How things work: Advertising photographer
I was nine years old when my father gave me his old camera "Change-1." Since then, I started taking pictures. Like a good boy, I learned not in school, in college, went to work in the office. First, photography was my hobby, a hobby but gradually became self-sustaining. I decided to leave the office and start doing something with his hands.
Way older photographer is as follows: first you just interesting pictures of naked chicks in the club, then you found out, that in addition to naked chicks, there is something more worthy of photographing, and maturity - is when you shoot naked chicks are canceled because of weather chic landscape and you're going to shoot your favorite birch tree.
However, I always wanted to take pictures for themselves, but in the end it turned out that the photo I willing to pay more than other jobs. Fork earnings are pretty big: there are young boys and girls, ready to shoot at any price. There are fees - one-three thousand rubles for shooting and five thousand is considered good money. If a person is seriously engaged in commercial photography, then at some point it comes to the average level of earnings - about a thousand dollars per day of shooting (it is not six hours and not eight, but usually ten or twelve).
If the customer is present at the shooting, roughly eight or nine hours, and more coming in the middle of dinner, the photographer will be on site for two hours before and will finish strongly later. But this does not mean that claimed the photographer will earn twenty thousand dollars a month. A good boot considered if you shoot in a day. This means that you hrenachish days a week.
There are, of course, the elite - photographers who have come from somewhere well recognizable name: Fridkes Misha Korolev, Vlad Loktev, Max Marmur, Morozov. Their average price, as I said, somewhere five or ten thousand dollars per day of shooting.
When you shoot a lot and regularly, alone is impossible to work: you need an assistant, a model that is right for pulling a stylist, makeup artist, make-up, Khair-up; if photographing food, needed a cook; if the food is a normal budget, the more food stylist, assistant light and so on. Of course, the film crew costs more money. In a normal month my income can be ten or twenty thousand dollars with the salary I can count five, all the rest - the costs of organizing the shooting.
Every photographer has a specialty, at least on the level of "living-nonliving": someone more in people, someone - for non-humans. I always gravitated towards non-humans to inanimate nature. I was lucky: I had long saw the trend food hysteria. Then it was: sausage sandwich sfotkal and everything - you, a hike, a food photographer. Food I somehow is half orders in this respect I Tus known. Now, of course, requires a different level of knowledge, it is necessary to understand the good cooking and know how to cook.
The twenty-one customer from a joke. But he conducts himself so out of ignorance. Then you just explaining to him that you can not "play with the shape of a square," because it will be a rectangle. I read "Hells customers", but 90% of the designer, who wrote it, asshole, and commonplace does not respect its customer, ready to pay him money.
I basically get smart people. Once I was shooting a commercial for one producer of cereals. They have not turned out to send a courier to capture and bring the very rump. Well, I thought, all right, all the same buckwheat, went to the store and bought the most beautiful buckwheat, removed, sent. I say, "Hey, great picture, all really like, only buckwheat you not that." I call back and say, "Guys, listen, you tell me, you idiot, where the difference?" They say: "They have a different technique of roasting, the tip bends sharply and we podloman he does not, this is our feature. It is good that the general did not have time to show he would be offended. He knows by heart all the buckwheat varieties differ in appearance, odor, color, shape and name the country of origin. " I just threw up his hands.
When a food photographer admits what he did for a living, 80% of it immediately asked: "Do you really processed foods hairspray?" I do not know where this damn stereotype and just want to say: No! When I see food, I just do not have enough of hairspray, in general it is rarely used accessory! Soon, at the words "hairspray" I'll start killing.
I love the gloss oil, so to add luster fruits and vegetables, use vegetable oil - take a brush, cloth and rub. Apple purely washed, grated, is the right side to the camera. Brush gently held in the place where you need a bright glare on the composition and no hairspray.
Of course, it has its own secrets, but about them, probably, everyone knows. For example, if the beer in the frame somehow appears bright, most of all, it's not beer. With beer a lot of problems: a nice glass of live twenty or thirty seconds on skin sags, it misted glass, moisten the back, it gets wet, begin to gather large droplets, they fall, they wipe wipes, streaks, and we take a new glass and We start all over again. Why are hemorrhoids? Take sunflower oil, refined and unrefined (if light beer) - they are well mixed, - select the appropriate tone to the customer, pour into a glass and nothing happens to him. From washing powder is excellent resistant foam which can live about half an hour. Good food stylists distinguish detergents, sorting and know how much water to add what temperature to get the bubble size.
To photograph sweaty bottle of vodka, the easiest way to take a special spray with simulated fog. All these "Frosty patterns" can be bought in a special shop, where all the major photographers know in person. It is difficult to remove the transparency and reflection, such as a bottle of perfume with a chrome cap. I heard the guys were shooting samovars in Tula some co-op: taped the whole room white paper, even lighting, and photographed through a hole in the wall, which puts the lens.
When we were shooting the broth, fat bubbles had to be a certain amount. It was the bouillon cubes, which receives some herovaty. Cverhu on it had to swim zhirinki, and just add the oil did not work: the zhirinki were too large, the very small, the "oh, well, it's a lot of it for you fat floats." As a result, fat plaques made from epoxy; they swam, looking like a family, we put the right amount so that they are evenly distributed and collected in piles. In general, blood pressure and haemorrhoids.
Everything that will be printed on paper, there is a production cycle. With kartinochku will work a lot of people, so the photos are taken in three to four months prior to the moment when they need to get to the consumer. Now we are shooting for the magazine October issue, and in a week already will be sent in November.
Everyone loves cherries. And every self-respecting journal should definitely write about cherries in season, although it seems strange, when a dozen editions published an article about cherries. Well, cherries, of course, an inexhaustible subject, but from year to year! In general, in February-March, I run through the city and looking for cherries. I - champion in buying cherry. The year before I bought it in a "Globus Gourmet" seven thousand rubles per kg in March. It was the only cherries in Moscow. And so with all the seasonal products: watermelon I buy two or three months to 500 rubles per kilogram.
In late January I comes Easter. All relying attributes (nakleechki eggs, paint, willow) - that this car just in April, but in February, not at all. Once in the church shop I was almost anathema not betray for what I said, "Do something for Easter?" - "That's heathen do not even know when Easter! What kind of Easter in February? "I say:" I'm preparing in advance! »
I was driving once unconventional way for parents to visit past the cemetery. Look - my grandmother sitting on the sidelines with an armful ofigenski willow. "Beautiful Willow - I thought, and then realized that no matter how August. And I - the brakes, reverse. - Grandma that artificial? Wow! "Very well done. Bare in Rasfokus care - do not distinguish from the real thing. However, podoblezla already a little bit, so every year it deeper and deeper in my Rasfokus leaves.
New Year, we, of course, shooting in September. I'm beginning to ring up the neighbors. Being a neighbor of mine - very cool. After filming all this food need to do something with it is not sprayed with lacquer, so I distribute it to them. Just now they carried the fresh crayfish. In September, I say to the neighbors: "I Collect igrushechek Christmas-tree." They already know what it is: a Christmas meal, and there are always large portions of traditional and delicious.
One customer said that the shooting of the autumn collection of clothes will be full-scale and then repaint designer grass and leaves in yellow, so we remove the summer on grass and leaves. Remove the clearing in the grove. On the street - plus thirty, and if the description of the image is written, "wool blend pants, leather boots, half-woolen turtleneck, leather jacket," then there is no getting around it - you have to shoot the model in warm clothes in the heat. If a close-up, the scarf pattern can wrap up a microscopic bikini top, and if the whole image, then there is not unscrew.
In those days the photographer plenty of rest: most of the time running up artist, he repaints, adjusts the model in which the entire make-up begins to flow through twenty seconds after application. Sometimes someone collapses from heat stroke.
I have not worked with models, celebrities, but in general - work as a job, not very rewarding. Salaries were not very: the standard surveying katalozhki (lingerie, clothing) is behind the shooting day five or fifteen thousand. Judging by the conversations models, they spend money on silicones and scrub-depilation. The older the model, the more fun she has knows everything better photographer - you can give the camera assistant and go about their business. That's cool.
There are three things on the set must always be - tape, an extension cord and a knife (always have to open the package). One had to take pictures of a particular bra, the customer said that this bra will be a huge hit with megapushapom that size will make the second fifth. Picture big, so it is necessary that the bra was the "hoo" and from the right "hoo". Maybe Bra had a bad (it was a factory pattern), but a third the size of the breasts disappeared into it completely. They began to be perverted: wool underlay something from scrap materials. In the end, we decided that the breast lift artificially fix, bra top'll cover, and shape is already filled. It was found that the silicone tape to secure the chest there, have tape. The model said, "Let's remove this frame and have on the chase, I do not want to sit here until morning." I said, "You, of course, courageous woman, but you imagine my feelings?" She replied that everything would be fine. We raised the chest, recorded its bottom transparent tape, examples of bra out perfectly - from a straight "uuuuh" superpushap, stuffed him to form held, removed the frame. When she was about to tear off tape, I walked out of the studio: I do not want to see, and the cry heard from the corridor.
There is a universal prescription that treats any photo food. First, you need to very carefully to see that the frame gets, except for the food. The edge of a cigarette pack, crumpled napkin stained glass with your fingers - if you do not know why it should be in the frame, better take away.
Waiters in the frame sucks too look better to move the plate in the center of the table. Light background is always better than the dark, so if the table is dark and there is a bright cloth, let the dish is on this napkin. Thirdly, it is important to look how the light falls on the plate. It should not be on the forehead, it may be a side, rear, ie against the light is better to remove. Of course, the natural daylight is better electric.
At some point became Jamie Oliver fotkat their plates on old doors, he was such a feature is direct. Two years have passed, and magazines wanted shabby countertops. We now have the fashion strutting active color and high key when the picture is very bright and very light. And bourgeois trend is now gone, that all pictures must be twilight in the twilight, with a subdued light, very accurate light accents. Soon we will reach before.
Source: www.the-village.ru

Way older photographer is as follows: first you just interesting pictures of naked chicks in the club, then you found out, that in addition to naked chicks, there is something more worthy of photographing, and maturity - is when you shoot naked chicks are canceled because of weather chic landscape and you're going to shoot your favorite birch tree.
However, I always wanted to take pictures for themselves, but in the end it turned out that the photo I willing to pay more than other jobs. Fork earnings are pretty big: there are young boys and girls, ready to shoot at any price. There are fees - one-three thousand rubles for shooting and five thousand is considered good money. If a person is seriously engaged in commercial photography, then at some point it comes to the average level of earnings - about a thousand dollars per day of shooting (it is not six hours and not eight, but usually ten or twelve).
If the customer is present at the shooting, roughly eight or nine hours, and more coming in the middle of dinner, the photographer will be on site for two hours before and will finish strongly later. But this does not mean that claimed the photographer will earn twenty thousand dollars a month. A good boot considered if you shoot in a day. This means that you hrenachish days a week.
There are, of course, the elite - photographers who have come from somewhere well recognizable name: Fridkes Misha Korolev, Vlad Loktev, Max Marmur, Morozov. Their average price, as I said, somewhere five or ten thousand dollars per day of shooting.
When you shoot a lot and regularly, alone is impossible to work: you need an assistant, a model that is right for pulling a stylist, makeup artist, make-up, Khair-up; if photographing food, needed a cook; if the food is a normal budget, the more food stylist, assistant light and so on. Of course, the film crew costs more money. In a normal month my income can be ten or twenty thousand dollars with the salary I can count five, all the rest - the costs of organizing the shooting.
Every photographer has a specialty, at least on the level of "living-nonliving": someone more in people, someone - for non-humans. I always gravitated towards non-humans to inanimate nature. I was lucky: I had long saw the trend food hysteria. Then it was: sausage sandwich sfotkal and everything - you, a hike, a food photographer. Food I somehow is half orders in this respect I Tus known. Now, of course, requires a different level of knowledge, it is necessary to understand the good cooking and know how to cook.

The twenty-one customer from a joke. But he conducts himself so out of ignorance. Then you just explaining to him that you can not "play with the shape of a square," because it will be a rectangle. I read "Hells customers", but 90% of the designer, who wrote it, asshole, and commonplace does not respect its customer, ready to pay him money.
I basically get smart people. Once I was shooting a commercial for one producer of cereals. They have not turned out to send a courier to capture and bring the very rump. Well, I thought, all right, all the same buckwheat, went to the store and bought the most beautiful buckwheat, removed, sent. I say, "Hey, great picture, all really like, only buckwheat you not that." I call back and say, "Guys, listen, you tell me, you idiot, where the difference?" They say: "They have a different technique of roasting, the tip bends sharply and we podloman he does not, this is our feature. It is good that the general did not have time to show he would be offended. He knows by heart all the buckwheat varieties differ in appearance, odor, color, shape and name the country of origin. " I just threw up his hands.

When a food photographer admits what he did for a living, 80% of it immediately asked: "Do you really processed foods hairspray?" I do not know where this damn stereotype and just want to say: No! When I see food, I just do not have enough of hairspray, in general it is rarely used accessory! Soon, at the words "hairspray" I'll start killing.
I love the gloss oil, so to add luster fruits and vegetables, use vegetable oil - take a brush, cloth and rub. Apple purely washed, grated, is the right side to the camera. Brush gently held in the place where you need a bright glare on the composition and no hairspray.
Of course, it has its own secrets, but about them, probably, everyone knows. For example, if the beer in the frame somehow appears bright, most of all, it's not beer. With beer a lot of problems: a nice glass of live twenty or thirty seconds on skin sags, it misted glass, moisten the back, it gets wet, begin to gather large droplets, they fall, they wipe wipes, streaks, and we take a new glass and We start all over again. Why are hemorrhoids? Take sunflower oil, refined and unrefined (if light beer) - they are well mixed, - select the appropriate tone to the customer, pour into a glass and nothing happens to him. From washing powder is excellent resistant foam which can live about half an hour. Good food stylists distinguish detergents, sorting and know how much water to add what temperature to get the bubble size.
To photograph sweaty bottle of vodka, the easiest way to take a special spray with simulated fog. All these "Frosty patterns" can be bought in a special shop, where all the major photographers know in person. It is difficult to remove the transparency and reflection, such as a bottle of perfume with a chrome cap. I heard the guys were shooting samovars in Tula some co-op: taped the whole room white paper, even lighting, and photographed through a hole in the wall, which puts the lens.
When we were shooting the broth, fat bubbles had to be a certain amount. It was the bouillon cubes, which receives some herovaty. Cverhu on it had to swim zhirinki, and just add the oil did not work: the zhirinki were too large, the very small, the "oh, well, it's a lot of it for you fat floats." As a result, fat plaques made from epoxy; they swam, looking like a family, we put the right amount so that they are evenly distributed and collected in piles. In general, blood pressure and haemorrhoids.
Everything that will be printed on paper, there is a production cycle. With kartinochku will work a lot of people, so the photos are taken in three to four months prior to the moment when they need to get to the consumer. Now we are shooting for the magazine October issue, and in a week already will be sent in November.
Everyone loves cherries. And every self-respecting journal should definitely write about cherries in season, although it seems strange, when a dozen editions published an article about cherries. Well, cherries, of course, an inexhaustible subject, but from year to year! In general, in February-March, I run through the city and looking for cherries. I - champion in buying cherry. The year before I bought it in a "Globus Gourmet" seven thousand rubles per kg in March. It was the only cherries in Moscow. And so with all the seasonal products: watermelon I buy two or three months to 500 rubles per kilogram.
In late January I comes Easter. All relying attributes (nakleechki eggs, paint, willow) - that this car just in April, but in February, not at all. Once in the church shop I was almost anathema not betray for what I said, "Do something for Easter?" - "That's heathen do not even know when Easter! What kind of Easter in February? "I say:" I'm preparing in advance! »
I was driving once unconventional way for parents to visit past the cemetery. Look - my grandmother sitting on the sidelines with an armful ofigenski willow. "Beautiful Willow - I thought, and then realized that no matter how August. And I - the brakes, reverse. - Grandma that artificial? Wow! "Very well done. Bare in Rasfokus care - do not distinguish from the real thing. However, podoblezla already a little bit, so every year it deeper and deeper in my Rasfokus leaves.
New Year, we, of course, shooting in September. I'm beginning to ring up the neighbors. Being a neighbor of mine - very cool. After filming all this food need to do something with it is not sprayed with lacquer, so I distribute it to them. Just now they carried the fresh crayfish. In September, I say to the neighbors: "I Collect igrushechek Christmas-tree." They already know what it is: a Christmas meal, and there are always large portions of traditional and delicious.
One customer said that the shooting of the autumn collection of clothes will be full-scale and then repaint designer grass and leaves in yellow, so we remove the summer on grass and leaves. Remove the clearing in the grove. On the street - plus thirty, and if the description of the image is written, "wool blend pants, leather boots, half-woolen turtleneck, leather jacket," then there is no getting around it - you have to shoot the model in warm clothes in the heat. If a close-up, the scarf pattern can wrap up a microscopic bikini top, and if the whole image, then there is not unscrew.
In those days the photographer plenty of rest: most of the time running up artist, he repaints, adjusts the model in which the entire make-up begins to flow through twenty seconds after application. Sometimes someone collapses from heat stroke.
I have not worked with models, celebrities, but in general - work as a job, not very rewarding. Salaries were not very: the standard surveying katalozhki (lingerie, clothing) is behind the shooting day five or fifteen thousand. Judging by the conversations models, they spend money on silicones and scrub-depilation. The older the model, the more fun she has knows everything better photographer - you can give the camera assistant and go about their business. That's cool.
There are three things on the set must always be - tape, an extension cord and a knife (always have to open the package). One had to take pictures of a particular bra, the customer said that this bra will be a huge hit with megapushapom that size will make the second fifth. Picture big, so it is necessary that the bra was the "hoo" and from the right "hoo". Maybe Bra had a bad (it was a factory pattern), but a third the size of the breasts disappeared into it completely. They began to be perverted: wool underlay something from scrap materials. In the end, we decided that the breast lift artificially fix, bra top'll cover, and shape is already filled. It was found that the silicone tape to secure the chest there, have tape. The model said, "Let's remove this frame and have on the chase, I do not want to sit here until morning." I said, "You, of course, courageous woman, but you imagine my feelings?" She replied that everything would be fine. We raised the chest, recorded its bottom transparent tape, examples of bra out perfectly - from a straight "uuuuh" superpushap, stuffed him to form held, removed the frame. When she was about to tear off tape, I walked out of the studio: I do not want to see, and the cry heard from the corridor.
There is a universal prescription that treats any photo food. First, you need to very carefully to see that the frame gets, except for the food. The edge of a cigarette pack, crumpled napkin stained glass with your fingers - if you do not know why it should be in the frame, better take away.
Waiters in the frame sucks too look better to move the plate in the center of the table. Light background is always better than the dark, so if the table is dark and there is a bright cloth, let the dish is on this napkin. Thirdly, it is important to look how the light falls on the plate. It should not be on the forehead, it may be a side, rear, ie against the light is better to remove. Of course, the natural daylight is better electric.
At some point became Jamie Oliver fotkat their plates on old doors, he was such a feature is direct. Two years have passed, and magazines wanted shabby countertops. We now have the fashion strutting active color and high key when the picture is very bright and very light. And bourgeois trend is now gone, that all pictures must be twilight in the twilight, with a subdued light, very accurate light accents. Soon we will reach before.
Source: www.the-village.ru
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