How does the police
Unique criminal case on attack on a police opened recently in Moscow investigators. The unusual it is that the main accused in the case of 79-year-old runs a professor at the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation Alexander Kulikov. In recent years, he has defended prominent members of the Russian government - Shoigu, Zubkov and many other equally honored people.
In late June, after Alexander G. protection graduate returned to his home on the street Ivan Grandma. In the courtyard, he saw a police patrol and a neighbor Vladimir Zaitsev - former deputy chief of the Burdenko hospital. Zaitsev something loudly discussed with the police. As it turned out, he called the "02" after residents protested porch repairs in the apartment of a new tenant and actions of migrant workers, which throw out the garbage and cement on the floor of the elevator.
Professor Kulikov went to the door and asked the neighbor what happens. In response, the police captain said, "And this is who?". Zaitsev explained that this is one of the most respected residents of the building - Professor Presidential Academy. "Ha-ha! Professor! "- Laughed the captain.
Alexander Kulikov did not enter into discussions with the captain and quietly asked to produce documents, and then overwrite the data in the police notebook. Certificate guardian of order read: "The inspector PPP OMVD for Academic district police captain Peter Kushchev." The professor, the captain and two police officers went to the entrance. "Look at what's going on - it's not possible, you condone that all this outrage?" - Asked the captain Kushchev Professor Kulikov.
Statement of Professor Alexander Kulikov RF IC
The reaction of the police led to the shock of many residents, witnesses who at that time were in the stairwell. Kushchev together with the sergeant and the driver of the police crew chained 79-year-old man in handcuffs and dragged half-bent outwards. When you exit the entrance professor "accidentally" put his head on the door frame, split the forehead, and then dragged into a police car. Alexander Kulikov would have survived the detention - is unknown.
An elderly professor literally repulsed inhabitants of the house and drove up the doctors of "first aid", which asked people in the form of "do not take a sin," because the person is in a state of PIS and could die at any moment. Under public pressure, the police removed the handcuffs and released professor. After removing the beating and leaving the hospital Kulikov wrote several complaints to the Interior Ministry, the Prosecutor's Office and the FSB against the police. A month later, the professor was summoned to the Investigative Committee for examination, but at the same time asking strange questions unrelated to his beating. Professor asked to investigate the situation lawyer Irina Tikhomirov.
As a result - yesterday Gagarin investigator of the investigation department SU SK Russia in Moscow Vadim Greece reported lawyer important news, which up to this point no one knew. As it turned out, even on July 31 in respect of Professor Alexander Kulikov criminal case under Part. 1, Art. 318 of the Criminal Code ("Violence against a representative of power"), for which faces up to five years in prison. As it turned out, the police captain told investigators that he "applied not less than six strokes, in consequence of which he received the" physical pain and deeply traumatized. " Moreover, according to the case file, the investigator Greece fully trust the testimony of Captain Kushchev and did not even bother to question numerous witnesses, shoot everything that happens on a mobile phone.
As the correspondent "RG" lawyer Irina Tikhomirov, on Thursday, August 22, she was asked to come to the UK GSM in Moscow, "to resolve the issue." And before that, with the same question to the professor approached police officers - two major branch of the Academic Area - asking "forgive Kushchev captain who accidentally fell off." As for the Presidential Distinguished Lecturer Academy, yesterday after the confirmation of the information that a criminal case he was taken to the "first" in a Moscow clinic with a suspected heart attack.
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