How a needle is designed for the homeless
After a hard day, we all want to return to a place where it is warm, cozy and calm – home. However, not everyone has this opportunity. Many people around the world, even in the most severe frosts, stay overnight on the street. This is a world problem, but one brave man decided to deal with it on his own.
Today. "Site" It tells how a young Frenchman came up with a partial solution to the problem of homeless people, providing them with such a necessary thing as a house. Let it be temporary, let it not be real, but warm.
A young engineer from France Geoffroy de Reynal was so amazed by the number of homeless people on the streets of Paris that he decided to act. He used his engineering talent and designed waterproof tents for the homeless, which eventually became known as the needle.
The main idea of the project is to provide homeless people with a cozy and warm corner in which they could retire and spend the night calmly. It turned out a kind of portable house.
The walls of the shelter are made of polyethylene foam and aluminum foil. This design helps keep the temperature inside the tent 15 degrees higher than outside. A waterproof shelter heated by the heat of the human body – isn’t that brilliant?
On top of everything else, there is a small solar panel on the needle, generating energy that feeds the light in the shelter. This helps the homeless person feel comfortable and also provides more privacy than shared lodgings.
It is clear that a shelter for homeless people will not replace this, but not everyone has the opportunity to get there. Some homeless people are afraid that their usual place will take, some can not leave the dogs, and others just do not like when there are many people around.
The needle is a real way to save the lives of those who are forced to spend the night in the open during the cold season. The homeless themselves appreciated this idea and admitted that it is much better than shelters.
The man wants to start mass production of the needle. He says he's going to improve the project a bit: add wheels to make transportation easier, make larger needles for families. He hopes the French government will help him finance the project.
So far, he's raised about $20,000 through a crowdfunding program, with which he built 20 prototype igloos and distributed them to the homeless. Now he wants to teach people in other countries how to build needles. He hopes that the problem homelessness It will resonate in people's hearts.
In the Czech Republic, two young people have already launched this project. They were inspired by Geoffroy’s idea and approached him to acquire a license to make an igloo. In response, the man gave them all the documents for free and said that no license is required, because the main goal is to save lives.
The couple have made a needle with their own money and are soon going to test the needle, giving them to homeless people in different cities of the Czech Republic. Activists report that interest in the project is growing, charities and even government officials have started contacting them.
Let’s hope that the project will become popular and human lives will be saved. It is because of such wonderful people and their projects that the world becomes a little better!
There are people who change the world and they inspire us. Recently, we told the story of Ernst Moreau, who saved thousands of children’s lives with the help of ordinary carrot soup.
In the modern world, there is also a place for heroes. We were inspired by the story of a South Sudanese doctor who stays with his patients no matter what.
Be sure to share this beautiful story with your friends, let it serve as an inspiration for everyone!

Today. "Site" It tells how a young Frenchman came up with a partial solution to the problem of homeless people, providing them with such a necessary thing as a house. Let it be temporary, let it not be real, but warm.
A young engineer from France Geoffroy de Reynal was so amazed by the number of homeless people on the streets of Paris that he decided to act. He used his engineering talent and designed waterproof tents for the homeless, which eventually became known as the needle.
The main idea of the project is to provide homeless people with a cozy and warm corner in which they could retire and spend the night calmly. It turned out a kind of portable house.

The walls of the shelter are made of polyethylene foam and aluminum foil. This design helps keep the temperature inside the tent 15 degrees higher than outside. A waterproof shelter heated by the heat of the human body – isn’t that brilliant?
On top of everything else, there is a small solar panel on the needle, generating energy that feeds the light in the shelter. This helps the homeless person feel comfortable and also provides more privacy than shared lodgings.

It is clear that a shelter for homeless people will not replace this, but not everyone has the opportunity to get there. Some homeless people are afraid that their usual place will take, some can not leave the dogs, and others just do not like when there are many people around.

The needle is a real way to save the lives of those who are forced to spend the night in the open during the cold season. The homeless themselves appreciated this idea and admitted that it is much better than shelters.

The man wants to start mass production of the needle. He says he's going to improve the project a bit: add wheels to make transportation easier, make larger needles for families. He hopes the French government will help him finance the project.
So far, he's raised about $20,000 through a crowdfunding program, with which he built 20 prototype igloos and distributed them to the homeless. Now he wants to teach people in other countries how to build needles. He hopes that the problem homelessness It will resonate in people's hearts.

In the Czech Republic, two young people have already launched this project. They were inspired by Geoffroy’s idea and approached him to acquire a license to make an igloo. In response, the man gave them all the documents for free and said that no license is required, because the main goal is to save lives.

The couple have made a needle with their own money and are soon going to test the needle, giving them to homeless people in different cities of the Czech Republic. Activists report that interest in the project is growing, charities and even government officials have started contacting them.

Let’s hope that the project will become popular and human lives will be saved. It is because of such wonderful people and their projects that the world becomes a little better!
There are people who change the world and they inspire us. Recently, we told the story of Ernst Moreau, who saved thousands of children’s lives with the help of ordinary carrot soup.
In the modern world, there is also a place for heroes. We were inspired by the story of a South Sudanese doctor who stays with his patients no matter what.
Be sure to share this beautiful story with your friends, let it serve as an inspiration for everyone!
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