A rare opportunity to look inside a giant data centers Google

Our tour begins at the data center in the Kangxi Bluffs, Iowa. A family of deer at its borders welcomes you.

Inside the center Kangxi Bluffs is 10,860 square meters of space.

It's really a lot!

Routers and switches in the campus server allow data centers to communicate with each other. The network connecting these centers can transfer data more than 200 thousand times faster than the normal home connection.

Move to the data center in Oregon, we see that it is no less impressive.

This inside view on the data center in Douglas County, Georgia. Multicolored tubes transport the water to cool equipment. Inside the buildings are so big favorite method of transportation - bicycles.

Google keeps these pipes with high pressure water at the ready, in case of fire. The water is filtered and purified so that it does not contaminate the facility, if a fire does happen suddenly.

Blue LEDs on this row of servers operators indicate that everything works as it should.

Faulty hard drives are destroyed on the spot. Google says that it is done in order to preserve the privacy of its users.

And here are stored backups of data. To access the desired block, a special robotic arm. Each disc contains a bar code that the hand could unerringly find him.

And this is - a rare frame passes behind the server series. Hundreds of fans move heated air, ensuring effective heat dissipation.

This picture was taken at the Google data center in Finland, located on the shore of the frozen bay. Once this building was used as a paper mill.

And it's kind of the same center inside. Such arrays of servers required for its operation a huge space and efficient energy supply. By the way, data centers Google uses 50 percent less energy than their average counterparts.

Job machines capable to handle such huge amounts of data, generates enormous amounts of heat. And here comes in water cooling. This data center is cooled by sea water of the Gulf of Finland.

Inside the former paper mill is located this beautiful conference room. It is located right next to the sauna center where workers can relax at any time they wish.

A team is a group photo of the Finnish data center selected on ice fishing right at the gate of the office.

Source: www.businessinsider.com