Terrible murder in New York
1. September 29, 1892
Let's imagine the scene: The cries, sounds of fighting could be heard from the room on the top floor of an apartment building on Hester Street. Man in fedora quickly down the stairs, he is clearly somewhere in a hurry. Alarmed neighbors detained him and entered the apartment, where they found Frank Paulsen with the hatchet in his head.
Sixty years Frank was lying on the floor with a knife in his skull. The room was painted in blood, but, surprisingly, Paulsen was still alive. However, by the time the police called an ambulance, & lt; he died of his injuries. Police found a wound on his right hand, Frank, allegedly, he defended, and in his hand was clamped strand of hair of others. But this evidence is not suitable
The man was detained neighbor was arrested, but he had an alibi and on the body and clothes was not a drop of blood was quickly released. Soon the police arrived, Frank Roehl, who confessed to the murder Paulsen, but he also claimed that the victim had attacked him, and he used the ax in self-defense. The Court thought otherwise and declared guilty Rola.
Bonus fact: During the cross-examination Rol attacked the district attorney, and only the intervention of the police saved the prosecutor from injury.
2. December 7, 1900
Let's imagine the scene: A cozy house in Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Jones hired a nurse to take care of their boy eighteen months. Mr. and Mrs. Jones sat in the living room, rest, play the piano. Later, poor Mrs. Jones went into the kitchen and made a terrible discovery.
While Jones enjoyed after dinner playing the piano in the living room, Alice O'Donnell, twenty-eight year-old nurse, calmly took the razor head of the family of the chest and cut the child's throat from ear to ear, and then quietly dressed and went. At eleven o'clock, Mrs. Jones came into the kitchen and found the body of his son. She called the police srazuzhe ...
Alice O'Donnell was arrested at his home on North Avenue in Portland. She calmly confessed to the murder and expressed no remorse. Why would she do that? She said that the murder of a child was a purely impulsive desire and had no reason to. Detectives at the time thought that she was crazy, but murdered child's parents insisted that she was of sound mind and deliberately killed their son.
Bonus fact: Mrs. Jones thought that Alice, who was forced to abandon a newborn child, eight months before the murder in cold blood killed her baby out of jealousy and depression.
3. September 27, 1902
Let's imagine the scene: The basement of the hotel in the red light district. Police found that the basement is the smell of smoldering fire on the human body and ...
As police approached a man who said what he saw as the ex-convict Thomas Tobin James Kraft dragged along the street. Police began bypassing the area. The smell of burning flesh from the basement made the police break down the door. A few buckets of water and they put out the fire in the stove after they raked out all the ashes and found a round object, which on closer inspection turned out to be a human head. Part the hair and flesh burned, but there was no doubt, it was James Kraft. Bloody murder weapon - a meat cleaver, and the rest of the victim's body lay nearby. The body was almost completely chipped up and down and was like what people are used to seeing in slaughterhouses.
Tobin was immediately arrested, his clothes, and he was covered in blood. He killed Kraft to steal $ 50. Despite attempts to feign madness, he was found healthy and convicted of murder and sentenced to death.
Bonus fact: First, Tobit engaged in butchering the body, but when he realized that it is physically easily sawed off his head and threw it into the fireplace. The next victim he was the one witness, because they knew each other, but Thomas did not want to leave witnesses.
4. July 19 1878
Let's imagine the scene: three boys wandered through the woods near the picturesque Silver Lake. One guy saw poluzakopannuyu barrel and her friends decided to dig in hopes of finding the treasure. And they found a treasure. The barrel was partly decomposed body of a woman.
His face was disfigured victims of chemical substances and there were clear signs of a few strong blows with a blunt object. Investigators also discovered that she was pregnant. About a month later, investigators went to Edward Reinhardt, whose wife, Mary Anne Degnan missing. The couple quarreled constantly, and Reinhard was known for violent temper. In addition, a few days after the disappearance of Mary Ann, Reinhard told neighbors that she left. Soon after, he married another woman.
Protecting Edward tried to save that person can not be identified, but during the trial, Reinhardt himself confessed to the murder, admitting that he hit for Mary Ann head with a hammer during ssory.Pozzhe he refused to testify, saying she died of edema brain, and he had just buried the body in order to avoid trouble with the police. His fairy tales do not believe. He was hanged ...
Bonus Fact: Initially, the police suspected that the victim might be Annie Hommel. Another missing girl. She's birth was broken wrist. And in order to check speculation was dug up the dead body of a beggar with the same injury as Annie. Investigators unearthed the grave, cut off from the poor remains both hands and cooked them in the boiler directly to the cemetery to examine the bones. After the analysis of bones from the version that they were the remains of Annie investigators refused.
5. May 18, 1873
Let's imagine the scene: The bartender at the dance salon on Thompson Street is in the back yard. There is a toilet, or rather hole. There he finds a huge puddle of blood and blood-stained razor.
Soon, the bartender called the police. As a result, in the toilet and in the pit did not find the body, but in the end crawl next door found the body of a prostitute Mary Jane Sullivan with traces of violent death. But the wounds on the body said that traces of blood in the toilet did not belong to Mary Jane. Who has lost so much blood? Soon, the police found the answer.
Mary Jane was living with two other women, prostitutes, under the "protection" of James Jackson. Also, there were witnesses who saw, James beat Mary at the door on the day.
Police believe a drunk Jackson caught Mary Jane dancing with a man in a bar. He lashed out at the man, but he took a razor and cut his face. A few days after the murder, Jackson withdrew $ 200 from a bank account and fled the city. His fate remains unknown.
6. August 26, 1871
Let's imagine the scene: Manhattan Railroad Depot. Cleaning opens the door to the toilet because of the smell of rotting flesh that. And to him the body of a beautiful young blonde, who was dead for several days.
The investigation revealed that the victim died from injuries caused by botched abortions. Worse, it turned out that she died during an abortion, right into the toilet. Soon we found and "doctor" Iaka Rosenzweig, who walked with a diploma from an obstetrician-gynecologist, with a degree turned out to be bogus.
Unidentified body was put on display to find relatives. Hundreds of onlookers came to watch the rotting remains, simply because the investigation was on everyone's lips. Alice August Boulsbi from New Jersey was finally identified her family doctor, and the cast of teeth helped confirm that the remains in front of them was Alice. Rosenzweig was convicted and imprisoned
Bonus fact: Alice's lover, Walter Conklin, apparently dad of her child, committed suicide by shooting himself when he learned of her death.
7. 25 December 1843
Let's imagine the scene: Christmas night. A fire in a wooden house near Steytn Island. Flames shot down and the house found the bodies of a woman and child. It was immediately clear that this was a murder, and the fire was a way to hide the traces.
This, incidentally, is one of the most famous murders in the United States. Emeline Van Pelt Housman and her twenty-month-old daughter lying in blood with broken skulls and beschilennym number of bone fractures. Women also cut the throat
Police suspected Polly Hausman Bodine, Emeline relative, or rather her husband's sister. Polly was not an angel. A married woman with teenage children. She left her husband to live with a pharmacist, George White. She drank. She lived across the street from Emeline. And according to witnesses, she apparently lied to the police about what was the whole day outside the city.
No direct evidence of guilt Polly Hausman Bodine has never been. There were three courts and all its justified. It is still unclear who killed his mother with a child.
Bonus fact: George Housman, Emeline husband, said (quote), "I can find another wife. I can conceive another child. But I can never get another sister. " A good husband, right?
8. April 24, 1891
Let's imagine the scene: the embankment Manhattan hotel East River. The walls, floor and furniture in the room 31, soaked with blood. The body of the famous prostitute, Carrie Brown, found strangled, dismembered and horribly disfigured. Killer gutting knife and threw it across the room ... authorities knife lying next to the victim ...
Awesome case after several years of Jack the Ripper in London. Immediately newspapers were full of headlines in the style of "Jack the Ripper in America!»
The police also arrested almost immediately Amir Ben Ali, a native of Algeria, who filmed the next room 33. Although the witnesses were unable to identify him as the man who was seen with Kerry that night, investigators claimed to have found blood on the door and the doorknob in his room.
All charges were based on these traces of blood. Nevertheless, in those days it was impossible to say with certainty whether the victim's blood and whether it was all blood. However, the jury found Amir's murder. He spent eleven years in Sing Sing before his conviction was overturned when it became known that the police faked their evidence ... Yes, the same blood. Murder Kerry Brown remains unsolved to this day.
9. 18 July 1856
Let's imagine the scene: the tailor's assistant preparing to open a shop on Broadway in the early morning. He sees the blood on the door handle. Call the police makes the door and finds the naked body of Bartholomew Burke in a sea of blood.
Burke, unmarried receptionist who worked at the store for several years, and lay there in the store, was found dead with signs of brutal violence. Beautiful blade sticking out of his chest, and it was evident that it flowed liters of blood. On his forehead, "wore" a deep dent on the hammer.
Police identified the killer stabbed Burke calmly washed his hands (not very good judging by the track on the door handle), and left the shop, locked the door and left. No witnesses. There is no evidence. Nothing was stolen. There were no clues
The police were baffled. Trying to trace the history of the sword failed. In the absence of a suspect or motive, the murder of Bartholomew Burke remains unsolved mystery until now.
Bonus fact: Despite the fact that the victim is clearly struggling for life before death, neighbors from above have not heard anything.
10. 27 June 1897
Let's imagine the scene: Half human torso wrapped in a bag and found two boys bathe in the East River. In addition to them in the day we found two male legs that sailed near the Navy Yard. As the days passed, the rumor is spreading through the streets here and there found the remains of the others chipped male body, but did not have the head ...
Murder victim was William Guldensappe who worked masseur. That part of the body were found. A few days later, investigators tracked down the ex-girlfriend of William Augustus.
After the death of William Augustus, wasted no time in all amused with a new boyfriend Martin Thorne. It immediately seemed suspicious. Once Martin, a little drunk, told a friend that he, jealous Augustus killed William. August knew about it and did not oppose, and even helped him with the remains of a former youth. The friend then called the police story. Thorn was convicted and executed in the electric chair August 1, 1898. August testified and stayed ten years in prison.
That such "silent" were streets of old New York
Let's imagine the scene: The cries, sounds of fighting could be heard from the room on the top floor of an apartment building on Hester Street. Man in fedora quickly down the stairs, he is clearly somewhere in a hurry. Alarmed neighbors detained him and entered the apartment, where they found Frank Paulsen with the hatchet in his head.
Sixty years Frank was lying on the floor with a knife in his skull. The room was painted in blood, but, surprisingly, Paulsen was still alive. However, by the time the police called an ambulance, & lt; he died of his injuries. Police found a wound on his right hand, Frank, allegedly, he defended, and in his hand was clamped strand of hair of others. But this evidence is not suitable

The man was detained neighbor was arrested, but he had an alibi and on the body and clothes was not a drop of blood was quickly released. Soon the police arrived, Frank Roehl, who confessed to the murder Paulsen, but he also claimed that the victim had attacked him, and he used the ax in self-defense. The Court thought otherwise and declared guilty Rola.
Bonus fact: During the cross-examination Rol attacked the district attorney, and only the intervention of the police saved the prosecutor from injury.
2. December 7, 1900
Let's imagine the scene: A cozy house in Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Jones hired a nurse to take care of their boy eighteen months. Mr. and Mrs. Jones sat in the living room, rest, play the piano. Later, poor Mrs. Jones went into the kitchen and made a terrible discovery.
While Jones enjoyed after dinner playing the piano in the living room, Alice O'Donnell, twenty-eight year-old nurse, calmly took the razor head of the family of the chest and cut the child's throat from ear to ear, and then quietly dressed and went. At eleven o'clock, Mrs. Jones came into the kitchen and found the body of his son. She called the police srazuzhe ...
Alice O'Donnell was arrested at his home on North Avenue in Portland. She calmly confessed to the murder and expressed no remorse. Why would she do that? She said that the murder of a child was a purely impulsive desire and had no reason to. Detectives at the time thought that she was crazy, but murdered child's parents insisted that she was of sound mind and deliberately killed their son.
Bonus fact: Mrs. Jones thought that Alice, who was forced to abandon a newborn child, eight months before the murder in cold blood killed her baby out of jealousy and depression.
3. September 27, 1902
Let's imagine the scene: The basement of the hotel in the red light district. Police found that the basement is the smell of smoldering fire on the human body and ...
As police approached a man who said what he saw as the ex-convict Thomas Tobin James Kraft dragged along the street. Police began bypassing the area. The smell of burning flesh from the basement made the police break down the door. A few buckets of water and they put out the fire in the stove after they raked out all the ashes and found a round object, which on closer inspection turned out to be a human head. Part the hair and flesh burned, but there was no doubt, it was James Kraft. Bloody murder weapon - a meat cleaver, and the rest of the victim's body lay nearby. The body was almost completely chipped up and down and was like what people are used to seeing in slaughterhouses.
Tobin was immediately arrested, his clothes, and he was covered in blood. He killed Kraft to steal $ 50. Despite attempts to feign madness, he was found healthy and convicted of murder and sentenced to death.
Bonus fact: First, Tobit engaged in butchering the body, but when he realized that it is physically easily sawed off his head and threw it into the fireplace. The next victim he was the one witness, because they knew each other, but Thomas did not want to leave witnesses.
4. July 19 1878
Let's imagine the scene: three boys wandered through the woods near the picturesque Silver Lake. One guy saw poluzakopannuyu barrel and her friends decided to dig in hopes of finding the treasure. And they found a treasure. The barrel was partly decomposed body of a woman.
His face was disfigured victims of chemical substances and there were clear signs of a few strong blows with a blunt object. Investigators also discovered that she was pregnant. About a month later, investigators went to Edward Reinhardt, whose wife, Mary Anne Degnan missing. The couple quarreled constantly, and Reinhard was known for violent temper. In addition, a few days after the disappearance of Mary Ann, Reinhard told neighbors that she left. Soon after, he married another woman.
Protecting Edward tried to save that person can not be identified, but during the trial, Reinhardt himself confessed to the murder, admitting that he hit for Mary Ann head with a hammer during ssory.Pozzhe he refused to testify, saying she died of edema brain, and he had just buried the body in order to avoid trouble with the police. His fairy tales do not believe. He was hanged ...
Bonus Fact: Initially, the police suspected that the victim might be Annie Hommel. Another missing girl. She's birth was broken wrist. And in order to check speculation was dug up the dead body of a beggar with the same injury as Annie. Investigators unearthed the grave, cut off from the poor remains both hands and cooked them in the boiler directly to the cemetery to examine the bones. After the analysis of bones from the version that they were the remains of Annie investigators refused.
5. May 18, 1873
Let's imagine the scene: The bartender at the dance salon on Thompson Street is in the back yard. There is a toilet, or rather hole. There he finds a huge puddle of blood and blood-stained razor.
Soon, the bartender called the police. As a result, in the toilet and in the pit did not find the body, but in the end crawl next door found the body of a prostitute Mary Jane Sullivan with traces of violent death. But the wounds on the body said that traces of blood in the toilet did not belong to Mary Jane. Who has lost so much blood? Soon, the police found the answer.
Mary Jane was living with two other women, prostitutes, under the "protection" of James Jackson. Also, there were witnesses who saw, James beat Mary at the door on the day.
Police believe a drunk Jackson caught Mary Jane dancing with a man in a bar. He lashed out at the man, but he took a razor and cut his face. A few days after the murder, Jackson withdrew $ 200 from a bank account and fled the city. His fate remains unknown.
6. August 26, 1871
Let's imagine the scene: Manhattan Railroad Depot. Cleaning opens the door to the toilet because of the smell of rotting flesh that. And to him the body of a beautiful young blonde, who was dead for several days.
The investigation revealed that the victim died from injuries caused by botched abortions. Worse, it turned out that she died during an abortion, right into the toilet. Soon we found and "doctor" Iaka Rosenzweig, who walked with a diploma from an obstetrician-gynecologist, with a degree turned out to be bogus.
Unidentified body was put on display to find relatives. Hundreds of onlookers came to watch the rotting remains, simply because the investigation was on everyone's lips. Alice August Boulsbi from New Jersey was finally identified her family doctor, and the cast of teeth helped confirm that the remains in front of them was Alice. Rosenzweig was convicted and imprisoned
Bonus fact: Alice's lover, Walter Conklin, apparently dad of her child, committed suicide by shooting himself when he learned of her death.
7. 25 December 1843
Let's imagine the scene: Christmas night. A fire in a wooden house near Steytn Island. Flames shot down and the house found the bodies of a woman and child. It was immediately clear that this was a murder, and the fire was a way to hide the traces.
This, incidentally, is one of the most famous murders in the United States. Emeline Van Pelt Housman and her twenty-month-old daughter lying in blood with broken skulls and beschilennym number of bone fractures. Women also cut the throat
Police suspected Polly Hausman Bodine, Emeline relative, or rather her husband's sister. Polly was not an angel. A married woman with teenage children. She left her husband to live with a pharmacist, George White. She drank. She lived across the street from Emeline. And according to witnesses, she apparently lied to the police about what was the whole day outside the city.
No direct evidence of guilt Polly Hausman Bodine has never been. There were three courts and all its justified. It is still unclear who killed his mother with a child.
Bonus fact: George Housman, Emeline husband, said (quote), "I can find another wife. I can conceive another child. But I can never get another sister. " A good husband, right?
8. April 24, 1891
Let's imagine the scene: the embankment Manhattan hotel East River. The walls, floor and furniture in the room 31, soaked with blood. The body of the famous prostitute, Carrie Brown, found strangled, dismembered and horribly disfigured. Killer gutting knife and threw it across the room ... authorities knife lying next to the victim ...
Awesome case after several years of Jack the Ripper in London. Immediately newspapers were full of headlines in the style of "Jack the Ripper in America!»
The police also arrested almost immediately Amir Ben Ali, a native of Algeria, who filmed the next room 33. Although the witnesses were unable to identify him as the man who was seen with Kerry that night, investigators claimed to have found blood on the door and the doorknob in his room.
All charges were based on these traces of blood. Nevertheless, in those days it was impossible to say with certainty whether the victim's blood and whether it was all blood. However, the jury found Amir's murder. He spent eleven years in Sing Sing before his conviction was overturned when it became known that the police faked their evidence ... Yes, the same blood. Murder Kerry Brown remains unsolved to this day.
9. 18 July 1856
Let's imagine the scene: the tailor's assistant preparing to open a shop on Broadway in the early morning. He sees the blood on the door handle. Call the police makes the door and finds the naked body of Bartholomew Burke in a sea of blood.
Burke, unmarried receptionist who worked at the store for several years, and lay there in the store, was found dead with signs of brutal violence. Beautiful blade sticking out of his chest, and it was evident that it flowed liters of blood. On his forehead, "wore" a deep dent on the hammer.
Police identified the killer stabbed Burke calmly washed his hands (not very good judging by the track on the door handle), and left the shop, locked the door and left. No witnesses. There is no evidence. Nothing was stolen. There were no clues
The police were baffled. Trying to trace the history of the sword failed. In the absence of a suspect or motive, the murder of Bartholomew Burke remains unsolved mystery until now.
Bonus fact: Despite the fact that the victim is clearly struggling for life before death, neighbors from above have not heard anything.
10. 27 June 1897
Let's imagine the scene: Half human torso wrapped in a bag and found two boys bathe in the East River. In addition to them in the day we found two male legs that sailed near the Navy Yard. As the days passed, the rumor is spreading through the streets here and there found the remains of the others chipped male body, but did not have the head ...
Murder victim was William Guldensappe who worked masseur. That part of the body were found. A few days later, investigators tracked down the ex-girlfriend of William Augustus.
After the death of William Augustus, wasted no time in all amused with a new boyfriend Martin Thorne. It immediately seemed suspicious. Once Martin, a little drunk, told a friend that he, jealous Augustus killed William. August knew about it and did not oppose, and even helped him with the remains of a former youth. The friend then called the police story. Thorn was convicted and executed in the electric chair August 1, 1898. August testified and stayed ten years in prison.
That such "silent" were streets of old New York