65h17 mm), K frame - for a .38 special (9h29mm), L frame - for 357 magnum (9h33mm) and 44 special (10.9h29mm), N frame - for 44 remington magnum (10.9h32.6mm), and of the new size, the X frame, specially developed in 2002 for the model 500 revolvers, firing torpedoes hefty 50-gauge (12.7h41mm), horror!

At the same time, because of the emergence of new materials, including plastics, has no binding frame size to a certain caliber revolver. For example, J frame is now available from the caliber revolvers .22lr to .357 magnum (by the way, J frame - the most popular size in our day, they are small and easy to carry)

Fuhh, like all of the technical details, as usual, I will be glad additions, corrections or inaccuracies. :)

And, one more thing add quickly - always thought that the company Smith & Wesson - huge, because they produce so many different weapons !!! When preparing this post, you read a lot, including a surprise for itself recognized that the company operates 1,400 people just simply !!! I thought at least 20 thousand !!! :)

Well, now I want to talk directly about his new gun. :)

I COP novice shooter, so in the first revolvers ignored - well, what is this, some kind of junk. Whether business newfangled plastic semi-automatic pistol, Glock type !!! :)

But after the fire started to go often, new acquaintances with various weapons, including revolvers, so it began to try and shoot one of them.

In English it is called «it grows on you», in time to shoot a gun I started to like it more and more. :) Engaging simplicity - you are no shops, no shells stuck in the chamber, no fuse. Hold the trigger himself, but a hole in the target count. :) Thing !!!

Now, from my own limited experience, definitely I would recommend a .22 caliber revolver, a weapon as the first novice shooter. Control simple, and there is no return. What you need to train your shooting skills !!!

In any case, I began to think about buying a gun for a long time. Honestly, I wanted to buy in caliber .357 magnum - revolvers are more versatile since they can shoot out like bullets .357 magnum, and .38 special, so the market is studied, watched prices in general - sniffing. :)

But, as usual, fate decreed otherwise. :) A couple of months ago I went into our local gun shop for bullets - and saw him in the window. :) Right, I must say, did not buy - decided to first read about this model is that it is what reviews of the owners.

I climbed into Google where else. :) And a lot of interesting naryl!

This guys are representative of the line model 10, model 15, well, my, model 67. In practice, it is the same gun. The difference in this - model 10 - burnished with the unregulated gun, model 15 - later also blued steel, but you can adjust the rear sight, and the model 67 - the same gun as the model 15, but with no bluing.

Revolver, is legendary!

Model 10 began to produce as much as in 1899, can you imagine! Recent changes in design have been made in 1905, has since been released, will not believe, more than 6 million of these, making it the most popular revolver pistol 20th century !!! For comparison, Revolver Revolver was released a little more than 2 million.

With titles again confusion. :) Initially, when the gun was developed in 1899, it was named Hand Ejector Model - because of the way dostavaniya sleeves from the bowl using a hand ejector.

After the appearance of this model on the market, we received orders from the army and navy to supply several thousand revolvers state. Also, these guns have started to buy police departments across the country.

Following these orders the gun was renamed the model M & P - Military & Police.

Another name is still the same model was given during the Second World War. The fact that in the period from 1942 to 1944, the serial numbers of these pistols start with the letter V. After the victory of these revolvers, with the letter V, called the Victory model.

Model 15 was called the Combat Masterpiece, and was produced from 1949 to 1999, and of re-started to do them in 2011.

Model 67 started producing in 1972, after 1957, so that no specific model names had.

Then he became interested and started looking for where this gun was used, which is a huge number of them were released.

It turned out that before the Glock, he was the main weapon of the police since the beginning of the 20th century and right up to 1992 (Air Force Security Police officially moved from his Glock only in 1992), almost 100 years !!! That is, if the phrase is found in a detective - police pulled his 38 special - then we are talking about this gun. :)

In general, everything is read and learn, I spit on his idea to purchase 357 magnum, and drove to the store for a piece of history in caliber .38 special. :)

Revolver, this is certainly not new, anything not attached to it - no box, instructions, nothing at all.

Let's take a closer look will show.

Sold it here with such plastic linings (already then one of his acquaintances, who has worked all his life policeman told me that these are the plastic covers on the handle were very popular in the police, so maybe my gun before wearing some detective or even the sheriff !!!)

But somehow I did not like the plastic, too newfangled looks on the weapon with such a history, so ordered a wooden lining. Look what.

On the other hand.

With an open drum. As you can see, the drum for 6 rounds. To access it, you have to press the right thumb on the latch UNV scored, it will move forward, and the drum otschёlknetsya.

Yet. It is not visible, but generally noticeable that the gun used in the front of the ring Camore dark that it is impossible to clean. I read that this is normal and not a problem.

With the trigger cocked. As you can see, the hammer is located on the trigger, not the way in new models, where the hammer hits the drummer, and he, in turn, the primer of the cartridge.

Adjustable rear sight, both horizontally and vertically. That is the only difference from the model 10. Well, no bluing, but this stuff. :)

It can be clearly seen another contrast of old revolvers - the trunk is not only screwed into the frame, but also fastened the pin through.

Now do not make the save.

By the way, I found the serial number, when this gun was made. As it turns out, it is one of the first parties of production in 1972.

With Remove trim handle. Very thin it inside. :) Something crammed, some initials - EG March 2000 - March 2000?

Here you can see the mainspring as a steel strip - that it puts pressure on the trigger. Bottom arm visible as a tension screw, which can be adjusted by spring, seeking relief or worsening of descent.

The charging process. You can simply open the drum and turn the bolt to charge each.

And you can use just such Pribluda. This, my friends, the so-called speed loader, something like the equipped shop for the revolver.

It is used for quick reloading, thus eliminating one of the main disadvantages of a revolver - a significant time required for loading Camore turns.


The principle is simple, the cartridges are inserted into sockets and clamped by turning the iron handle on top.

Curb almost said shop. Speed ​​loader.

When charging the patrons stand in the chambers, the handle is turned on, and they drop out, charging the drum (this should be done by holding down the barrel of a gun, I'm here hold arms horizontally, just to explain the principle of action)

Extraction of spent cartridges. The same hand ejector - hand-ejector. Use your thumb to click on it (it is spring-loaded), picks up the sleeve and out of the bolt.

Again on the previous photo I deliberately keep the gun horizontally to the sleeve remains in the drum. Usually, this should be done by keeping the gun barrel up, so that the sleeve just fall to the ground.

As you can see, everything is simple, you can learn to use quickly, and these guns are good!

A few words about the cartridge .38 special. Designed in 1898 by Smith & Wesson. In those days, the powder was smoky, burned bad, so to achieve the desired pressure to fill such powder in the pocket took a lot, which is why the sleeve .38 special so long.

Shown here are 3 rounds, from left to right - 9mm luger, .45 ACP, and the last - .38 special.

Here you can see that the diameter of 9mm and 38 have the same special, but 38 is longer, it would be logical to assume that the bullet will fly faster.

Actually, no, on the contrary.

And 9mm and 45 acp has developed a new smokeless powder. They are therefore, albeit short, break up the bullet in the barrel to a higher speed than 38.

Now curb .38 cartridge is not completely filled with smokeless powder, a half, if you shake it, hear the falls out the gunpowder inside.

You could pour a little more, but then could not bear to weapons designed for pressures .38 special, there would be a risk of rupture of the barrel.

.38 So, although a great patron, still weaker and 9mm and .45 acp.

Just a box of ammunition.

As it is impossible to fire a revolver.

You see where the left hand? Near the drum.

It absolutely can not do, otherwise you can get seriously injured, up to amputate fingers.

The fact that a vast amount of space between the revolver has a front edge chambers drum and the entrance to the barrel. Here you can see a little bit.

Therefore, with the shot of the powder gases discharged through the space under great pressure, and if you hold a hand near the drum, you can seriously cripple.

It is for this reason and the silencer on the gun does not make sense to put, will still be loud due to the release of these gases.

Exceptions are revolvers, where the sleeve before the shot is fed into the barrel, zapressovyvaya this space. Revolver - one of these revolvers.

And finally - impressions of the shooting. :) What can I say - my very best.

Very soft descent. Due to the fact that the cartridge is rather weak, and the revolver heavy, steel - returns rather weak, I do not compare with the biting impact plastic 9mm pistol.

So it is quite comfortable to shoot.

Here's a purchase, my friends.

All great evening, well, with the upcoming Friday !!!

That's all I wanted to say!!!

PS sources used, in addition to Wikipedia:

