About homeless and good deeds
Recently working on a flower bed in my yard, I saw his neighbors, walking his dog, and was returning home. They stopped to chat with me. During our chat, I asked their little daughter who she wants to be when he grows up. She said that she ever wanted to become president of the United States. Her parents, both liberal Democrats (supporters of the Democratic Party - ed.), Standing nearby, so I asked her, "If you become president, what would you do first?". She replied: "I would provide food and shelter for all the homeless." Her parents glowed with pride. "Wow, this is a worthy goal!" - I said. - "But to do that, you should not wait until you will become president." "What do you mean?" - She asked. And I said to her, "You can come to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, sweep the sidewalks, and I'll pay you $ 50. Then I'll take you to the grocery store, where you can often find a homeless man, and you will give him the $ 50 to buy food and new housing. How about to make such a wonderful thing? ».
She pondered this a few seconds, then looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why do not the homeless can come to you and do all the work, and then you pay him the $ 50?". I told her: "Welcome to the Republican Party! & Quot ;.
Her parents are not talking to me.