Ukrainians allowed to arm themselves?

The Cabinet has submitted to the Verkhovna Rada bill which will allow the Ukrainians who have reached 25 years of age to buy lethal weapons, ie traumatic pistols and revolvers.
This will be the first law on weapons permit in Ukraine (before its purchase regulated Resolution of the Parliament in 1992), the magazine writes "Today».
Ukrainians now 18 years old can buy a pneumatic caliber 4, 5 mm, crossbows, edged weapons - swords, daggers, knives and gas pistols and revolvers. 21 years - firearms smoothbore hunting weapons, and 25 - hunting rifled firearms. But now, with 25 years it will be possible to buy more guns and revolvers, firing rubber bullets non-lethal (now selling travmatiki allowed only People's Deputy, journalists and law enforcement agencies).
"The law does limit citizens' right to travmatiku only by age category it is not painted. But the list also determines the Cabinet. Not the fact that to allow the purchase of all "- said the speaker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergey Boatmen.
According to him, for the first time at the legislative level prescribed age limit to buy weapons, the rules of the purchase, storage, more commonly having painted the rules that were previously registered in the decisions of the Cabinet and Parliament.
According to the document, to get weapons permit (issued for 3 years), will need to provide a health certificate, and the absence of a conviction. May refuse the absence of registration, incompetent and those who is registered and the treatment of al * * ogolizma or drug Oman. Do not give out weapons and convicted.
Former Deputy Interior Minister, MP from the "Fatherland" Gennady Moskal categorically against innovations. According to him, this will increase the crime rate.
"Psychiatrists say that we have almost one in four - mental problems. Issue weapons in exchange for help in our country - is who should be? It can also be purchased for 100 UAH. We have 376,000 policemen and their problems, we passed on to citizens. Where is the guarantee that people bought guns do not will move into the hands of murderers, robbers, Gopnik? "- He said.
"Gopnik and murderers, and so would get a weapon - retorted one of the police officers. - Why People's Deputy possible in trauma, and ordinary citizens can not? »
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I agree with the law enforcement officers. In the case of the man says. Gopota and others because really if you want razzhivutsya trunks. But ordinary citizens somehow without them basically walk.