"Thieves in Law" - 1989 hits
Genre: Action, Drama, crime films, a social drama, film adaptation
The film stars Anna Samokhina, Valentin Gaft, Vladimir Steklov, Boris Shcherbakov, Arnis Licitis, Nurbiy Kamke, Zinovy Gerdt, Givi (Gia) Lezhava, H. Hakobyan, Stanislav Korenev, Constantine Kischuk Sergei Maksachev, Sergey Nikulin, Sergei Silkin
Director: Yuri Kara
Written by: Yuri Kara
Operator: Vadim Semenov
Artist: Anatoly Kochurov
Premiere: December 1988
Shooting the story about the king of the criminal world, who took control of all power in the resort town, Yuri Kara began tentatively called "Chegem stories." Too blatant application of a film about organized crime in the Soviet Union with an open ending, to state that we have the Mafia is immortal, invincible and corruption, it would cut down on the earliest stages.
Even despite the fact that the director has proved its reliability patriotic film "Tomorrow Was the War", and in the late 1980s and much has already been resolved. Officials output "thieves in law" as something already viewed in hindsight, using a mouthpiece lured critics have tried to brand director shame.
Karoui lowered all the dogs, but the audience voted for the picture ruble, sympathizing in contrast with "Werewolves" in uniform and bespredelschik Ramses, fair and charming thief in law.
Arthur's right hand - his driver and bodyguard - played by actor Sergei Silkin Yalta. "After the premiere of the film in Yalta was a real boom - says Sergey. - Me and before that in many knew, but now all should appear on the street behind me started whispering: "Look, this is the same man who tortured iron man!" Or "Yes it is, he made himself Hakobyan hand cut off! ».
Then came, refined - shook his hand and asked for an autograph. (Laughs.) And this went on for several years in a row - because the film in theaters successfully repeated. For me it was a great opportunity to work with a talented director and a great actor.
All on-site were enchanted by the beauty and charm of Ani Samokhina - in her life she was strikingly different from her character Rita. Well, it seems to me, Yuri Kara was a little in love with her - shielded her from any excessive attention. Remember, put his arm around her in the evening as a joke - it was already cool, she says: "Warm" - and her breasts so chic!
And hear Jura shouts: "Serge, in this scenario, no!". Hmayak Hakobyan though playing the dark type, behind the scenes for all was a source of good mood and incessant tricks. However, no secret he we never opened - as we are not begging: "Hamayak, how did you get gold coin turns into $ 20?».
He laughed and pointed: "Here, on either side of any distance and see." Phenomenal dexterity!
A Gaft struck by the fact that every day doing power gymnastics - specifically carried with a harness.
We discussed these topics. Yuri Kara same exaggerated showed me such bullies bully-- then boom was in gyms, and I also trained ».
By the way, surrounded by Yuri Kara said that he was thinking about the sequel to the beloved film.
Yuri Kara going to shoot this film in Abkhazia, but when Sukhumi authorities learned that the prototype of the hero will be their local crime boss, the director hinted that the crew can not count on their assistance: "Without the police to remove the chase and shooting, we could not take and we are forced to move to the Crimea.
I have not even thought working on the script for the stories of Iskander, that the story is so real. The bartender and a policeman all worked well, and the thief in law was in prison, and I was allowed to Yuri Shihmanom (on my mother's side he - Lakoba) to meet and talk ", - says Yuri Kara.
In the film by Yuri Kara geography of events is conditional - somewhere in the seaside town and its mountain surroundings. But on the screen Yalta unrecognizable only for those who have never been there. Old mansion municipal registrar's office became a suitable home for the King Arthur of the local mafia, mafia lawyer by Zinovy Gerdt came to the court of the Palace of Pioneers, and the principal bartender Volodya desantik (Vladimir Steklov) worked in the "green" bar on the beach of the hotel "Intourist Yalta-" .
Dashing chase with stunts filmed in the city center: in the late 1980s was not yet familiar now slugging, and working conditions in broad daylight forces managed to secure only two crews of GAI. Arthur chased bespredelschik Ramses (Givi Lejava) on Kirov Street, and caught and shot him already B40 kmot the city - on the rise to Baydarskaya goal.
In the episodes and crowd scenes starring more than 100 yaltintsev. "The hardest thing was to find a little daughter of Arthur - says assistant director Tamara Butyrskaya. - Need a girl with very expressive eyes, and I searched all the Yalta kindergartens, until I saw Anya Shamoyan. But her mother had to beg for a long time, until she heard the magic word Gaft ».
After the film's release Natalia Golubeva jealous of all the female half of the population not only in Yalta, but also the entire Soviet Union. She was not just lucky enough to be in the frame with Valentine Gaft - women in movie theaters, with bated breath, watched as she touches his muscular body. According to the script, she was married to a major mafia city, and as the wife of Arthur, it is still a few years and then recognized on the streets.
"I remember everything as if it happened to me yesterday - says Natalia. - And scary to think that I could not let go to work on these surveys. Do not let go, you know! And then I worked behind the bar in a popular cafe "The old sycamore." But this is Gaft! Everyone on the set revolved around him, and all his comments were afraid.
"This is my wife or not? - He asked prop. - Then where our rings? ". I was shocked - this power emanated from him: a perfect man, a great actor - and in his life he was even better than on the screen. And, of course, to me it was easy, in one scene in the courtyard of our house cine, at the request of Yuri Kara, jealousy and hostility to look at her rival - heroine Anna Samokhina.
I think I got it (laughs). But when it came to my remarks, I, frankly, was shaking, but I coped - in movies since the 2nd grade filming ».
Playing the Victim racketeers, yaltinets Anatoly Belevtsov on the Soviet screen became the first victims of torture electric iron. This episode of "smoky" brought him fame-Union. "He was famous not so much me, how my belly - laughing Anatoly. - And this scene is still my trademark, despite the fact that I took part in the filming of nearly a hundred films.
Only two words - "Iron" and "stomach" to any of the spectators thought my role. Will give you rest, none of the fragments of my body when filming was not injured. But my wife managed to cut yourself on the "burn." How did this happen? Iron on his stomach badly behaved - immediately fell, as soon as I began to "writhe».
And then come up with make-up artists soaked gauze and glue it under toned skin color. Keep everything well - even very: Kara had to pull the cord to iron at the right time flew on teddy bear with money. Shooting ended late at night, and at Yalta water was bad - shut off until morning. Well, I think - in the morning and otmoyus.
And went with the "burn" sleep - gauze same had already solidified as glass. Wife in a dream hand led and cut! ».
By the way, Belevtsov could not play a starring role, because first assistant director identified him as a gardener in the estate "kingpin". But when he returned to Yalta Yuri Kara - he got another festival prize for his film "Tomorrow Was the War" - he did not like the selection tsehovikov, and at the studio was appointed the new bride.
"Man has been viewed 150, and the one who did not want to see, - says Anatoly. - Kara And I happened to notice in the corridor: "Yes, that is our tsehoviki!". Who are tsehoviki, I had no idea, and not knowing what to me directed, argued with him, "I already have a gardener." Well, then I have myself and came up with the name name.
In the episode, when tsehoviki money from the passbook for Arthur remove my name on the spine would not fit. I was told: "Write any, if only climbed." I wrote - Jan Azarov Sudak. It can be seen close-up ».
Barishpolets played a schoolgirl who shamed heroine Anna Samokhina for vulgar behavior in a public place. She now lives in Moscow, is going to become a psychotherapist, and then there was the Yalta first-grader. "It's all been my first day of school - says Nick. - And I was like in a ceremonial apron, with a bandage medpomoschnika and musical folder, and came with the pope to "Oreanda».
A half-baked my classmates standing behind the ribbon - filming location was fenced - watched as I'm in a movie. Of course, I was embarrassed, so the scene was removed from the third take. By the way, also because Samokhina not know the text, and I was so outraged I learned that my! I do not remember whether I to the point of principle to approach adults with comments, but female smokers still do not like and she never smoked.
During the shooting, I then received a fee - 7 rubles and kopecks. These were serious money. Even though my parents spoiled money that I'm very proud of earnings - bought a watch "Electronics". Were white and red - I chose white! And all my life, every couple of years, certainly one of the friends, if watching a movie on TV and sees titles, calls and congratulates ».
The film stars Anna Samokhina, Valentin Gaft, Vladimir Steklov, Boris Shcherbakov, Arnis Licitis, Nurbiy Kamke, Zinovy Gerdt, Givi (Gia) Lezhava, H. Hakobyan, Stanislav Korenev, Constantine Kischuk Sergei Maksachev, Sergey Nikulin, Sergei Silkin
Director: Yuri Kara
Written by: Yuri Kara
Operator: Vadim Semenov
Artist: Anatoly Kochurov
Premiere: December 1988

Shooting the story about the king of the criminal world, who took control of all power in the resort town, Yuri Kara began tentatively called "Chegem stories." Too blatant application of a film about organized crime in the Soviet Union with an open ending, to state that we have the Mafia is immortal, invincible and corruption, it would cut down on the earliest stages.

Even despite the fact that the director has proved its reliability patriotic film "Tomorrow Was the War", and in the late 1980s and much has already been resolved. Officials output "thieves in law" as something already viewed in hindsight, using a mouthpiece lured critics have tried to brand director shame.
Karoui lowered all the dogs, but the audience voted for the picture ruble, sympathizing in contrast with "Werewolves" in uniform and bespredelschik Ramses, fair and charming thief in law.

Arthur's right hand - his driver and bodyguard - played by actor Sergei Silkin Yalta. "After the premiere of the film in Yalta was a real boom - says Sergey. - Me and before that in many knew, but now all should appear on the street behind me started whispering: "Look, this is the same man who tortured iron man!" Or "Yes it is, he made himself Hakobyan hand cut off! ».
Then came, refined - shook his hand and asked for an autograph. (Laughs.) And this went on for several years in a row - because the film in theaters successfully repeated. For me it was a great opportunity to work with a talented director and a great actor.

All on-site were enchanted by the beauty and charm of Ani Samokhina - in her life she was strikingly different from her character Rita. Well, it seems to me, Yuri Kara was a little in love with her - shielded her from any excessive attention. Remember, put his arm around her in the evening as a joke - it was already cool, she says: "Warm" - and her breasts so chic!
And hear Jura shouts: "Serge, in this scenario, no!". Hmayak Hakobyan though playing the dark type, behind the scenes for all was a source of good mood and incessant tricks. However, no secret he we never opened - as we are not begging: "Hamayak, how did you get gold coin turns into $ 20?».
He laughed and pointed: "Here, on either side of any distance and see." Phenomenal dexterity!
A Gaft struck by the fact that every day doing power gymnastics - specifically carried with a harness.

We discussed these topics. Yuri Kara same exaggerated showed me such bullies bully-- then boom was in gyms, and I also trained ».
By the way, surrounded by Yuri Kara said that he was thinking about the sequel to the beloved film.
Yuri Kara going to shoot this film in Abkhazia, but when Sukhumi authorities learned that the prototype of the hero will be their local crime boss, the director hinted that the crew can not count on their assistance: "Without the police to remove the chase and shooting, we could not take and we are forced to move to the Crimea.
I have not even thought working on the script for the stories of Iskander, that the story is so real. The bartender and a policeman all worked well, and the thief in law was in prison, and I was allowed to Yuri Shihmanom (on my mother's side he - Lakoba) to meet and talk ", - says Yuri Kara.

In the film by Yuri Kara geography of events is conditional - somewhere in the seaside town and its mountain surroundings. But on the screen Yalta unrecognizable only for those who have never been there. Old mansion municipal registrar's office became a suitable home for the King Arthur of the local mafia, mafia lawyer by Zinovy Gerdt came to the court of the Palace of Pioneers, and the principal bartender Volodya desantik (Vladimir Steklov) worked in the "green" bar on the beach of the hotel "Intourist Yalta-" .
Dashing chase with stunts filmed in the city center: in the late 1980s was not yet familiar now slugging, and working conditions in broad daylight forces managed to secure only two crews of GAI. Arthur chased bespredelschik Ramses (Givi Lejava) on Kirov Street, and caught and shot him already B40 kmot the city - on the rise to Baydarskaya goal.

In the episodes and crowd scenes starring more than 100 yaltintsev. "The hardest thing was to find a little daughter of Arthur - says assistant director Tamara Butyrskaya. - Need a girl with very expressive eyes, and I searched all the Yalta kindergartens, until I saw Anya Shamoyan. But her mother had to beg for a long time, until she heard the magic word Gaft ».
After the film's release Natalia Golubeva jealous of all the female half of the population not only in Yalta, but also the entire Soviet Union. She was not just lucky enough to be in the frame with Valentine Gaft - women in movie theaters, with bated breath, watched as she touches his muscular body. According to the script, she was married to a major mafia city, and as the wife of Arthur, it is still a few years and then recognized on the streets.

"I remember everything as if it happened to me yesterday - says Natalia. - And scary to think that I could not let go to work on these surveys. Do not let go, you know! And then I worked behind the bar in a popular cafe "The old sycamore." But this is Gaft! Everyone on the set revolved around him, and all his comments were afraid.
"This is my wife or not? - He asked prop. - Then where our rings? ". I was shocked - this power emanated from him: a perfect man, a great actor - and in his life he was even better than on the screen. And, of course, to me it was easy, in one scene in the courtyard of our house cine, at the request of Yuri Kara, jealousy and hostility to look at her rival - heroine Anna Samokhina.
I think I got it (laughs). But when it came to my remarks, I, frankly, was shaking, but I coped - in movies since the 2nd grade filming ».

Playing the Victim racketeers, yaltinets Anatoly Belevtsov on the Soviet screen became the first victims of torture electric iron. This episode of "smoky" brought him fame-Union. "He was famous not so much me, how my belly - laughing Anatoly. - And this scene is still my trademark, despite the fact that I took part in the filming of nearly a hundred films.
Only two words - "Iron" and "stomach" to any of the spectators thought my role. Will give you rest, none of the fragments of my body when filming was not injured. But my wife managed to cut yourself on the "burn." How did this happen? Iron on his stomach badly behaved - immediately fell, as soon as I began to "writhe».

And then come up with make-up artists soaked gauze and glue it under toned skin color. Keep everything well - even very: Kara had to pull the cord to iron at the right time flew on teddy bear with money. Shooting ended late at night, and at Yalta water was bad - shut off until morning. Well, I think - in the morning and otmoyus.
And went with the "burn" sleep - gauze same had already solidified as glass. Wife in a dream hand led and cut! ».
By the way, Belevtsov could not play a starring role, because first assistant director identified him as a gardener in the estate "kingpin". But when he returned to Yalta Yuri Kara - he got another festival prize for his film "Tomorrow Was the War" - he did not like the selection tsehovikov, and at the studio was appointed the new bride.
"Man has been viewed 150, and the one who did not want to see, - says Anatoly. - Kara And I happened to notice in the corridor: "Yes, that is our tsehoviki!". Who are tsehoviki, I had no idea, and not knowing what to me directed, argued with him, "I already have a gardener." Well, then I have myself and came up with the name name.
In the episode, when tsehoviki money from the passbook for Arthur remove my name on the spine would not fit. I was told: "Write any, if only climbed." I wrote - Jan Azarov Sudak. It can be seen close-up ».
Barishpolets played a schoolgirl who shamed heroine Anna Samokhina for vulgar behavior in a public place. She now lives in Moscow, is going to become a psychotherapist, and then there was the Yalta first-grader. "It's all been my first day of school - says Nick. - And I was like in a ceremonial apron, with a bandage medpomoschnika and musical folder, and came with the pope to "Oreanda».

A half-baked my classmates standing behind the ribbon - filming location was fenced - watched as I'm in a movie. Of course, I was embarrassed, so the scene was removed from the third take. By the way, also because Samokhina not know the text, and I was so outraged I learned that my! I do not remember whether I to the point of principle to approach adults with comments, but female smokers still do not like and she never smoked.

During the shooting, I then received a fee - 7 rubles and kopecks. These were serious money. Even though my parents spoiled money that I'm very proud of earnings - bought a watch "Electronics". Were white and red - I chose white! And all my life, every couple of years, certainly one of the friends, if watching a movie on TV and sees titles, calls and congratulates ».