Where did the name for the super-brands
All brilliant - just. The collected material in this short history of the origin of names of world famous brands once again confirm that the law of life.
AdidasOsnovatelya Adidas called Adolf Dassler, Adi briefly. His first company was called more unpretentious - Dassler, but in agreement with the co-founder Dassler, brother of Rudolph, with whom they firmly quarreled 60 years ago, none of them had the right to use more of this title.
Adobe SystemsV 1982 middle-aged programmers and Xerox John Warnock and Charles Geschke retired created a company producing software. They named it Adobe, after the creek that flows behind the house Warnock.
ApplePosle three months of futile attempts to find a name for a new business, he put his partner an ultimatum: "I will call the company Apple, if a 5-hours you do not offer the best." Apples Macintosh - the name of the varieties of apples sold in the United States.
AudiAudi translated from Latin as "listen!". This version of the Latin names of the company's founder - August Horch
BMWBMW stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke. English version - Bavarian Motor Works.
CanonV 1930 in Japan, Goro Yoshida and his half-brother, Saburo Uchida created a company with nothing telling us the name of Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory in Japan. Four years later, the development led to the creation of their first camera, which they called Kwanon, in honor of the thousand-Buddhist deity of mercy.
Company registered to protect their brand a lot of words that are similar in sound to Kwanon. One of them - already known to us Canon - eventually replace the original name because of disagreements with the religious leaders. With Canon English translates as "Canon" and French - "Gun».
CasioV honor of the founder companies do Casio Tadao (Kashio Tadao).
CiscoSokraschenie from San Francisco.
CompaqOt Comp and paq (small integrated detail).
CorelV honor of company founder Michael Copeland (Dr. Michael Cowpland). Stands COwpland REsearch Laboratory (Research Laboratory Copeland).
DaewooOsnovatel company Kim Woo Chong (Kim Woo Chong) called the company modestly, "Great Universe" is the translation from Korean.
FIATKompaniya was founded in 1899. Fiat - an acronym for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Italian Automobile Factory of Turin). In addition, this abbreviation can be translated from Latin as a separate word, is often used in church everyday life - "Let there be».
FujiTut very simple, in honor of the highest and most famous mountain in Japan, Mount Fuji.
GoogleEto second title of the most famous search engine in the world, was the first BackRub. But soon it was replaced on Google. It's a bit reworked the word "googol", denoting the last of having at least some sense of the numbers - yedinichku a hundred zeros.
HallmarkOdna of the most famous companies in the world in the field of industry greetings (cards, etc.). Word Hallmark is a brand that is master of the English guilds put on their products, starting from the XIV century as evidence that vouches for the quality of the guild.
HondaImya founder - Soichiro Honda.
HotmailOsnovatelyu Jack Smith (Jack Smith) had the idea to access e-mail via the web from anywhere in the world. When Sabir Bhatia (Sabeer Bhatia) appeared with the business plan of the service, he went through all the words ending in «mail» and eventually settled on hotmail, since the title was attended by the letters HTML (a markup language of web pages).
HP (Hewlett-Packard) founders Bill Hewlett (Bill Hewlett) and Dave Packard (Dave Packard) threw a coin to decide whose name will be the first in the title. As you know, won the Bill.
HyundaiPo Korean "present" (time).
IBMKompaniya IBM was founded in 1924, its name stands for International Business Machines («International Business Machines»).
IKEAIngvar Kamprad (founding father) lmtaryd (native farm) A gunnaryd (native village in Småland in Sweden, where he was born and began his business mailing handles young Ingvar Kamprad).
IntelBob Noyce (Bob Noyce) and Gordon Moore (Gordon Moore) wanted to name the company Moore Noyce, but by then it would already exist hotel chain with the same name. So they decided to stay on the reduction of INTegrated ELectronics.
KodakK - favorite character George Eastman (George Eastman), the founder of the company. He searched for words beginning and ending of this wonderful letter. Especially because in all alphabets «K» spelled the same way. In the end, Kodak has been selected, it is alleged that sound makes the camera when shooting.
LegoProiskhodit from two Danish words: leg («Play») and got («good»). And in Latin lego means "I read," "I connect».
LGIznachalno were two separate organizations: cosmetics company Lucky Chemical Industrial (1947) and electronic zavodzavod GoldStar (since 1958). After the merger, the company received the name Lucky Goldstar, and in 1995 it changed to LG Electronics, simply shorten the name to an abbreviation.
MicrosoftMICROcomputer SOFTware. Originally written as Micro-Soft. Then dash removed.
MitsubishiPridumal founder Yataro Iwasaki (Yataro Iwasaki) in 1870. in Japanese mitsu - three, hishi - diamond. The letter «b» was the sixth is not due to an error, and due to the fact that the Japanese usually «h» in the middle of a word is pronounced «b». As for the logo, that, contrary to popular belief, it was he who is primary, but not the name. And it looks like that because that was the family crest trёhlistnik founder.
MotorolaOsnovatel Paul Galvin (Paul Galvin) coined the name when his company started manufacturing radios for cars. The names of many manufacturers of audio components at the time came to an end on «ola», fashion was so strange.
NECAbbreviatura by Nippon Electric Company, Ltd, facing redundancy in 1983.
NikeV 1978 Blue Ribbon Sports was officially renamed Nike, Inc. It is believed that the name is taken from the name of the goddess of victory Nike.
NikonIznachalno Nippon Kogaku, meaning "Japanese optics».
NintendoSostavnoe of three Japanese characters «Nin-ten-do», which can be translated as "Heaven bless the hard work." Play - it's so hard.
NissanRanee known as Nippon Sangio, which means "Japanese industry».
NokiaV 1865 Knut Fredrik Idestam founded in the southwest of Finland, pulp and paper factory. Name Nokia company began to wear after she moved to the riverbank Nokianvirta the city, in fact, Nokia. The word «Nokia» in Finnish refers to dark, very furry animal, something like a weasel.
PepsiVpervye made in the 1890s in New Bern, North Carolina pharmacist Caleb Bredhem (Caleb Bradham). August 28, 1898 «Brad's drink» was renamed «Pepsi-Cola». Brand Pepsi-Cola was registered June 16, 1903 In one version of the name "Pepsi" Caleb Bredhem made a speech on pepsin (a digestive enzyme that helps razscheplyat protein). According to another version, Caleb Bredham borrowed the name «Pep Kola» from one of the local competitors, slightly corrected him and called his drink Pepsi-Cola.
According to another version, Caleb and his visitors just liked the sound of the word, since it reflects the fact that the carbonated drink gave some vigor and energy (pep - cheerfulness, energy, liveliness).
PhilipsKompaniya was called by the name of its founder, Frederick Phillips and his son Gerard, who founded it in 1891 in Eindhoven for the manufacture of light bulbs. Objection light and people have not given up yet, but it has expanded its range still a couple of hundred names.
PumaEta company owned by the brother of the founder of Adidas, Rudolf Dassler. After the scandal of the historical companies in the Dassler brothers parted on different sides of the river and founded one of his own enterprise. Originally called Puma Ruda, in honor, as you know, of Rudolph, but the name had to be changed in favor of the harmonious and memorability, leaving the base - four letters, vowels are the same, a similar first consonant.
SamsungV translated from Korean «samsung» means "three stars».
SanyoPo Chinese "Three Ocean».
SharpIstoki etymologies lie in the 10-ies of the last century, when Tokyo resident Tokudzhi Hayakawa started production of branded products - the ever-sharp mechanical pencil, does not require sharpening. Sharp in English "acute».
SiemensOsnovana in 1847 by Werner von Siemens (Werner von Siemens).
SonyPervonachalnoe company name in the Japanese language sounded like "Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisa" and translates into English as "Tokyo telekommyunikeshnz engineering company." The company's founders, Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka, have been searching for the right word for a short name and came across a Latin word sonus (sound). In the 1950s, Japan was popular American word sonny, consonant with the word and the word sonus sunny (sunny). What could be better? But the word sonny, written in hieroglyphics meant "loss". Then Akio Morita came up to strike one letter «n» and called the company «Sony».
SubaruPo name of the constellation Pleiades, which in Greek also was called "Seven Sisters." And that's just the "Seven Sisters" in Japanese «Subaru». Literally in Russian brand Gnehm means "to unite into a single whole." Pleiades constellation is displayed on the company's logo.
SwatchSokraschenie of the Swiss Watch («Swiss watch»)
ToshibaPoluchila its name as a result of the reduction in 1978, the former name of Tokyo Shibaura Elektric Co., Ltd, obtained by the merger of Tokyo Denki, engaged in household appliances, and Shibaura Seisaku-sho, which produced heavy electrical equipment.
ToyotaPo after the founder Sakichi Toyoda. Later it changed to a more harmonious Toyota. Japanese consisted of 8 letters (a lucky number in Eastern culture).
ViagraPervaya part of the word, «vi-», taken from the words of virility (potency), vitality (life force), vigor (vigor). And the ending «-agra» means "catch", "grab».
XeroxProiskhodit from the Greek «Xer», that despite the guesses especially witty fellow, translates as "dry." The fact that at the time of composing the name for the future of copier giant (late 40s) there were only wet copying, and the author would like to emphasize the use of technology in a dry powder dye. In English-speaking countries brendneym does not sound "Hi" and "ziroks».
YahooSlovo invented Jonathan Swift (Jonathan Swift) in the book "Gulliver's Travels." So I called one nasty tribe with whom Gulliver encountered in his travels. The founders of «Yahoo!» Jerry Yang (Jerry Yang) and David Filo (David Filo) chose this name because I called themselves yahoo. In addition, it is a cry of joy.
3MMatematicheskaya record three quarters acronym of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (Minesotskaya mining and production company).
via # image268055

AdidasOsnovatelya Adidas called Adolf Dassler, Adi briefly. His first company was called more unpretentious - Dassler, but in agreement with the co-founder Dassler, brother of Rudolph, with whom they firmly quarreled 60 years ago, none of them had the right to use more of this title.

Adobe SystemsV 1982 middle-aged programmers and Xerox John Warnock and Charles Geschke retired created a company producing software. They named it Adobe, after the creek that flows behind the house Warnock.

ApplePosle three months of futile attempts to find a name for a new business, he put his partner an ultimatum: "I will call the company Apple, if a 5-hours you do not offer the best." Apples Macintosh - the name of the varieties of apples sold in the United States.

AudiAudi translated from Latin as "listen!". This version of the Latin names of the company's founder - August Horch

BMWBMW stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke. English version - Bavarian Motor Works.

CanonV 1930 in Japan, Goro Yoshida and his half-brother, Saburo Uchida created a company with nothing telling us the name of Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory in Japan. Four years later, the development led to the creation of their first camera, which they called Kwanon, in honor of the thousand-Buddhist deity of mercy.
Company registered to protect their brand a lot of words that are similar in sound to Kwanon. One of them - already known to us Canon - eventually replace the original name because of disagreements with the religious leaders. With Canon English translates as "Canon" and French - "Gun».

CasioV honor of the founder companies do Casio Tadao (Kashio Tadao).

CiscoSokraschenie from San Francisco.


CompaqOt Comp and paq (small integrated detail).

CorelV honor of company founder Michael Copeland (Dr. Michael Cowpland). Stands COwpland REsearch Laboratory (Research Laboratory Copeland).

DaewooOsnovatel company Kim Woo Chong (Kim Woo Chong) called the company modestly, "Great Universe" is the translation from Korean.

FIATKompaniya was founded in 1899. Fiat - an acronym for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Italian Automobile Factory of Turin). In addition, this abbreviation can be translated from Latin as a separate word, is often used in church everyday life - "Let there be».

FujiTut very simple, in honor of the highest and most famous mountain in Japan, Mount Fuji.

GoogleEto second title of the most famous search engine in the world, was the first BackRub. But soon it was replaced on Google. It's a bit reworked the word "googol", denoting the last of having at least some sense of the numbers - yedinichku a hundred zeros.

HallmarkOdna of the most famous companies in the world in the field of industry greetings (cards, etc.). Word Hallmark is a brand that is master of the English guilds put on their products, starting from the XIV century as evidence that vouches for the quality of the guild.

HondaImya founder - Soichiro Honda.

HotmailOsnovatelyu Jack Smith (Jack Smith) had the idea to access e-mail via the web from anywhere in the world. When Sabir Bhatia (Sabeer Bhatia) appeared with the business plan of the service, he went through all the words ending in «mail» and eventually settled on hotmail, since the title was attended by the letters HTML (a markup language of web pages).

HP (Hewlett-Packard) founders Bill Hewlett (Bill Hewlett) and Dave Packard (Dave Packard) threw a coin to decide whose name will be the first in the title. As you know, won the Bill.

HyundaiPo Korean "present" (time).

IBMKompaniya IBM was founded in 1924, its name stands for International Business Machines («International Business Machines»).

IKEAIngvar Kamprad (founding father) lmtaryd (native farm) A gunnaryd (native village in Småland in Sweden, where he was born and began his business mailing handles young Ingvar Kamprad).

IntelBob Noyce (Bob Noyce) and Gordon Moore (Gordon Moore) wanted to name the company Moore Noyce, but by then it would already exist hotel chain with the same name. So they decided to stay on the reduction of INTegrated ELectronics.

KodakK - favorite character George Eastman (George Eastman), the founder of the company. He searched for words beginning and ending of this wonderful letter. Especially because in all alphabets «K» spelled the same way. In the end, Kodak has been selected, it is alleged that sound makes the camera when shooting.

LegoProiskhodit from two Danish words: leg («Play») and got («good»). And in Latin lego means "I read," "I connect».

LGIznachalno were two separate organizations: cosmetics company Lucky Chemical Industrial (1947) and electronic zavodzavod GoldStar (since 1958). After the merger, the company received the name Lucky Goldstar, and in 1995 it changed to LG Electronics, simply shorten the name to an abbreviation.

MicrosoftMICROcomputer SOFTware. Originally written as Micro-Soft. Then dash removed.

MitsubishiPridumal founder Yataro Iwasaki (Yataro Iwasaki) in 1870. in Japanese mitsu - three, hishi - diamond. The letter «b» was the sixth is not due to an error, and due to the fact that the Japanese usually «h» in the middle of a word is pronounced «b». As for the logo, that, contrary to popular belief, it was he who is primary, but not the name. And it looks like that because that was the family crest trёhlistnik founder.

MotorolaOsnovatel Paul Galvin (Paul Galvin) coined the name when his company started manufacturing radios for cars. The names of many manufacturers of audio components at the time came to an end on «ola», fashion was so strange.

NECAbbreviatura by Nippon Electric Company, Ltd, facing redundancy in 1983.

NikeV 1978 Blue Ribbon Sports was officially renamed Nike, Inc. It is believed that the name is taken from the name of the goddess of victory Nike.

NikonIznachalno Nippon Kogaku, meaning "Japanese optics».

NintendoSostavnoe of three Japanese characters «Nin-ten-do», which can be translated as "Heaven bless the hard work." Play - it's so hard.

NissanRanee known as Nippon Sangio, which means "Japanese industry».

NokiaV 1865 Knut Fredrik Idestam founded in the southwest of Finland, pulp and paper factory. Name Nokia company began to wear after she moved to the riverbank Nokianvirta the city, in fact, Nokia. The word «Nokia» in Finnish refers to dark, very furry animal, something like a weasel.

PepsiVpervye made in the 1890s in New Bern, North Carolina pharmacist Caleb Bredhem (Caleb Bradham). August 28, 1898 «Brad's drink» was renamed «Pepsi-Cola». Brand Pepsi-Cola was registered June 16, 1903 In one version of the name "Pepsi" Caleb Bredhem made a speech on pepsin (a digestive enzyme that helps razscheplyat protein). According to another version, Caleb Bredham borrowed the name «Pep Kola» from one of the local competitors, slightly corrected him and called his drink Pepsi-Cola.
According to another version, Caleb and his visitors just liked the sound of the word, since it reflects the fact that the carbonated drink gave some vigor and energy (pep - cheerfulness, energy, liveliness).

PhilipsKompaniya was called by the name of its founder, Frederick Phillips and his son Gerard, who founded it in 1891 in Eindhoven for the manufacture of light bulbs. Objection light and people have not given up yet, but it has expanded its range still a couple of hundred names.

PumaEta company owned by the brother of the founder of Adidas, Rudolf Dassler. After the scandal of the historical companies in the Dassler brothers parted on different sides of the river and founded one of his own enterprise. Originally called Puma Ruda, in honor, as you know, of Rudolph, but the name had to be changed in favor of the harmonious and memorability, leaving the base - four letters, vowels are the same, a similar first consonant.

SamsungV translated from Korean «samsung» means "three stars».

SanyoPo Chinese "Three Ocean».

SharpIstoki etymologies lie in the 10-ies of the last century, when Tokyo resident Tokudzhi Hayakawa started production of branded products - the ever-sharp mechanical pencil, does not require sharpening. Sharp in English "acute».

SiemensOsnovana in 1847 by Werner von Siemens (Werner von Siemens).

SonyPervonachalnoe company name in the Japanese language sounded like "Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisa" and translates into English as "Tokyo telekommyunikeshnz engineering company." The company's founders, Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka, have been searching for the right word for a short name and came across a Latin word sonus (sound). In the 1950s, Japan was popular American word sonny, consonant with the word and the word sonus sunny (sunny). What could be better? But the word sonny, written in hieroglyphics meant "loss". Then Akio Morita came up to strike one letter «n» and called the company «Sony».

SubaruPo name of the constellation Pleiades, which in Greek also was called "Seven Sisters." And that's just the "Seven Sisters" in Japanese «Subaru». Literally in Russian brand Gnehm means "to unite into a single whole." Pleiades constellation is displayed on the company's logo.

SwatchSokraschenie of the Swiss Watch («Swiss watch»)

ToshibaPoluchila its name as a result of the reduction in 1978, the former name of Tokyo Shibaura Elektric Co., Ltd, obtained by the merger of Tokyo Denki, engaged in household appliances, and Shibaura Seisaku-sho, which produced heavy electrical equipment.

ToyotaPo after the founder Sakichi Toyoda. Later it changed to a more harmonious Toyota. Japanese consisted of 8 letters (a lucky number in Eastern culture).

ViagraPervaya part of the word, «vi-», taken from the words of virility (potency), vitality (life force), vigor (vigor). And the ending «-agra» means "catch", "grab».

XeroxProiskhodit from the Greek «Xer», that despite the guesses especially witty fellow, translates as "dry." The fact that at the time of composing the name for the future of copier giant (late 40s) there were only wet copying, and the author would like to emphasize the use of technology in a dry powder dye. In English-speaking countries brendneym does not sound "Hi" and "ziroks».

YahooSlovo invented Jonathan Swift (Jonathan Swift) in the book "Gulliver's Travels." So I called one nasty tribe with whom Gulliver encountered in his travels. The founders of «Yahoo!» Jerry Yang (Jerry Yang) and David Filo (David Filo) chose this name because I called themselves yahoo. In addition, it is a cry of joy.

3MMatematicheskaya record three quarters acronym of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (Minesotskaya mining and production company).
via # image268055
The drug Benadryl began military action against allergies
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