1. After awakening drink 1 cup or more cool drinking water. This stimulates the bowels and normalizes the chair.
2. In the morning, after waking up should take a shower (better), head of the subtle body to cleanse the mind and body of prana.
3. In the morning after a shower useful for the body to perform static exercises (asanas of hatha yoga or other gentle exercise)
4. After cleaning the teeth for the prevention of periodontal disease and stimulation krovoobraschiniya in the gums, it is recommended for 5 minutes to rinse your mouth with sesame oil by passing it through your teeth back and forth. After that pomasirovat gums with your finger.
5. After each food intake is recommended to brush your teeth, rinse your eyes with water, sprinkle on the feet and head a little bit of water.
6. In the evening, after returning from work is required to take a warm shower to oschischeniya body from subtle effects after communicating with people throughout the day.
7. If you have been working with computers, or have simply burning eyes - drip a few drops of rose water into each eye.
8. If you overeat at dinner - chew on a few cardamom pods whole or soak in the language of a pinch of salt to the suction.
9. For those who want to make skin look beautiful and elastic, wipe the skin 2 times a day, weary, and in the evening, with ice cubes. It is better if it is frozen broth chamomile.
10. Before going to sleep better to take a walk for 10-15 minutes on foot.
11. Every day is recommended to walk in the fresh air, especially in the morning, at least 30 minutes.
12. Ayurveda advises not to eat after 18.00. And is highly recommended for an hour before bedtime drink individually podobranny portion of sweetened milk with spices: fennel, cardamom, saffron.