All people according to their attitude to life, including a family - can be roughly divided into two groups.
"All the people in their attitude to life, including a family - can be roughly divided into two groups. One of them is like a fly. Do flies have such a feature - they always sit on all the dirt and filth, not paying attention to fragrant flowers. Those people who are like flies, notice and looking everywhere only evil, never seeing or trying to see the good. Another group of people resembles a bee. A distinctive feature of bee that she is only a sweet and beautiful, not paying attention to dirty. In such people always thought good works, they see only good things about other people think is good. Those who are accustomed to blame others, including her husband (or wife), I usually suggest to choose which category they belong to the people themselves, and to which those whom they accuse. »
Elder Paisius of the Holy Mountain
According to Vedic knowledge, one must hang on the walls only portraits of holy men.
Cauliflower and green peas