NASA is testing minostoyky car to rescue astronauts from launch pad and ready to run Boeing CST-100
If things go according to plan during the commercial launch of NASA spacecraft, the team will need to quickly get to a safe place. NASA uses special machines to mine protected MRAP - Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected. Machinery ensure the safety of the team during the launching of the ship Boeing CST-100.
MRAP Cougar i>
The body has a wedge-shaped trucks MRAP bottom, reinforced with armor plates. This reduces the force of the explosion and to dispel the shock wave on the sides of the body. These vehicles are beginning to use the army for the first time in South Africa, Angola and Namibia, and the United States began producing MRAP, after the invasion of Iraq. The Russian armored vehicles of this type are «Bear» and семейством "Typhoon» .
MIC-3924 "Bear" developed by the Department of wheeled vehicles MSTU. Bauman and "Military Engineering Centre» i>
American MRAP, which will use the NASA , a truck weighing more than twenty tons . It is designed to promote the troops through conflict zones, without fear of roadside bombs and ambushes. MRAP become a mobile shelter in case of problems during the start-up spacecraft. Maximum speed machines - fifty miles per hour, but during testing, NASA engineers found that a fully loaded vehicle is able to move more quickly.
Steve Payne, responsible for the commercial flights of NASA: "Knowledge of how quickly you can deliver a person from the launch pad in a safe place, is critical to the security team. You can draw on the map, any line, but nothing will know exactly before will experience the reality of this situation ».
During the flight, the shuttle for the same purposes NASA used an armored personnel carrier M113. New MRAP, unlike the M113, faster and can be controlled by any member of the team - it is not much different from the truck.
MRAP at Kennedy Space Center, 2013 i>
Simulating emergency delivery teams at a safe distance from the launch site, in June 2015, the complex 41 on Cape Canaveral i>
M113 armored personnel carrier Space Agency i>
CST-100 (Crew Space Transportation) - manned spacecraft Boeing. NASA plans to send it astronauts to the International Space Station and back. In 2010, the agency hoped to enter the ship into service in 2014, but this did not happen. In 2015 it was planned to test the three flight crew escape system, docking with the ISS and output machines in orbit. In May 2014 the agency moved the flights in 2017.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/252284/

MRAP Cougar i>
The body has a wedge-shaped trucks MRAP bottom, reinforced with armor plates. This reduces the force of the explosion and to dispel the shock wave on the sides of the body. These vehicles are beginning to use the army for the first time in South Africa, Angola and Namibia, and the United States began producing MRAP, after the invasion of Iraq. The Russian armored vehicles of this type are «Bear» and семейством "Typhoon» .

MIC-3924 "Bear" developed by the Department of wheeled vehicles MSTU. Bauman and "Military Engineering Centre» i>
American MRAP, which will use the NASA , a truck weighing more than twenty tons . It is designed to promote the troops through conflict zones, without fear of roadside bombs and ambushes. MRAP become a mobile shelter in case of problems during the start-up spacecraft. Maximum speed machines - fifty miles per hour, but during testing, NASA engineers found that a fully loaded vehicle is able to move more quickly.
Steve Payne, responsible for the commercial flights of NASA: "Knowledge of how quickly you can deliver a person from the launch pad in a safe place, is critical to the security team. You can draw on the map, any line, but nothing will know exactly before will experience the reality of this situation ».
During the flight, the shuttle for the same purposes NASA used an armored personnel carrier M113. New MRAP, unlike the M113, faster and can be controlled by any member of the team - it is not much different from the truck.

MRAP at Kennedy Space Center, 2013 i>

Simulating emergency delivery teams at a safe distance from the launch site, in June 2015, the complex 41 on Cape Canaveral i>

M113 armored personnel carrier Space Agency i>
CST-100 (Crew Space Transportation) - manned spacecraft Boeing. NASA plans to send it astronauts to the International Space Station and back. In 2010, the agency hoped to enter the ship into service in 2014, but this did not happen. In 2015 it was planned to test the three flight crew escape system, docking with the ISS and output machines in orbit. In May 2014 the agency moved the flights in 2017.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/252284/
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