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Great names with a minimum of creativity

Adidas - in honor of one of the founders Adi Daslera.

Adobe - named after the river Adobe Creek, which flowed behind the house of founder John Warnock (John Warnock).

Apache - The original company was engaged in the supply of patches to programs. From this occurred A PAtCHy, which tranformirovalos in Apache. The Indians have their own version of the ...

Apple - favorite fruit of founder Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs). After three months of fruitless attempts to find a name for a new business, he put his partner an ultimatum: "I will call the company Apple, if a 5-hours you do not offer the best." Apples Macintosh - name of the variety of apples, prodavashegosya in the United States.

Canon - after Kwanon, the Buddhist god of mercy. It was changed to Canon, to avoid the protests of religious organizations.

Casio - in honor of the founder companies do Casio Tadao (Kashio Tadao).

Cisco - short for San Francisco.

Compaq - from Comp and paq (small integrated detail).

Corel - in honor of company founder Michael Copeland (Dr. Michael Cowpland). Stands COwpland REsearch Laboratory (Research Laboratory Copeland).

Daewoo - the company founder Kim Woo Chong (Kim Woo Chong) called the company modestly, "Great Universe" is the translation from Korean.

Fuji - after the highest mountain in Japan, Mount Fuji.

Google - the name comes from the word Googol, which means one followed by 100 zeros. But Google had written on the check, which the founders of this project (of which, incidentally, a former Russian - Sergey Brin) received from the first investor. Then they called the search engine so.

Hitachi - Japanese dawn.

Honda - the name of the founder Soichiro Honda Honeywell - the name of the founder Mark Honeywell.

Hotmail - founder Jack Smith (Jack Smith) had the idea to access e-mail via the web from anywhere in the world. When Sabir Bhatia (Sabeer Bhatia) appeared with the business plan of the service, he went through all the words ending in «mail» and eventually settled on hotmail, because there were letters in the name of HTML (the markup language of web pages).

HP (Hewlett-Packard) - founders Bill Hewlett (Bill Hewlett) and Dave Packard (Dave Packard) threw a coin to decide whose name will be the first in the title. As you know, won the Bill.
Hyundai - Korean "present" (time).

IBM - International Business Machines.

Intel - Bob Noyce (Bob Noyce) and Gordon Moore (Gordon Moore) wanted to name the company Moore Noyce, but by then it would already exist hotel chain with the same name. So they decided to stay on the reduction of INTegrated ELectronics. Kawasaki - in honor of the founder Shozo Kawasaki.

Kodak - K - favorite character George Eastman (George Eastman), the founder of the company. He searched for words beginning and ending of this wonderful letter. Especially because in all alphabets «K» spelled the same way. In the end, Kodak has been selected, it is alleged that sound makes the camera when shooting.

Konica - previously known as Konishiroku Kogaku.

LG - the first letters of the two Korean brands Lucky and Goldstar.

Lotus - Mitch Kapor (Mitch Kapor), the company's founder, was meditating. Hence the name (lotus posture).

Microsoft - MICROcomputer SOFTware. Originally written as Micro-Soft. Then dash removed.

Mitsubishi - invented founder Yataro Iwasaki (Yataro Iwasaki) in 1870. in Japanese mitsu - three, hishi - diamond. The letter «b» was the sixth is not due to an error, and due to the fact that the Japanese usually «h» in the middle of a word is pronounced «b». As for the logo, then, contrary to the opinion, it is primary it. And it looks like that because that was the family crest trёhlistnik founder.

Motorola - Founder Paul Galvin (Paul Galvin) coined the name when his company started manufacturing radios for cars. Many manufacturers of audio components in the time came to an end on «ola».

Mozilla Foundation - the successor brauzaera Netscape Navigator. When Mark Aders (Marc Andreesen), founder of Netscape, created a browser to replace Mosaic, internally it was called Mozilla (Mosaic-Killer, Godzilla).

Mustek - means nothing else than the Most Unique Scanning Technologies (most unique scanning technology) .Plyus stylized «k» the end «ch».

Nabisco - originally «The NAtional BISCuit COmpany», in 1971 changed to Nabisco.

NEC - an acronym for Nippon Electric Company, Ltd, facing redundancy in 1983.

Nikon - originally Nippon Kogaku, meaning "Japanese optics".

Nintendo - a composite of 3eh Japanese kanji «Nin-ten-do», which can be translated as "Heaven bless the hard work."

Nissan - formerly known as Nichon Sangio, which means "Japanese industry".

Nokia - started as a wood processing plant, it has grown to the production of rubber products in the Finnish town of Nokia.

Novell - came up with the name of the wife of co-founder Joji Canova (George Canova). She mistakenly thought that «Novell» in French means "new".

Oracle - founders Larry Ellinson (Larry Ellison) and Bob Watts (Bob Oats) have worked on consulting projects for the CIA, code name was Oracle. Later, the project was canceled, but the name remained.

Sanyo - in Chinese "three oceans".

SAP - «Systems, Applications, Productss in Data Processing», founded 4mya IBM'a former employees who worked in the group Systems / Applications / Projects.

SCO - from the Santa Cruz Operation.

Siemens - founded in 1847 by Werner von Siemens (Werner von Siemens).

Sony - from the Latin «Sonus» (sound) and «sonny» (Tiny slang).

Subaru - the name of the constellation. It is the same and displayed on the company's logo.

SUN - founded by 4 university friends, reduction from Stanford University Network.

Suzuki - after the founder Michio Suzuki.

Toshiba - was founded by the merger of a company specializing in consumer goods, Tokyo Denki (Tokyo Electric Co) and elektrokomapnii Shibaura Seisaku-sho (Shibaura Engineering Works).

Toyota - after the founder Sakichi Toyoda. Later it changed to a blagozvochnoe Toyota. Japanese consisted of 8 letters (a lucky number in Japan).

Xerox - The inventor Chestor Carlson (Chestor Carlson), wanted to reflect in the title the word "dry" (because at that time there were only wet copying). «Xer» - dry Greek.

Yahoo - a word coined by Jonathan Swift (Jonathan Swift) in the book "Gulliver's Travels." So called repulsive, disgusting man. The founders of «Yahoo!» Jerry Yang (Jerry Yang) and David Filo (David Filo) chose this name because I called themselves yahoo'mi. Now, however, the name stands for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
Philips - the company was called by the name of its founder, Frederick Phillips and his son Gerard, who founded it in 1891 in Eindhoven for the manufacture of light bulbs. Objection light and people have not given up yet, but it has expanded its range still a couple of hundred names.

Samsung -here everything is almost as easy as from Creative and Gigabyte: in Korean «samsung» means "three stars».

Sharp - lie in the origins of the etymology of the 10-ies of the last century, when Tokyo resident Tokudzhi Hayakawa started production of branded products - the ever-sharp mechanical pencil, does not require sharpening!

Siemens- significantly trimmingovannoe called "telegraph construction company Siemens and Halske," coined by the founders Werner Siemens and Georg Halske.

Sony -obrazovano combination of words sonus (latyni- in the root of the word "sound") and sonny - diminutive of "son».

SUN -so called their office four pals in honor of the founding of University, where they studied (Stanford University) and occupation -Network.

TDK - the acronym from Tokyo Denkikagaku Kogyo KK - That was the name of the office for the production of ferrite cores.

Toshiba -Get its name as a result of the reduction in 1978, the former name of Tokyo Shibaura Elektric Co., Ltd, obtained by the merger of Tokyo Denki, engaged in household appliances, and Shibaura Seisaku-sho, which produced heavy electrical equipment.

Xerox - comes from the Greek «Xer», that despite the vulgar guess translates as "dry." The fact that at the time of composing the name for the future of copier giant (late 40s) there were only wet copying, and the author would like to emphasize the use of technology in a dry powder dye. Sounds, by the way, is not as "Hi" - according to the rules of the English language this name reads: "ziroks».

3Com - here without mathematics has not done: took the name «Computer Communication Compatibility Corporation», threw out the last word, threw in all the remaining letters, except for the first three, and they brought these terms!

3M - mathematical notation three-quarters of the company's acronym Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (Minesotskaya mining company)