Brilliant baby
Showed talent almost by accident - with a child who learned to speak very slowly, doing a speech therapist, and he advised the parents to teach Iris painting. But do not even have to teach - the girl from the first time confidently hold the brush and mix paint.
"We are hoping that it will speed up painting Iris and encourage her to talk" - mother says girls Arabella Carter-Johnson. "But then we realized that she is actually a very talented artist with an incredible ability to focus on the process - Iris can draw two hours without stopping. Her autism has created a style of painting that I have never met children her age. She feels the colors, the composition and the way they interact with each other ».
Source: irisgracepainting.com
"We are hoping that it will speed up painting Iris and encourage her to talk" - mother says girls Arabella Carter-Johnson. "But then we realized that she is actually a very talented artist with an incredible ability to focus on the process - Iris can draw two hours without stopping. Her autism has created a style of painting that I have never met children her age. She feels the colors, the composition and the way they interact with each other ».
Source: irisgracepainting.com