MetaPro - new augmented reality glasses

Not so long ago Habré wrote about one of the projects of augmented reality glasses SpaceGlasses META .01 . The main feature of the project is that unlike, still can not appear in the sale, Google Glass, these glasses are invented specifically for human interaction and "augmented reality." All projects are well: and there are 2 screens instead of one at the GG and the input device is built into the gadget, but a serious drawback that can scare off most potential buyers began to design the device. In the first video from the company's device looked like:
But, fortunately, the creators of the device did not sit on the ground and that's just today announced a new version of these points. And this time, they promise a revolution in the field of mobile gadgets.
As developers promise , we no longer need to buy yourself a new phone, TV or computer. Now we need only buy a pair of glasses augmented reality to which we will be able to download the appropriate hologram device. And to confirm his words, they took off here is a demo video:
Looks pretty good. But the beautiful video this one, but the bare facts, as characteristics of the device, we are much more interesting. And what characteristics the developers say:
Two transparent display resolution of 1280x720 pixels overall. Field of view of 40 °.
WiFi: 802.11n
Bluetooth 4.0
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass.
Wearable Computer:
Processor: Intel i5 CPU
32Whr battery
Also, the developers claim that the Market applications already mono download about 500 applications for this device.
And now a little about sad: for pre-order price of the device is $ 2985 (first delivery devices planned for June 2014). Developer version can be purchased for $ 667 with delivery in January, but these glasses look like this:

Including We seem to expect a boom technologies of virtual and augmented reality in the coming year.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/206524/