Souls for Sale

In Minneapolis (USA), a local resident holds a store called SoulsRUs, which sells for $ 15 soul of famous people. A jar with a soul can only be bought in the United States, delivery costs an additional $ 5.

Mollie Gates sells jars with a pinkish substance like cotton wool - a woman says that this is how look the soul. Each packaging pee. Attention journalists interesting shop drew the only now, but also works from the 18th of December last year. At the moment, already implemented "soul" Ryan Gosling, Beyonce, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Lawrence, as well as rap artist Drake. But recently went on sale a "soul" Matt Makkonahi.

Gates said that the soul catches the celebrities when they are sleeping. Exactly how she does it, she did not say, however, he said that the soul is able to steal a child. Her first "trophy" was the soul of the hamster friend. According to Gates, the kidnapping of a shower - quite painless operatsiya.

By the way, one of the journalists decided to open a jar of "soul." As it turned out, inside was a fake cobwebs, colored paint from ballonchika.

Source: mirfactov.com/