Hewlett-Packard Company is divided into two
Legendary Hewlett-Packard comes to the last stage of its existence as a unified organization. Today официально announced of section two. The first company called HP Inc. will be engaged in PCs, printers, 3D-printers, and other personal system. Second Hewlett-Packard Enterprise - enterprise solutions (servers, storage systems and other hardware, software and services). In the process of "divorce" will cut 5,000 employees from the current 317 500.
In 2004, IBM sold the business of manufacturing of PCs and laptops Lenovo, getting rid of the burden. Hewlett-Packard has matured to such a decision a decade later.
However, Hewlett-Packard was more difficult to decide on such a move than IBM, because she was going on a business printers extremely successful and still remain profitable. This is understandable: the ink for the printer - one of the most expensive liquids on the planet . But it is already promising anything but.
Analysts believe that in our time, large companies quite familiar bólshee divided into the number of parts, so that HP would choose that option. In any case, the separation of business typically considered a health step. For example, eBay has recently announced the allocation of PayPal as a separate company - and after that eBay shares rose 8%.
HP wanted to separate themselves from the PC business back in 2011, but then-CEO Meg Whitman has blocked the plan.
If the division of a beneficial effect on the spirit of innovation, then HP may find its outstanding engineers use in areas such as 3D-printing and 3D-printers. She has every opportunity to become a world leader in this field. And the leadership of HP Inc. has already said it will work on 3D-printing technologies.
History of Hewlett and Packard
Hewlett-Packard Company is obliged to all, including the name, its two founders: the late William Hewlett (William R. Hewlett, 1913-2001) and David Packard (David Packard, 1912-1996). Biography of two students at Stanford University after dating quietly turned into a biography of the company, which gave these people my whole life.
William and David were together and in the same time received a bachelor's degree and then a master's in electrical engineering (electrical engineering). It was back in 1939. Packard found time to look for jobs in the specialty of General Electric Co., and Hewlett all forces gave school, having achieved except Stanford education diplomas MIT. Packard then discussed plans for future life with his friend and fellow students. 26-year-old young men decided to test their strength and start their own business. Their partnership was named Hewlett-Packard, forever immortalized in the history of the names of ambitious young men.
Since Packard for two years prior to that, he worked in a large corporation General Electric, he apparently is not particularly doubted their organizational skills. Moreover, despite the fact that the parents of both boys lived in a small town in Michigan and Colorado, they were quite wealthy people (not every American is able to send his son to study at Stanford). So cash in your pocket young businessmen enough to think of a more long-term plans than the cost of the next dinner.
History has preserved the fact that the initial capital of the company Hewlett-Packard was only 538 dollars, and as production facilities use a small garage in Palo Alto, California.
It was in Palo Alto later was built head office and corporate headquarters Hewlett-Packard.
Company's first product was simple, according to the scheme, the instrument - an oscillator that even while studying at university was designed by William Hewlett. This oscillator has now become an honorable relic Hewlett-Packard, and his photograph and diagram are prominent in section of the history on the website of the corporation .
During World War II, Hewlett drafted into the army. He has led the Department of Electronics at the War Department on special projects and then worked in a "special team", which followed the industrial development of Japan after the war.
Packard all this time stay at home and led the company's affairs. In 1947, when Hewlett-Packard rose to the level of the corporation, he became the first president, and the Hewlett Foundation - Vice President. Then, until 1987 with a few breaks, these two gentlemen alternately served as president, chairman and CEO. Since there were three for two positions, sometimes had to some one to take on a double burden. They coped with this difficult task and were rewarded on merit: Hewlett in 1987 named director of the corporation emeritus (which means "for life"), and Packard in 1993 received the same honorary prefix to his title chairman.
During his life, both founding father of Hewlett-Packard had so many things to make and earn that only a list of various awards and positions in various academic, public and commercial organizations for each of them takes a few pages.
The founding fathers did not live up to the time when the company has to be divided into parts.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/239393/
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