NASA steal - it's cool
Moon story with a lot of questions.
The official history of the United States says that the US is committed 7 attempts of landing a man on the moon, of which 6 are crowned with success, and only in the mission of Apollo 13 accident occurred, due to which the landing became impossible, however, the crew was able to return to Earth, circled Moon and entered on manual control at a right angle to the Earth's atmosphere.
In all these six missions managed to get to the desired point to tens of meters up, where the machines were sent earlier to explore the area, and in the mission Apollo 12 lunar landing almost happened to this machine. During these six missions on the Moon visited 12 Americans who made scientific experiments on the moon. Was also filmed a lot of pictures of the lunar surface and outer space and delivered to Earth about 400 kg of lunar soil ...
Under questionable circumstances killed 11 astronauts. Seven were killed in a plane crash, three burned in a test capsule.
NASA, according to her, lost documentation booster Saturn-V, without which the stated shipping weight would be impossible. Someone stole the drawings.
Original recording landing on the moon was stolen from NASA
US National Aerospace Agency (NASA) posted on its website the restored video of landing a man on the moon, according to Associated Press.
After the lunar soil samples were taken and sent to a special storage area, a significant portion of these rocks was gone.
The official version - they are stolen.
Automatic stations were launched European "SMART-1" and the Indian probe "Chandrayaan-1", but the US flag on the moon was not found.
It remains a mystery who robbed the US?
The official history of the United States says that the US is committed 7 attempts of landing a man on the moon, of which 6 are crowned with success, and only in the mission of Apollo 13 accident occurred, due to which the landing became impossible, however, the crew was able to return to Earth, circled Moon and entered on manual control at a right angle to the Earth's atmosphere.
In all these six missions managed to get to the desired point to tens of meters up, where the machines were sent earlier to explore the area, and in the mission Apollo 12 lunar landing almost happened to this machine. During these six missions on the Moon visited 12 Americans who made scientific experiments on the moon. Was also filmed a lot of pictures of the lunar surface and outer space and delivered to Earth about 400 kg of lunar soil ...

Under questionable circumstances killed 11 astronauts. Seven were killed in a plane crash, three burned in a test capsule.
NASA, according to her, lost documentation booster Saturn-V, without which the stated shipping weight would be impossible. Someone stole the drawings.
Original recording landing on the moon was stolen from NASA
US National Aerospace Agency (NASA) posted on its website the restored video of landing a man on the moon, according to Associated Press.
After the lunar soil samples were taken and sent to a special storage area, a significant portion of these rocks was gone.
The official version - they are stolen.
Automatic stations were launched European "SMART-1" and the Indian probe "Chandrayaan-1", but the US flag on the moon was not found.
It remains a mystery who robbed the US?
