Google will distribute free materials to educate developers on DVD-ROM

Today, the Google blog appeared запись, announces an interesting and useful initiative of the search giant - for developers who because of poor Internet channel can not upload their interesting materials for training or development through the Google Developers Groups they will be available on DVD.
At the moment, Dev Kit Pilot contains 4 discs with up to date on the August 2014 data (there are a limited number of on flash cards):
- Manual to Google Cloud Platform from developers.google.com/cloud , including SDK for App Engine li >
- Offline copy developer.android.com together with the Android SDK and Android Studio
- Manual to Material Design from google.com/design
- Best practices for web programming from the developers.google.com/web
- Video on Google Cloud Platform and Android-development with relevant YouTube-channel for developers
- Video channel I / O Dev Bytes Series
- Courses Udacity for Android, App Engine, HTML5 games , UX, Mobile Web
- Google I / O 2014 Design Track videos отсюда. Already more than 2000 sets were transferred through GDG (full list of groups in the country can be found here ) developers and students in Africa , India and Bangladesh.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242392/
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