Civil marriage
It was found that couples who live together before marriage, more divorce than those who begin life together until after the wedding. In addition, those who were cohabiting and then got married, had lower satisfaction with their marriage. Such a conclusion was made by psychologists University of Denver (University of Denver) Galena Rhodes (Galena Rhoades), Scott Stanley (Scott Stanley), and Howard Markman (Howard Markman), conducted a sociological survey.
"We came to the conclusion that some couples who move in together without a clear goal of creating a family in the future can build a real family, if they already have positive experience of co-existence", - says Rhodes. "The correct would be to discuss and talk over the details of mutual obligations and the expected prospects with a partner even before you start living together. This must be done also because cohabitation itself makes it difficult to such negotiations ", - says Stanley.
The researchers also studied the reasons why couples decide to live together, according infox.ru citing Journal of Family Issues. The main reason for most couples to live together was the need to spend more time with each other. The second most popular reason - it's easy and saving conducting common economy and way of life. By the way, the new data contradict previous statements psychologists that people enter into a civil marriage in order to test their relationship.
"Cohabitation in order to verify the relationship due to the presence of existing problems in them, - says Rhodes. - If a person feels the need to check the relationship, it means that he or she already feels that something can go wrong, as it is necessary in the long term ».
"I think it will soon become extinct at all serious marriages - says psychologist Marina Targakova international class - Because people every year it becomes less and less patience, ability to tolerate each other and deal with the difficulties together. The philosophy of modern society encourages people to meet their needs, and he does not intend to reckon with someone else, do not want to suffer, thinking, "I will throw it, then find another." But it is possible to conclude dozens of marriages like the deal, but did not become happier. Along with the growing affluence in people growing selfishness, individual values displace family, priorities change, self-esteem. Now the price of an ordinary phrase "I deserve a better life!". Disappoint many - not. This - from pride. In fact, everyone has such a satellite deserves. How much invested so much and gets that sows and reaps it. "