He now 140 years old! Who is he?
Do you recognize this man? Who is he?
He was the founder of the party of a new type. Whose main objective - to capture and retain power.
Neither before nor after him - no one better yet invented.
Continued inside the post.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov) was born (10) 22 April 1870 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk). In addition Volodya's family had five children. He studied at the Simbirsk gymnasium.
In May 1887 his elder brother Alexander was hanged for participating in a conspiracy that was aimed at the physical destruction of the Russian Tsar Alexander III.
After a short training at the University of Kazan for promoting student movement was excluded. In Kazan, enter a Marxist circle. In St. Petersburg in 1893, is engaged in journalism, exploring questions of social democracy, political economy.
In 1895 travels abroad. Returning to become the founder of the party "League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class." As a result of the arrest sent to the Yenisei province. It was there three years later Lenin married Nadezhda Krupskaya. There's also wrote most of his works. After the end of the reference in 1900, settled in Pskov. In collaboration with other activists and based newspaper "Spark", the magazine "Zorya". Lenin was one of the organizers of the second Party Congress, was the work plan, the charter party, trying to create a new society with the help of the socialist revolution. During the revolution of 1907-1907 years Lenin was in Switzerland. After the arrest of many members of the party, the leadership goes to him. After the third Party Congress, he prepared the uprising demonstrations. Despite the fact that the December uprising suppressed, does not stop the work, writing new works, publishes the newspaper "Pravda", strengthens the revolutionary organizations. In those years, he had many crossings, emigration. After fulfillment of the February Revolution of 1917 he returned to Russia, gave a presentation (eg, April theses). Lenin implement a plan of proletarian revolution, led by anti-government uprising, and after the announcement of his arrest goes underground. The Congress of Soviets led the new government: SNK - Council of People's Commissars. He leads the meetings, conferences. After the October Revolution of 1917 concluded a peace treaty with Germany, founded the Red Army, III Communist International. Policy of War Communism, Lenin changes to a new economic policy aimed at growth of the national economy, founded socialist state, the Soviet Union. As a result of ill health, died Jan. 21, 1924. His role in the history of the country is enormous. The body of Lenin is in the mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow.
In May 1887 his elder brother Alexander was hanged for participating in a conspiracy that was aimed at the physical destruction of the Russian Tsar Alexander III.
After a short training at the University of Kazan for promoting student movement was excluded. In Kazan, enter a Marxist circle. In St. Petersburg in 1893, is engaged in journalism, exploring questions of social democracy, political economy. & Quot; title = «Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov) was born (10) 22 April 1870 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk). In addition Volodya's family had five children. He studied at the Simbirsk gymnasium.
In May 1887 his elder brother Alexander was hanged for participating in a conspiracy that was aimed at the physical destruction of the Russian Tsar Alexander III.
After a short training at the University of Kazan for promoting student movement was excluded. In Kazan, enter a Marxist circle. In St. Petersburg in 1893, is engaged in journalism, exploring questions of social democracy, political economy. »& Gt;
He was the founder of the party of a new type. Whose main objective - to capture and retain power.
Neither before nor after him - no one better yet invented.
Continued inside the post.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov) was born (10) 22 April 1870 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk). In addition Volodya's family had five children. He studied at the Simbirsk gymnasium.
In May 1887 his elder brother Alexander was hanged for participating in a conspiracy that was aimed at the physical destruction of the Russian Tsar Alexander III.
After a short training at the University of Kazan for promoting student movement was excluded. In Kazan, enter a Marxist circle. In St. Petersburg in 1893, is engaged in journalism, exploring questions of social democracy, political economy.
In 1895 travels abroad. Returning to become the founder of the party "League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class." As a result of the arrest sent to the Yenisei province. It was there three years later Lenin married Nadezhda Krupskaya. There's also wrote most of his works. After the end of the reference in 1900, settled in Pskov. In collaboration with other activists and based newspaper "Spark", the magazine "Zorya". Lenin was one of the organizers of the second Party Congress, was the work plan, the charter party, trying to create a new society with the help of the socialist revolution. During the revolution of 1907-1907 years Lenin was in Switzerland. After the arrest of many members of the party, the leadership goes to him. After the third Party Congress, he prepared the uprising demonstrations. Despite the fact that the December uprising suppressed, does not stop the work, writing new works, publishes the newspaper "Pravda", strengthens the revolutionary organizations. In those years, he had many crossings, emigration. After fulfillment of the February Revolution of 1917 he returned to Russia, gave a presentation (eg, April theses). Lenin implement a plan of proletarian revolution, led by anti-government uprising, and after the announcement of his arrest goes underground. The Congress of Soviets led the new government: SNK - Council of People's Commissars. He leads the meetings, conferences. After the October Revolution of 1917 concluded a peace treaty with Germany, founded the Red Army, III Communist International. Policy of War Communism, Lenin changes to a new economic policy aimed at growth of the national economy, founded socialist state, the Soviet Union. As a result of ill health, died Jan. 21, 1924. His role in the history of the country is enormous. The body of Lenin is in the mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow.

In May 1887 his elder brother Alexander was hanged for participating in a conspiracy that was aimed at the physical destruction of the Russian Tsar Alexander III.
After a short training at the University of Kazan for promoting student movement was excluded. In Kazan, enter a Marxist circle. In St. Petersburg in 1893, is engaged in journalism, exploring questions of social democracy, political economy. & Quot; title = «Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov) was born (10) 22 April 1870 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk). In addition Volodya's family had five children. He studied at the Simbirsk gymnasium.
In May 1887 his elder brother Alexander was hanged for participating in a conspiracy that was aimed at the physical destruction of the Russian Tsar Alexander III.
After a short training at the University of Kazan for promoting student movement was excluded. In Kazan, enter a Marxist circle. In St. Petersburg in 1893, is engaged in journalism, exploring questions of social democracy, political economy. »& Gt;