3D models of weapons (17 photos)
Borchardt C.93 - the first successful automatic pistol, designed by Hugo BORCHARD borrowed the principle of locking the barrel when fired two levers at the least advanced weapons of the time - machine gun Maxim ... mass-produced, this pattern has not yet been put into service, but It served as the basis for the design of one of the best guns of the twentieth century - Parabellum.
Author works - VladRussianArms.guns.ru
Three-way gun model 1895 - designed by Belgian gunsmith and owner Leon revolver, pretty good for its time, the revolver became Russian as "Berdan rifle," his "pistol". L. Nagan done an excellent marketing job, and then Russia needs modern revolver. As a result, put into service "Revolver" for various reasons was delayed for a long time in our army and became really popular weapon, though long out of date, but much reliable and durable.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru
Mauser C.96 - a legendary weapon, got his fame not as a war but as an indispensable attribute of the revolutionaries, hikers and hunters. As it happens due to the nature of its construction. Powerful, long range and accurate, but heavy and bulky gun is only suitable for a limited number of users. Nevertheless, he was in service in the German army as a weapon of limited standard during both World War, the Waffen SS, as well as the Italian Navy.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru
Parabellum - one of the most famous martial pistols of the world, created in the late 19th century, in the era of industrial development and the establishment of the foundations of modern firearms. Georg Luger managed to combining successful design finds Maxim and Borchardt, to create a unique system, the quality and the benefits of which have led to the popularity of this weapon from the beginning of its serial production to the present day. A great gun, which is pleasant to hold in your hand, which you pull. Handle merges with the hand into a coherent whole, and the bullets fall right on target. Beautiful and effective weapon.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru
Colt M1911 - brilliant creation of outstanding gunsmith of all time, John Browning. Looking for the perfect system running the scheme returns at the trunk his short course, which allows to use powerful ammunition, has led to a number of samples that have not received sufficient recognition from the first civilian and military. But Driven almost to the ideal design of the M1911 it became the standard, which was created with the most self-loading pistols of the 20th century. Powerful, reliable, convenient, though big gun is still one of the first popular in the United States.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru
Mauser 1914 - compact gun designed for civilian concealed carry, use as a service weapon by police and intelligence agents working tool. Quite complex in design, but durable and reliable pistol, carried out with the high quality inherent to the German arms. Read more about this remarkable gun can be read below in my separate article on the characteristics of the weapon.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru
Walther PPK - perhaps the most famous of the compact pistols, was established in Germany in the old armory company Walther for police and self-defense. Its main feature and advantage was the trigger mechanism of dual action allows you to instantly make a shot despite the fact that weapons could safely be worn with a cartridge in the chamber. Additional security is provided and a pointer presence cartridge in the chamber, so to say the status light weapons. But the greatest glory of this, no doubt a great gun, was not killed because of films about 007, to use it as their service weapon.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru
APS - the best domestic auto, designed in Tula talented gunsmith Igor Yakovlevich Stechkin. Legendary Gun SWAT still loved and used in combat operations of our special forces soldiers, even if there is much more modern domestic samples and Western Glock and Zigov. Easy to use and maintain, reliable in operation under harsh conditions, durable, has great firepower, precision and heap laying bullets when shooting fast - these are the qualities that, even with large dimensions are the reason for the popularity of this excellent pistol.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru
Smith & Wesson Chiefs Special - a compact five-shot revolver for concealed carry as a backup weapon or self-defense, created in the mid-20th century and served as the basis for most modern compact revolvers. Despite not featuring power and great stopping power chuck .38 Special, the revolver gave its owner confidence in the reliability of their weapons, since the cartridge misfire, the shooter could simply re-pull the trigger for the product the next shot. Today, many such revolvers manufactured under highly cartridges .357 Magnum.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru
Without any significant changes in the structure revolver "Nagant" survived the Russian-Japanese, 1st World, Civil, Finnish, World War II, two revolutions and two shocks caused by radical change of political system in the country, at the same time remained unchallenged in the ranks about 50 years. And despite the fact that in 1943 the strong-willed decision "from the top" revolver was discontinued, it is still used to this day, being armed state security service, the protection of the Savings Bank and of collection, as well as some law enforcement agencies including customs service. Despite the anachronistic design "Revolver", thanks to the incomparable reliability, durability, simplicity and durability, it is still "in».
"Revolver" times of Tsarist Russia.
Smith & Wesson Model 19. In short - a high quality, reliable, accurate, effective and durable weapon. Cartridge - .357 Magnum, the most balanced combination of really high, as confirmed by many years of use, stopping power with an acceptable recoil, weight and dimensions of weapons.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru
Colt Python - a legend and one of the most beautiful among revolvers and personal weapons at all. This is one of the most famous revolvers ever produced by Colt's Manufacturing Company. The original design and excellent workmanship has won many admirers for these weapons among fans revolvers worldwide. A series of revolvers Colt Python was developed in the mid-50s as a sports-target weapons chambered for .357 Magnum. Hence the characteristic sporting weapons high precision and excellent workmanship. Serial production of these revolvers were discontinued in 1965, now only deluxe variation under the designation Colt Python Elite. The model is made only on order with 4- and 6-inch barrel, chrome or polished body and cheeks of precious wood.
Astra 902. This copy was the personal weapon of lieutenant-general of the NKVD Karanadze GT - Award of the Supreme Commander. There's Asters 902 was ordered in Spain, about 30 pieces on the personal orders of Stalin and Stalin personally rewarded them for special merits particularly close to his people. This copy is kept in the museum on Poklonnaya Hill.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru
Smith & Wesson Military and Police Story of one of the most commercially successful pistols in the history of weapons in the US began in 1899, when the firm Smith & Wesson released a .38 Hand Ejector revolver caliber .38 SW Long. In 1902, 38 Hand Ejector received a new, more powerful cartridge, .38 SW Special (or just .38 Special, .38sp). More or less final form 38 Hand Ejector acquired in 1915, and in the mid-1920s, he acquired a new name - Military and Police (abbreviated M & P). Just 100-odd years history of revolvers Series M & P only by the firm Smith & Wesson was released over 6 million units of revolvers, not counting the many imitations and replicas, produced in Spain, Mexico, France and other countries. This number also includes nearly one million models of military-style, under the symbol Victory comes as the US military and the British Commonwealth in 1941-45. These revolvers have a simplified finish, simple wooden cheeks, arms, ring for a pistol belt. Barrel length - 4 or 5 inches. For the Lend-Lease Act in Commonwealth countries (Britain, Canada, Australia) were issued under the English patron .38 / 200.

Author works - VladRussianArms.guns.ru
Three-way gun model 1895 - designed by Belgian gunsmith and owner Leon revolver, pretty good for its time, the revolver became Russian as "Berdan rifle," his "pistol". L. Nagan done an excellent marketing job, and then Russia needs modern revolver. As a result, put into service "Revolver" for various reasons was delayed for a long time in our army and became really popular weapon, though long out of date, but much reliable and durable.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru

The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru

Mauser C.96 - a legendary weapon, got his fame not as a war but as an indispensable attribute of the revolutionaries, hikers and hunters. As it happens due to the nature of its construction. Powerful, long range and accurate, but heavy and bulky gun is only suitable for a limited number of users. Nevertheless, he was in service in the German army as a weapon of limited standard during both World War, the Waffen SS, as well as the Italian Navy.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru

Parabellum - one of the most famous martial pistols of the world, created in the late 19th century, in the era of industrial development and the establishment of the foundations of modern firearms. Georg Luger managed to combining successful design finds Maxim and Borchardt, to create a unique system, the quality and the benefits of which have led to the popularity of this weapon from the beginning of its serial production to the present day. A great gun, which is pleasant to hold in your hand, which you pull. Handle merges with the hand into a coherent whole, and the bullets fall right on target. Beautiful and effective weapon.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru

Colt M1911 - brilliant creation of outstanding gunsmith of all time, John Browning. Looking for the perfect system running the scheme returns at the trunk his short course, which allows to use powerful ammunition, has led to a number of samples that have not received sufficient recognition from the first civilian and military. But Driven almost to the ideal design of the M1911 it became the standard, which was created with the most self-loading pistols of the 20th century. Powerful, reliable, convenient, though big gun is still one of the first popular in the United States.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru

Mauser 1914 - compact gun designed for civilian concealed carry, use as a service weapon by police and intelligence agents working tool. Quite complex in design, but durable and reliable pistol, carried out with the high quality inherent to the German arms. Read more about this remarkable gun can be read below in my separate article on the characteristics of the weapon.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru

Walther PPK - perhaps the most famous of the compact pistols, was established in Germany in the old armory company Walther for police and self-defense. Its main feature and advantage was the trigger mechanism of dual action allows you to instantly make a shot despite the fact that weapons could safely be worn with a cartridge in the chamber. Additional security is provided and a pointer presence cartridge in the chamber, so to say the status light weapons. But the greatest glory of this, no doubt a great gun, was not killed because of films about 007, to use it as their service weapon.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru

APS - the best domestic auto, designed in Tula talented gunsmith Igor Yakovlevich Stechkin. Legendary Gun SWAT still loved and used in combat operations of our special forces soldiers, even if there is much more modern domestic samples and Western Glock and Zigov. Easy to use and maintain, reliable in operation under harsh conditions, durable, has great firepower, precision and heap laying bullets when shooting fast - these are the qualities that, even with large dimensions are the reason for the popularity of this excellent pistol.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru

Smith & Wesson Chiefs Special - a compact five-shot revolver for concealed carry as a backup weapon or self-defense, created in the mid-20th century and served as the basis for most modern compact revolvers. Despite not featuring power and great stopping power chuck .38 Special, the revolver gave its owner confidence in the reliability of their weapons, since the cartridge misfire, the shooter could simply re-pull the trigger for the product the next shot. Today, many such revolvers manufactured under highly cartridges .357 Magnum.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru

Without any significant changes in the structure revolver "Nagant" survived the Russian-Japanese, 1st World, Civil, Finnish, World War II, two revolutions and two shocks caused by radical change of political system in the country, at the same time remained unchallenged in the ranks about 50 years. And despite the fact that in 1943 the strong-willed decision "from the top" revolver was discontinued, it is still used to this day, being armed state security service, the protection of the Savings Bank and of collection, as well as some law enforcement agencies including customs service. Despite the anachronistic design "Revolver", thanks to the incomparable reliability, durability, simplicity and durability, it is still "in».
"Revolver" times of Tsarist Russia.

Smith & Wesson Model 19. In short - a high quality, reliable, accurate, effective and durable weapon. Cartridge - .357 Magnum, the most balanced combination of really high, as confirmed by many years of use, stopping power with an acceptable recoil, weight and dimensions of weapons.
The author of the work - VladiT.guns.ru

Colt Python - a legend and one of the most beautiful among revolvers and personal weapons at all. This is one of the most famous revolvers ever produced by Colt's Manufacturing Company. The original design and excellent workmanship has won many admirers for these weapons among fans revolvers worldwide. A series of revolvers Colt Python was developed in the mid-50s as a sports-target weapons chambered for .357 Magnum. Hence the characteristic sporting weapons high precision and excellent workmanship. Serial production of these revolvers were discontinued in 1965, now only deluxe variation under the designation Colt Python Elite. The model is made only on order with 4- and 6-inch barrel, chrome or polished body and cheeks of precious wood.

Astra 902. This copy was the personal weapon of lieutenant-general of the NKVD Karanadze GT - Award of the Supreme Commander. There's Asters 902 was ordered in Spain, about 30 pieces on the personal orders of Stalin and Stalin personally rewarded them for special merits particularly close to his people. This copy is kept in the museum on Poklonnaya Hill.
The author of the work - VladRussianArms.guns.ru

Smith & Wesson Military and Police Story of one of the most commercially successful pistols in the history of weapons in the US began in 1899, when the firm Smith & Wesson released a .38 Hand Ejector revolver caliber .38 SW Long. In 1902, 38 Hand Ejector received a new, more powerful cartridge, .38 SW Special (or just .38 Special, .38sp). More or less final form 38 Hand Ejector acquired in 1915, and in the mid-1920s, he acquired a new name - Military and Police (abbreviated M & P). Just 100-odd years history of revolvers Series M & P only by the firm Smith & Wesson was released over 6 million units of revolvers, not counting the many imitations and replicas, produced in Spain, Mexico, France and other countries. This number also includes nearly one million models of military-style, under the symbol Victory comes as the US military and the British Commonwealth in 1941-45. These revolvers have a simplified finish, simple wooden cheeks, arms, ring for a pistol belt. Barrel length - 4 or 5 inches. For the Lend-Lease Act in Commonwealth countries (Britain, Canada, Australia) were issued under the English patron .38 / 200.
