Overview of pneumatic Gletcher
Today I would like to share a small survey, comparing the two pneumatic gun companies Gletcher. These are two completely different gun - CLT 1911, a copy of the well-known 1911 Colt revolver SW B6, a copy of the Smith & Wesson Stelskhanter. I am not a professional and an expert in the field of weapons. Let's just say, it is an overview of the fan for the fans. My opinion may differ from the opinions of others.
16 photos
Let's start with a revolver, t. To. He first appeared in my little collection. I bought it with the hands, little used First, some "good" people trying to sell to me this for 200 bucks, but then I found this one for $ 100, so before you buy, check prices.
Revolver really big and heavy, but in the hand is good. Comfortable handle, which hides the balloon CO2. Wearing his belt is not convenient. It compensates he sights his good performance and a high muzzle velocity (130-140 m / s), sufficient to beat a bottle of champagne.
For more realistic revolver has falshpatrony. It comes with 6 rounds, but you can always buy another kit (which was done). Charge for a long time, but it's nice, there's a feeling that you use a real weapon.
Shoot from his hand on the trigger striking as the Cowboys are not succeed. But you can twist it on your finger, executing tricks - for that it fits perfectly. In general, the trigger has a fairly long course and a cocked firing easier. Almost no recoil.
One bottle is enough for 10 full drums, which is equivalent to 60-70 shots, then the power drops.
In general, the gun turned out good, no wonder it is praised by professionals. It is ideal for training of fire at short distances. A minimum of moving parts, making it reliable and durable. Of the minuses can be identified unless the weak coating that quickly erased.
My second gun was bought by a colleague. He bought it new from it nastrelyal about 100-150 shots, and then sold it to me. I bought it because of the great love for the 1911 model and assumed that of the smaller size and weight they will enjoy my wife, but she picked the gun :). Just like the gun is a replica of a firearm, it has the same weight and dimensions. Partial demolition, as well as the original Colt. It has two fuses and a system Blowback, which brings to the fire even more realism. But unlike a revolver has a greater impact, so a wife and chose a revolver.
The store has the size of the original, so set the balloon sticks out a little bit.
The shop is designed for 19 bullets, but in fact vlazit 18. After the store will shoot shutter remains in this position.
Set arrow
One bottle is enough for about 50-60 shot, a little less than that of a revolver. The speed of the bullet as less just 100 m / s, and this is not enough for you to break a bottle of champagne.
Bullets shoot, the shutter in a position
Accuracy of him as less than the revolver, so the shooting distance must be reduced.
In comparison with the revolver he loses in shooting accuracy and muzzle velocity. Wins on rate of fire, size (you can shove his belt) and weight. This is offset by the pleasure that you get from shooting.
So, if you need a gun exclusively for practicing shooting skills - take the gun. It is accurate, powerful, unpretentious. Its a pleasure to hold in your hands, twist on the finger and play with falshpatronami. But you get more enjoyment from the 1911, mainly thanks to bloubek.
16 photos

Let's start with a revolver, t. To. He first appeared in my little collection. I bought it with the hands, little used First, some "good" people trying to sell to me this for 200 bucks, but then I found this one for $ 100, so before you buy, check prices.

Revolver really big and heavy, but in the hand is good. Comfortable handle, which hides the balloon CO2. Wearing his belt is not convenient. It compensates he sights his good performance and a high muzzle velocity (130-140 m / s), sufficient to beat a bottle of champagne.

For more realistic revolver has falshpatrony. It comes with 6 rounds, but you can always buy another kit (which was done). Charge for a long time, but it's nice, there's a feeling that you use a real weapon.

Shoot from his hand on the trigger striking as the Cowboys are not succeed. But you can twist it on your finger, executing tricks - for that it fits perfectly. In general, the trigger has a fairly long course and a cocked firing easier. Almost no recoil.

One bottle is enough for 10 full drums, which is equivalent to 60-70 shots, then the power drops.

In general, the gun turned out good, no wonder it is praised by professionals. It is ideal for training of fire at short distances. A minimum of moving parts, making it reliable and durable. Of the minuses can be identified unless the weak coating that quickly erased.

My second gun was bought by a colleague. He bought it new from it nastrelyal about 100-150 shots, and then sold it to me. I bought it because of the great love for the 1911 model and assumed that of the smaller size and weight they will enjoy my wife, but she picked the gun :). Just like the gun is a replica of a firearm, it has the same weight and dimensions. Partial demolition, as well as the original Colt. It has two fuses and a system Blowback, which brings to the fire even more realism. But unlike a revolver has a greater impact, so a wife and chose a revolver.

The store has the size of the original, so set the balloon sticks out a little bit.

The shop is designed for 19 bullets, but in fact vlazit 18. After the store will shoot shutter remains in this position.

Set arrow

One bottle is enough for about 50-60 shot, a little less than that of a revolver. The speed of the bullet as less just 100 m / s, and this is not enough for you to break a bottle of champagne.

Bullets shoot, the shutter in a position

Accuracy of him as less than the revolver, so the shooting distance must be reduced.

In comparison with the revolver he loses in shooting accuracy and muzzle velocity. Wins on rate of fire, size (you can shove his belt) and weight. This is offset by the pleasure that you get from shooting.

So, if you need a gun exclusively for practicing shooting skills - take the gun. It is accurate, powerful, unpretentious. Its a pleasure to hold in your hands, twist on the finger and play with falshpatronami. But you get more enjoyment from the 1911, mainly thanks to bloubek.
