Early childhood autism

Early autism in children is a congenital pathological condition that is characterized by certain mental disorders. The peculiarity of this disease is that the child experiences difficulties in interacting with people around him. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are often accompanied by mental and speech delays and fine motor skills disorders.
Most often, autism in children is diagnosed by the age of 5, although the pathology appears already in infancy. This is why it is important to know what early symptoms ASD has in order to consult a doctor in time for help and begin treatment.

Main symptoms of early childhood autism
The main symptom of autism spectrum disorder is impaired communication abilities. You can suspect him even at an early age if the child does not respond to his name, does not reach out to his mother, does not smile, does not babble.
Later, other symptoms of ASD are added:
- the baby constantly plays with only one toy, while showing no interest in other toys, regardless of their coloring or functionality;
- performs the same type of actions;
- may remain in a state of apathy for a long time or, conversely, show aggression and even cause harm to oneself;
- does not have contact with other children and pets;
- does not watch cartoons, does not listen to fairy tales;
- tends to be alone;
- shows practically no emotions.
You can read more about how autism can manifest in children at the link https://dvclinic.com.ua/ru/deti/rannij-detskij-autizm-prichiny-simptomy-stadii-i-lechenie/. If you notice signs of ASD in your child, you should immediately contact a qualified doctor. In the early stages, the condition is more amenable to correction.
Possible causes and complications
It is not known exactly why autism occurs, but hereditary predisposition and genetic disorders are considered the main risk factors. The following reasons can provoke the development of pathology:
- bad habits during pregnancy;
- unfavorable environmental conditions;
- taking certain medications while pregnant;
- birth injuries;
- infectious diseases.
Autism is often detected in various genetic diseases in children. Autism spectrum disorder can lead to complete isolation of a child from the surrounding society and difficulties with communication. Often the pain response decreases, the instinct of self-preservation is absent, or phobias develop.
Autism usually accompanies a person throughout life, but if left untreated it can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, correction is important at any age. You can read about the features of ASD in adults at the link https://dvclinic.com.ua/ru/disease/autism/.
Diagnosis and treatment
A comprehensive differential diagnosis is required, which helps to exclude diseases with a similar clinical picture, for example, schizophrenia, mental retardation, etc. The examination program includes an electroencephalogram, MRI and CT scan of the brain, other studies, consultations with a geneticist and other specialists.
Treatment for ASD is tailored to each patient individually. The emphasis is on working with a psychologist, using pedagogical techniques, as well as art therapy, massage and other similar techniques. If necessary, a set of medications is prescribed. Additionally, nutritional correction is carried out. The diet includes a large amount of dairy products, as well as foods high in vitamins and gluten.
You can undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of autism using modern methods in our clinic. A comprehensive approach allows you to achieve excellent therapeutic results.
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