Facts about autism

The term "autism" was introduced Eugen Bleuler (1857-1939), a Swedish psychiatrist, but he first applied to schizophrenia in adults. In 1943 the term was referred Leo Kanner (1894-1981) to the concept of "autism" in the modern sense of the disease
In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that humanity is facing a serious problem: the number of people with mental and neurological disorders, including autism, is growing steadily. These diseases account for 11% of all health problems on a global scale.
WHO says that in China you can count no less than 1.1 million cases of autism in the United Kingdom - 650 000, in the Philippines - 500,000, while in Thailand - not less than 180 000.
The prevalence of autism is increasing worldwide by 14% each year. In China, the pace of growth in the number of autism cases is slightly higher - about 20% per year.
If one of the identical twins diagnosed with autism, in 90 cases out of a hundred in the second twin in the future, too, will develop the disease.
Mutations of chromosome 16 associated with autism. The problem arises in that part of the DNA chain, which contains "genes Morpheus", which is changing rapidly in the history of human evolution. In other words, what has always helped the development of the human mind, has contributed to the development of autism.
There is no analysis, no changes in the human body, which can diagnose autism. The diagnosis is based on the observation of human behavior and mental health screening.
Environmental factors in which the person can make predisposed genes and mutations begin to cause autism - are certain drugs, chemicals, heavy metals, antibiotics, overreliance on TV, flame retardants or infectious diseases transferred during pregnancy.
In one study, it was suggested that countries with higher levels of precipitation risk of developing autism a little higher.
Autism in children is more common than cancer, diabetes and AIDS combined.
The researchers found that part of the brain called the amygdala, was 13% higher in children with autism compared to other children.
The annual cost of solving the problems of autism in the next decade in the US will grow to 200-400 billion dollars. Researchers warn that if the degree of autism will grow at the same rate, it is a serious blow to the economy of this country.
Globally, an estimated 67 million people suffer from autism.
Many scientists believe that autism - a combination of genetic predisposition to the disease, which is triggered by certain kinds of environmental, social and toxic effects.
One of the 10 preterm infants predisposed to autism. Children born more than three months ahead of schedule, have twice the risk of autism.
Even in early infancy, children begin to show three distinctive signs of autism: Problems with communication, impaired social interaction and behavior repetition repetitive actions.
Many children with autism have a reduced sensitivity to pain, but can acutely react to sound, touch, or other sensory stimulation - which lead to a reluctance of children to be cuddled.
Girls with symptoms of autism may suffer from Rett syndrome. The syndrome affects mainly the female, because male fetuses with a predisposition to the disease rarely develop before birth. Development of girls usually lasts up to 6-18 months, and then begins to lose motor and speech development.
Scientists have suggested that people with autism are more likely to have abnormal levels of serotonin or other neurotransmitters in the brain that can result from loss of normal brain development in the early stages of fetal development.
The researchers suggested that children born to fathers aged, increases the risk of autism. Children born to fathers forty years or more of age, susceptible to diseases associated with autism are six times more likely than those born to fathers to thirty years.
The researchers recommend a test for autism, if the child is not "coo and mutters" under the age of 12 months, does not say a single word to 16 months, does not add up two words in the phrase up to 24 months and lose previously acquired speech and social skills in any age.
Chelation procedure, in which the body to excrete mercury, is a popular alternative treatment for autism, although not proven that this method of treatment is effective and safe.
Scientists and parents are at odds about what autism is a disability or whether it's just a different kind of personality development.
In families with children with autism, fixed traditionally high number of divorces. Researchers suggest alleviate the problem by guaranteeing that the child obtains adequate medical care and the composition of a support system for families with children with autism.
Women suffering from autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and celiac disease are three times higher risk of having a child predisposed to autism.
Dogs are much improve the quality of life of children with the syndrome of autism, their security and independence. The presence of a trained dog aggressive behavior softens, soothes the child and is a link connecting it with the other children.