That was clear at the Century
That was the question raised in 1990 by a group of scientists to solve the problem of long-term nuclear waste storage service Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).
via habrhabr
Here, the method of deep geological disposal of waste. Standard life facilities - 10,000 years. After placing the capsules in a salt mine at a depth of 600 m and sealing waste repository can be left unattended.
Since water does not enter the system from approximately 250 million years old, you can gently suggest that this does not happen even 200,000 years, until the waste life-threatening. Reach century and millennium. In the US will be new culture and civilization. Perhaps they will speak with new tongues and have no written language. The question is how to inform people about the danger to the future of this place?
To address this challenging task is to collect the working group. Very interesting to look at their proposed options.
Scientists once thought that the message should be in graphical form. No language or script in the world could not live so long, and is unlikely to (although, of course, this is possible).
The famous American astronomer, astrophysicist and prominent popularizer of science Carl Sagan (now deceased) was unable to attend the meeting, but sent a message that the problem is easy to solve, if you select the correct character, and he knows only one such: "Skull and Bones".
But symbols may also appear and disappear. In fact, the "skull and bones" were originally a symbol not of death and rebirth. For the first time it was used in religious literature of the Middle Ages, as seen in the painting "The Crucifixion" by Fra Angelico of the 15th century.
The skull is located at the base of the cross
After some time, the captains of ships began to paint this sign near the names of sailors who died in the list of the crew in the ship's log. Around the sailors symbol became associated with death. Later it was used by pirates to intimidate their victims.
Besides the "Jolly Roger" Pirates used other symbols. On the flag of Edward Teach aka Blackbeard was depicted skeleton wielding hourglass (the symbol of the inevitability of death) and preparing pierced human heart. The flag was to warn of the danger of colliding ships pirates resistance - in this case, all the prisoners waited cruel death.
Foothold in the culture and a symbol of death used punitive SS brigade.
But entering the mass pop culture, the conceptual meaning of the symbol is eroded. Now he is painted on backpacks, shirts, children's bodykit and even bottles of water!
As another alternative, scientists have proposed to explain the value of the symbol of radiation in the form of stories.
But if you read the story from the bottom up, it looks as if people have found the fountain of youth!
Landscape painter and architect Mike Brill, one of the members of the working group, offered his own version. We need to make sure that people were afraid of being in this dangerous place. According to his plan, it could be a landscape dotted with huge spikes sticking out of the ground.
In general, the final decision has not accepted. Although there are different alternatives, as the introduction of information about the dangers of this place in the public consciousness through the legends and folklore. Thus, information can be transmitted from generation to generation. For example, the composer wrote to Emperor X for this song, "Do not change color, cat».
In addition to songs, introduce information into the mass consciousness can be other ways. But this is not a guaranteed way.
via habrhabr

Here, the method of deep geological disposal of waste. Standard life facilities - 10,000 years. After placing the capsules in a salt mine at a depth of 600 m and sealing waste repository can be left unattended.

Since water does not enter the system from approximately 250 million years old, you can gently suggest that this does not happen even 200,000 years, until the waste life-threatening. Reach century and millennium. In the US will be new culture and civilization. Perhaps they will speak with new tongues and have no written language. The question is how to inform people about the danger to the future of this place?

To address this challenging task is to collect the working group. Very interesting to look at their proposed options.

Scientists once thought that the message should be in graphical form. No language or script in the world could not live so long, and is unlikely to (although, of course, this is possible).
The famous American astronomer, astrophysicist and prominent popularizer of science Carl Sagan (now deceased) was unable to attend the meeting, but sent a message that the problem is easy to solve, if you select the correct character, and he knows only one such: "Skull and Bones".

But symbols may also appear and disappear. In fact, the "skull and bones" were originally a symbol not of death and rebirth. For the first time it was used in religious literature of the Middle Ages, as seen in the painting "The Crucifixion" by Fra Angelico of the 15th century.
The skull is located at the base of the cross

After some time, the captains of ships began to paint this sign near the names of sailors who died in the list of the crew in the ship's log. Around the sailors symbol became associated with death. Later it was used by pirates to intimidate their victims.

Besides the "Jolly Roger" Pirates used other symbols. On the flag of Edward Teach aka Blackbeard was depicted skeleton wielding hourglass (the symbol of the inevitability of death) and preparing pierced human heart. The flag was to warn of the danger of colliding ships pirates resistance - in this case, all the prisoners waited cruel death.

Foothold in the culture and a symbol of death used punitive SS brigade.

But entering the mass pop culture, the conceptual meaning of the symbol is eroded. Now he is painted on backpacks, shirts, children's bodykit and even bottles of water!

As another alternative, scientists have proposed to explain the value of the symbol of radiation in the form of stories.

But if you read the story from the bottom up, it looks as if people have found the fountain of youth!
Landscape painter and architect Mike Brill, one of the members of the working group, offered his own version. We need to make sure that people were afraid of being in this dangerous place. According to his plan, it could be a landscape dotted with huge spikes sticking out of the ground.

In general, the final decision has not accepted. Although there are different alternatives, as the introduction of information about the dangers of this place in the public consciousness through the legends and folklore. Thus, information can be transmitted from generation to generation. For example, the composer wrote to Emperor X for this song, "Do not change color, cat».
In addition to songs, introduce information into the mass consciousness can be other ways. But this is not a guaranteed way.