How to care for the girl and arrange his personal life. 10 tips from the XVIII century

Printed literature love is part of Russian culture in 1730, with the publication of translated Vasily Trediakovsky novel Paul Thalmann "Riding in the Island of Love", where with the help of allegorical figures, operating in an imaginary space, told the inglorious history of love boys adventure.
Description imaginary amorous feelings - construct as reproducing existing rule, and transmitting it to the readers. Therefore love novel or story in full can be considered textbook sense, where lessons are given in a pleasant and unobtrusive way. About how this operated normalizing component of the European novel in the Russian reader can be judged, for example, love experiences and the famous letter of Tatiana Larina. Russian novels and stories of the XVIII century, although relatively small, there may be a basis for the reconstruction of no worse than the famous "cheats Richardson and Rousseau" (which they were directly inspired).
< 1. In which case you should start the courtship?
The map of the "authentic news about the glorious fortress called Addiction." 1765
© Russian State Library
In the XVIII century the literature was peculiar notion that the driving force of any true love relationship should be marriage. Clearly this idea can be seen, for example, in the allegorical book, German engineer Georg Andreas Böckler "authentic news about the glorious fortress called Addiction, Her note worthy siege and take jointly with the attached drawing" translated engineering officer Matthew Begichev.
Book Böckler Begichev translated in 1751, engaged in the construction of one of the fortresses Ukrainian line, and published in 1765. It was one of the first printing of publications, resumed at the Artillery and Engineering Cadet Corps (Begichev just became its head). The book seems to be designed to read the Cadets as a didactic text - and at the same time exciting benefits of fortification
The "true news", in particular, reported that the "fortress called Addiction", are only one of the gates with a gate called "mariazhe" - ie, the "marriage"
"Moat all around the fortress and swampy deep, filled with obstacles.
When thereof fortress has only one hard constructed gate with the little gate, called mariazhe in order onoyu in the night and in the day to get out and go could ... »
GA Böckler. "The real news about the glorious fortress called Addiction»
< 2. Where and how to meet the object of his love
Natalia Neelova Writer, author of the novel "Leinard and Termiliya or unfortunate fate of two lovers", gives a detailed answer to this question: to meet more often with you like a girl, you need to find a broker who will introduce you to her parents' house. After this you should get them to a separate invitation, and then we can start to ride one.
"Leinard young and rich man, decorated with many talents fair and sensitive nature of having heart, was once a large company, where there were many girls; among other there was also Termiliya, the daughter of a wealthy widow.
Great beauty of her modesty and decency act attracted her eyes, which he could no longer turn away from it after. She's sitting there, talking with the sole woman who counted Leinard Her mother, what not deceived, for it was indeed Her mother. He began to try what he could and would soon seek an opportunity to enter into conversation with her. Talking to her, he found Her mind is still better than the beauty ... View these feelings master of the house, who was a good friend to him, urging him to request that he brought him into the house to his mother Termilinoy and introduced her. This willingly consent.
He thought that would be unseemly to bring him to her house, not allowing her first to know about these things, sent to her the request for permission and got a very polite response that it wants to see in his Leinarda.
Mrs. D *** (so called mother Termilina) took it very kindly and politely, and ask that he went to her, which he gladly obeyed, and after she had been one very often. »
N. Neelova. "Leinard and Termiliya or unfortunate fate of two lovers»
< 3. How to start the courtship?
In the novel Thalmann - Trediakovsky "Riding in the Island of Love," it is a gallant romantic feelings are not related to marriage, which is very unusual for Russian publications of the XVIII century. Nevertheless, based on the writings it is quite traditional idea that a loving relationship requires respect to the subject of love, and are associated with many not easy emotions, passing certain stages.
Therefore, caution is required in love. From courtship, should be enough to say, and it is better to remain silent and do too much on lover not to look.
"I ran with great impatiently to the place where I saw the judges beautiful maiden, for kotoryya I set out to go to the Island of Love; and then some I was informed that her name Aminta. But when I was already almost at her, then accidentally is one person who is not out of the ney, rather frightened me one tokmo his eyes. The said age was high and a good person, but seemed very constant and important. His eyes were very not fast, glance exceedingly touching, and, looking at me, he held his finger to his lips index. One girl always followed him, and that he trod the footsteps of the most f. Onaya mended equal and similar movements, and also had the pace, word for word, as he was looking around incessantly about himself. Unit kupidinchik that by the time stuck to me, so for me to follow him everywhere in my way and that I may tell all that he who then told me tacos:
Say, what do you see as important,
Named all reverence;
His mother Love kazhny,
Father -. Itself Loves
Many others he has
In the court of this and august,
And who does not know how he
Pleasing, then in the worst
Unhappiness is
With all of our virgins red.
Bude in mercy be
His wish, the words clear
Few use treba:
And best of all with him to keep quiet;
Eyes, though would have been heaven,
Nor smechat nothing.
Sia Well, you see, the other,
Which has with him always,
Precaution Draghi:
Lover without it ever
Lucky finds himself,
And in his hot passion
With precautions will go
Kuzia wants without adversity »
P. Thalmann. "Riding in the Island of Love»
The book Böckler - Begichev description of the fortress called The tendency continues the story of how this fortress to take. courtship picture appears here as follows: first need to win the neglect and playfulness courtship object, and then overcome some unnamed obstacles and finally achieve "vysokopochitaniya", "obnadezhivaniya" or even immediately recognize
"... In all the places of the fortress, it jointly with the outer porches began to produce incessant firing, and the first two ravelins: neglect, lying opposite the main gate - minerovat; Well at least Ravelin and agility - to ruin. Although [it] with great care of, work, Dependent and deliberate damage forces produced, but both are broken Ravelin, minerovany, blown up, stormed and taken. And straightway in the add strengthened against the fortress and started to carry through a very deep swampy ditch (obstacles) gallery Opposite three bolverkov: Vysokopochitaniya, Obnadezhivaniya and recognition, that with all the power to discharge the same opportunity to attack
For advance could be seen used, only if at least one of the add bolverkov shall be taken, the fort must be forced to surrender. »
GA Böckler. "The real news about the glorious fortress called Addiction»
< 4. As a declaration of love?
To answer this question, I suggest to read the two opposing explanations from the novel by Vasily Lazarevic "virtuous Rose". Its action takes place in ancient times, when the "Prince Vladimir, and the name of the great affairs, introduced the Russian Christian confession of faith, and under his wise leadership of Orthodoxy already beginning to come in roofing powerful state that idopoklonstvo solemnly orthodoxy was rejected and trampled ..." . The main character - a virtuous Rosana, Zlonrava daughter, man, "a mediocre state," no matter what rejecting the truth and steeped in ignorance
Both explanations are addressed to Rosanna. Example gives Lyubochest right, "the young man wise and honorable, he retired for a little time out of the city into a fiefdom of his father, in the vicinity of the Zlonravom located." One day, he comes into the grove, where sleeps Rosana. He stares at her, and when she wakes up, they begin sublime conversation.
"- My Emperor! As I have not the honor to know you, then I think that you will forgive me that, if I leave you: my status, sex and age forbid me to be alone with you in this place ...
- Ah, madam! Mail you want to leave from here? Not for you, maybe I'm in your eyes seem unbearable? Or, if you imagine that I had you did not cause any grief, then let himself in assured madam, that you are to me nothing to expect can not ... [skip page] The eyes of your serves me hope that my flame, which is worthy of deification your beauty in my heart is inflamed, not in vain is burning in me. Oh! Be pleased to approve these things, dearest owner of my soul to favor ... »
Vladimir Lazarevic. "Virtuous Rosana»
As explained in love does not mean to be rude shows - "a very rich man living in the world about fifty, but the cruelty of temper and meanness of his soul deserves all the contempt" for whom decides to give Roseanne's father. Although the rough, for its part, is also eloquent:
"Roughly a glance in love with Rosanna, but seeing it dives into despair, thinking that these things cause of ordinary maidens Her age innocent modesty, and to caress her to him, he approached the Rosanna, began to talk to her so politely, that he had never in his life and did not used to say so; but train his words come to nothing served as except for the product of Rozanov even greater aversion to it, because they were like a gentle scolding grossest rodka, such as: "Duryndushka, do not be ashamed, look at the future of your husband ... What a snail, still turns ... but good, get used to it "- to this and other similar expressions, with which rough Rozanov expressed himself, gave her voschuvstvovat, how great is the difference between them and Lyubochestom»
Vladimir Lazarevic. "Virtuous Rosana»
In general, you need to explain to the girl properly. And right speech in the human representation of the XVIII century - is speech that is consistent with the rules of grammar and rhetoric. It is no coincidence most of the main characters of Russian love stories and novels of the XVIII century - people with a philosophical turn of mind, scientists and scholars sometimes too. It is no coincidence that in the composition of manuals on rhetoric distinguished section of excitation of passion, one of which must show love. Lomonosov, by the way, in the first printed Russian rhetoric, "Quick Guide to the eloquence" in the paragraph about love, explains in detail what should be loved poets: the word "love", and while there has been a lot of shades
< 5. Should we seek the help of friends in love affairs?
All moralistic literature of XVIII century teaches us that it is necessary to distinguish between true and false friends. If you open your heart to a false friend, it always takes you to the troubles. Thus, in the Paul Lviv "Rossiyskaya Pamela, or history of Mary, virtuous poselyanki" novel, rich and distinguished Victor falls in love with Maria, the daughter of Philip freeholders; Victor explained his love for her, but her father is against unequal marriage, he refuses to Victor and Maria agrees. Then, on the advice of his false friend Plutalova Victor trampling crops Philip dogs and horses, cuts down trees located on his land, trying to bribe Mary Diamond, burns the house of Philip and Mary intend to steal or buy it for gold. Naturally, this does not lead to anything good.
However, even if you open a genuine friend, your future depends primarily on you, because each will give you advice and will help, but will not be prudent for you.
< 6. Can you beat someone else's bride, or wife?
In the novel, Nicholas Emin "Rose. Poluspravedlivaya original novel "enthusiastic Milon looking for love Roses, bred on the same sentimental literature, which he did. But the parents give her to another - this is an old friend named Milo carminative. Milo wrote a letter careless girlfriend Rosa - charm in which he asks to answer, whether he likes Rosa. Here's a snippet of the letter:
"You wonder, ma'am, that Milo dare to write to you? I have to reason, I know that obedience to parents involves your beautiful girlfriend in the terrible union; I foresee dire consequences! No! Pleasures roofing meek, the beauty and dobrodetelnyya nesravnennyya Lindau whether captivity kind of nobility and baseness of the soul? I know the rule of this prince. Contempt is worthy, who should prove the coats of arms of the nobility. Its rules - the rules have nothing sacred in life: honor, conscience - all believed he predrassuzhdeniem mob. I shuddered, imagining who will possess incomparably Rozoyu! Perhaps exterior amenities ... art swirl in light of the wealth of delight and sorrow purchased consent ... no, it can not replace the human still shine. Rose needs heart, knowing the price of the purest love. I ventured, nothing discourage me not. - I should certainly know ... So, ma'am, I'm in love with unmatched Rose, and when you do not have any money left to me to be happy when I do not have any money left to live - I'm dying ... one word ... Rose spared the disastrous marriage. If it is love, beauty will bless. No ... on the coffin! Here are the palaces, that I will raise him and myself. So, madam, I decided to torment my superior ... pzveronyatiya spirit unhampered by ... evil fury of despair tears my soul. - Death - that's dock, which I ship to direct his. All the little ... Faith! - And you, Gehenna is the most bearable than life, tormented by every hour my spirit, seeing Rose in the jaws of a monster »
H. Emin. "Rose flower. Poluspravedlivaya original story »
© Russian State Library
Clearly, everything written Milo delights, will be transferred to the Rose - and in the moral world of Russian prose of XVIII century it can only lead to tragedy worse than trying to undo the sacred parents' decision about the fate of their daughter - even by proxy - can only be a desire, start in the depths of sensitivity to recapture his wife in lawful husband.
Of course, in the end it leads to death of all the main characters of the story: finding an old friend once again ardently pour out the feelings of his wife, carminative Prince mortally wounded in a duel of Milo; Rose could not bear it and die, and repentant carminative kill herself.
< 7. As the girl replied to the first love letter?
Best of all - in jest, but remember that this may not be empty talk, and true feelings: grooms on the road do not roll. A brilliant example can be found in one of the first with respect to the original Russian romances - in "Letters of Ernest and Doravry" Fedor Emin. At the beginning of the multi-volume novel, filled with philosophical arguments and largely dependent on the "New Heloise" Rousseau Doravra meets Ernest - who slept her fierce love letters containing including calls to punish him for his insolence - following honed epistolary diamond:
"You confess to his guilt, not to do so, as do the other guilty; it is true that sincerely repentant culprit not complain Opposite of Justice, he was sentenced to death; but this blame must honor of daring, which teaches its judges, how it should punish the crime. He must rely on the fairness and justice with patience wait torture. Such is often the case, and forgiven, and especially in his first crime. You do not know what kind of your fault you should be punished. Articles can, what else will and forgiven. If the roofing vehemently way to punish your crime solicited, then the way to increase their guilt and udvoivaete insolence in which you are in your letter to me admitted. I assure you that the one before whom you have sinned, do not you punish pohochet link; maybe invent a punishment that you will endure in this town, and finally pokayas his crime, you can be forgiven. Know zapodlinno that is much greater than the former in front of me will be to blame if henceforth retire. »
F. Emin. "Letters of Ernest and Doravry»
Just judging by the actions of the heroine of the story of Natalia Neelova should respond, and an oral confession.
< 8.