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Author of the famous AK Kalashnikov began his career in the weapons back in 1942 with the creation of a very interesting submachine gun.
Submachine gun, as a new type of small arms, appeared during the First World War and served as a special weapon for the position of troops. But later high firepower of these weapons, united with the simplicity of design, led to a revision of the place submachine gun as part of small arms armies. He became a personal weapons infantryman.
The world's first sub-machine gun developed by Italian company "Villar Peros', but the founder of the family of submachine guns is considered to be German - MR18.
MR18 designer, Hugo Schmeisser, started developing the sample chambered for 9mm Parabellum in 1916, and in 1918 entered service a sample of German troops called Maschinenpistole MR18 (1918 - the year of adopting). Submachine guns were armed units of the Western Front, but a special delight in the military, he did not call. The reason for this was that the location of these weapons at the time was not clearly defined.
The founder of the global family of submachine guns MP-18 (Germany). The First World War
8 photo
MR18 weight was 5, 245 kg; arms length - 815 mm, barrel length - 200 mm; the rate of fire - 350-450 rds / min; Muzzle velocity - 365 m / s; magazine capacity (drum) - 32 cartridge box - 20 or 32 cartridges.
As already noted, MR18 was the basis for the creation of submachine guns in other countries, including the Soviet Union. We have to develop such weapons began in the 20s. The XX century.
The first sample, taken by the Red Army, was 7, 62-mm submachine gun mod. 1934 VA design Degtyaryova (PPD). His works on the principle of automatic recoil free shutter. In 1940 has been adopted a modernized version of PPD-34, known as 7, 62-mm submachine gun sample of 1940 Degtyaryova index PDI-40.
Upgraded version of the submachine gun PDP-34 - PDP-40 with magazine capacity of 71 cartridge
In 1941, the Red Army adopted 7, 62-mm submachine gun sample design GS 1941 Shpagin PCA-41. Its automation used recoil energy of free shutter.
Shooting could be conducted both turns, and single shots. The gate was equipped with a shock absorber. Muzzle brake-compensator to increase the stability of weapons when firing and accuracy.
Submachine gun PCA-41 GS construction Shpagin
In 1943, the troops there is another sub-machine gun, has received in the course of operation the highest appraisal of the Red Army soldiers - is 7, 62-mm submachine gun sample design AI 1943 Sudaeva PPS-43. Soldiers appreciated PPS-43 for combat and high performance. In automation PPP-43 to use the energy of free shutter. Shooting could only be queues. The weapon was a sector-row store. In combat parameters PPS-43 was approximately equal to the PDP-40 and SCB-41, but was more compact and technologically, had less weight. For the manufacture of PPP-43 were required in three times faster and twice less metal than to manufacture and so a very technologically PCA-41. With this release of PPP-43 was organized at the enterprises never produce weapons.
The three weapons designer: VA Degtyarev, GS Shpagin and AI Court of Justice laid the foundation for the Red Army to individual automatic weapons.
Submachine gun PPS-43 design, AI Sudaeva
However, along with luminaries in the field work and other, no less well-known specialists: FV Tokarev, who developed in 1927 under a sub-machine gun revolver cartridge; SA Korovin, created in 1930, sub-machine gun chambered 7, 62x25 mm, and in 1941 - the submachine gun for Tula working regiment.
The Great Patriotic War made to mobilize all forces of the Soviet people to repel the aggressor. And it would seem that the focus should be directed to the production of weapons for the army, for the Red Army, which forces the development of new models is not there. But this is not surprising in times of war, when victory was still far away, in the country continued intensive development of fundamentally new types of weapons. So, Tula SA Korovin creates the first in the USSR sample of automatic weapons, made the scheme bullpup. Currently, the only instance of this weapon is the Military Museum of Artillery Engineering and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg).
Submachine gun SA Korovin, who was armed Tula working regiment
During the war, the registration and examination of the proposals in the field of small arms involved in the department of inventions Artkomiteta Main Artillery Directorate (GAU). This is, of course, there were all the proposals on the submachine gun.
At this time began to emerge Design human talent that will be world-famous for in the near future. This man was Mikhail Kalashnikov. At the end of 1942, he submits to Artkomitet proposal for a new submachine gun with delayed locking and independent impact mechanism for regular TT pistol cartridge (the proposal was recorded in №7743 from 02.08.1943 G.)
It was the second sample and the first sample creates several previously used automation on the principle of free shutter.
By creating a sub-machine gun with a delayed blowback, MT Kalashnikov sought to develop a light, manoeuvrable semi-automatic weapons. The sample was superior in fighting qualities submachine gun already taken on board. This determined the use polusvo-
the free gate, which could afford to reduce the mass of weapons and ensure a relatively low rate of fire.
Submachine gun design MT Kalashnikov has a folding metal stock, folding down sectoral store 30 rounds of ammunition and the pistol grip. Before the store placed the handle for the left hand. The barrel is protected by a casing. The handles are made of wood. The sample was developed under the pistol cartridge sample 1930 TT 7, 62x25 mm, provided Sighting range of 500 meters, has a total length of 750 mm (with folded butt - 535 mm) barrel length - 250 mm, weight submachine gun with magazine nesnaryazhёnnym - 2, 8 kg (other sources - 2, 9 kg), magazine capacity - 30 rounds.
Submachine gun under the TT pistol cartridge with a delayed blowback and independent impact mechanism of the sample 1942 (the author - MT Kalashnikov)
Interesting is not quite usual for submachine guns with automatic delayed blowback. After firing the shutter frame under the influence of recoil moves back and moves the clutch is connected to the backbone of the shutter on a rectangular thread. Coupling with the core bolt, moving back is screwed on a special stationary tube, which is attached to the end of the receiver, and makes complex motion (translational + rotational). In the process of shooting the clutch, moving steadily and rotating the spiral tube compresses the recoil mainspring and out of the core bolt. The consequence of this complex motion coupling by friction clutch on the fixed spiral tube and an inner threaded portion of the shutter is to reduce the shutter speed rollback.
Trigger submachine gun MT Kalashnikov allowed to conduct a single and automatic fire and was equipped with an independent drummer. In the process of shooting at a moving system rollback to the rearmost position of the coupling "put off the" hammer of about 14 mm, and sear in the gate by the spring goes down and it became against cocking the hammer. When runup mobile system coupling was part of the corolla 12 mm drummer and percussionist stayed on the sear.
The trigger mechanism is simple in construction. When you press the trigger via a transmission lever system, he lifted up the sear and firing pin released, which under the influence of the return of the mainspring prick cap holder.
With automatic sear shooting at shutter position in the most forward position, recessed lever trigger and the shot came.
Original design was a ramrod rubbing, which is in the form of three telescopic tubes threaded. When folded, the ramrod vvёrtyvalsya in pistol grip.
Examination of Inventions Artkomiteta GAU USSR conducted a thorough analysis of the design submachine gun MT Kalashnikov and subjected to fire tests. It was noted that the originality of the design. However, "... the author has failed to achieve a significant reduction in the rate of fire and improve accuracy ..." (compared with submachine gun, standing by the Red Army). Although sub-machine gun MT Kalashnikov had a small weight and dimensions, it has not been adopted for "... because of the complexity of its production, which was a significant disadvantage for such a massive weapons like submachine gun».
But the main thing that gave this weapon Mikhail Kalashnikov, because it is an invaluable experience in designing small arms, which he later successfully used in the creation of world-famous series AK.
Partial disassembly submachine gun MT Kalashnikov
Submachine gun, as a new type of small arms, appeared during the First World War and served as a special weapon for the position of troops. But later high firepower of these weapons, united with the simplicity of design, led to a revision of the place submachine gun as part of small arms armies. He became a personal weapons infantryman.
The world's first sub-machine gun developed by Italian company "Villar Peros', but the founder of the family of submachine guns is considered to be German - MR18.
MR18 designer, Hugo Schmeisser, started developing the sample chambered for 9mm Parabellum in 1916, and in 1918 entered service a sample of German troops called Maschinenpistole MR18 (1918 - the year of adopting). Submachine guns were armed units of the Western Front, but a special delight in the military, he did not call. The reason for this was that the location of these weapons at the time was not clearly defined.
The founder of the global family of submachine guns MP-18 (Germany). The First World War
8 photo

MR18 weight was 5, 245 kg; arms length - 815 mm, barrel length - 200 mm; the rate of fire - 350-450 rds / min; Muzzle velocity - 365 m / s; magazine capacity (drum) - 32 cartridge box - 20 or 32 cartridges.
As already noted, MR18 was the basis for the creation of submachine guns in other countries, including the Soviet Union. We have to develop such weapons began in the 20s. The XX century.
The first sample, taken by the Red Army, was 7, 62-mm submachine gun mod. 1934 VA design Degtyaryova (PPD). His works on the principle of automatic recoil free shutter. In 1940 has been adopted a modernized version of PPD-34, known as 7, 62-mm submachine gun sample of 1940 Degtyaryova index PDI-40.
Upgraded version of the submachine gun PDP-34 - PDP-40 with magazine capacity of 71 cartridge

In 1941, the Red Army adopted 7, 62-mm submachine gun sample design GS 1941 Shpagin PCA-41. Its automation used recoil energy of free shutter.
Shooting could be conducted both turns, and single shots. The gate was equipped with a shock absorber. Muzzle brake-compensator to increase the stability of weapons when firing and accuracy.
Submachine gun PCA-41 GS construction Shpagin

In 1943, the troops there is another sub-machine gun, has received in the course of operation the highest appraisal of the Red Army soldiers - is 7, 62-mm submachine gun sample design AI 1943 Sudaeva PPS-43. Soldiers appreciated PPS-43 for combat and high performance. In automation PPP-43 to use the energy of free shutter. Shooting could only be queues. The weapon was a sector-row store. In combat parameters PPS-43 was approximately equal to the PDP-40 and SCB-41, but was more compact and technologically, had less weight. For the manufacture of PPP-43 were required in three times faster and twice less metal than to manufacture and so a very technologically PCA-41. With this release of PPP-43 was organized at the enterprises never produce weapons.
The three weapons designer: VA Degtyarev, GS Shpagin and AI Court of Justice laid the foundation for the Red Army to individual automatic weapons.
Submachine gun PPS-43 design, AI Sudaeva

However, along with luminaries in the field work and other, no less well-known specialists: FV Tokarev, who developed in 1927 under a sub-machine gun revolver cartridge; SA Korovin, created in 1930, sub-machine gun chambered 7, 62x25 mm, and in 1941 - the submachine gun for Tula working regiment.
The Great Patriotic War made to mobilize all forces of the Soviet people to repel the aggressor. And it would seem that the focus should be directed to the production of weapons for the army, for the Red Army, which forces the development of new models is not there. But this is not surprising in times of war, when victory was still far away, in the country continued intensive development of fundamentally new types of weapons. So, Tula SA Korovin creates the first in the USSR sample of automatic weapons, made the scheme bullpup. Currently, the only instance of this weapon is the Military Museum of Artillery Engineering and Signal Corps (St. Petersburg).
Submachine gun SA Korovin, who was armed Tula working regiment

During the war, the registration and examination of the proposals in the field of small arms involved in the department of inventions Artkomiteta Main Artillery Directorate (GAU). This is, of course, there were all the proposals on the submachine gun.
At this time began to emerge Design human talent that will be world-famous for in the near future. This man was Mikhail Kalashnikov. At the end of 1942, he submits to Artkomitet proposal for a new submachine gun with delayed locking and independent impact mechanism for regular TT pistol cartridge (the proposal was recorded in №7743 from 02.08.1943 G.)
It was the second sample and the first sample creates several previously used automation on the principle of free shutter.
By creating a sub-machine gun with a delayed blowback, MT Kalashnikov sought to develop a light, manoeuvrable semi-automatic weapons. The sample was superior in fighting qualities submachine gun already taken on board. This determined the use polusvo-
the free gate, which could afford to reduce the mass of weapons and ensure a relatively low rate of fire.
Submachine gun design MT Kalashnikov has a folding metal stock, folding down sectoral store 30 rounds of ammunition and the pistol grip. Before the store placed the handle for the left hand. The barrel is protected by a casing. The handles are made of wood. The sample was developed under the pistol cartridge sample 1930 TT 7, 62x25 mm, provided Sighting range of 500 meters, has a total length of 750 mm (with folded butt - 535 mm) barrel length - 250 mm, weight submachine gun with magazine nesnaryazhёnnym - 2, 8 kg (other sources - 2, 9 kg), magazine capacity - 30 rounds.
Submachine gun under the TT pistol cartridge with a delayed blowback and independent impact mechanism of the sample 1942 (the author - MT Kalashnikov)

Interesting is not quite usual for submachine guns with automatic delayed blowback. After firing the shutter frame under the influence of recoil moves back and moves the clutch is connected to the backbone of the shutter on a rectangular thread. Coupling with the core bolt, moving back is screwed on a special stationary tube, which is attached to the end of the receiver, and makes complex motion (translational + rotational). In the process of shooting the clutch, moving steadily and rotating the spiral tube compresses the recoil mainspring and out of the core bolt. The consequence of this complex motion coupling by friction clutch on the fixed spiral tube and an inner threaded portion of the shutter is to reduce the shutter speed rollback.
Trigger submachine gun MT Kalashnikov allowed to conduct a single and automatic fire and was equipped with an independent drummer. In the process of shooting at a moving system rollback to the rearmost position of the coupling "put off the" hammer of about 14 mm, and sear in the gate by the spring goes down and it became against cocking the hammer. When runup mobile system coupling was part of the corolla 12 mm drummer and percussionist stayed on the sear.
The trigger mechanism is simple in construction. When you press the trigger via a transmission lever system, he lifted up the sear and firing pin released, which under the influence of the return of the mainspring prick cap holder.
With automatic sear shooting at shutter position in the most forward position, recessed lever trigger and the shot came.

Original design was a ramrod rubbing, which is in the form of three telescopic tubes threaded. When folded, the ramrod vvёrtyvalsya in pistol grip.
Examination of Inventions Artkomiteta GAU USSR conducted a thorough analysis of the design submachine gun MT Kalashnikov and subjected to fire tests. It was noted that the originality of the design. However, "... the author has failed to achieve a significant reduction in the rate of fire and improve accuracy ..." (compared with submachine gun, standing by the Red Army). Although sub-machine gun MT Kalashnikov had a small weight and dimensions, it has not been adopted for "... because of the complexity of its production, which was a significant disadvantage for such a massive weapons like submachine gun».
But the main thing that gave this weapon Mikhail Kalashnikov, because it is an invaluable experience in designing small arms, which he later successfully used in the creation of world-famous series AK.
Partial disassembly submachine gun MT Kalashnikov
