The severity of the last incarnation. Farewell to karma.

The number of incarnations stellar souls on Earth ranges from 4 to 10. The Incarnation in the three-dimensional world to the alien soul is a working visit, a business trip. Every soul, delegated his stellar civilization, comes to Earth with specific tasks. Alien soul is not attached to this world, they always internally know that it is not their world. Their heart keeps the memory of a perfect and harmonious existence on a stellar home. So when the time comes, they are easy to leave the earthly body and return home.
But before I come back, you need to perform a job that everyone has their own. Just one life all the tasks set by the Creator, the soul does not have time to perform, so it takes several reincarnations. The most painful realization - it is the first and ends. The first incarnation of the thin cosmic soul adapts to the conditions of the material world, mastered, accustomed, typed earthly experience. Dress rough skin after a thin luminous clothes is not everyone's strength. To this agree very strong and dedicated spiritual workers.
Beginning with the first embodiment in this world, the soul star accumulating karma of three dimensions, plus it comes with his own personal history with stellar genealogy, which inevitably manifests itself in the earth's environment. Space alien heredity recorded as a hologram in the plasma chromosomes, which are embedded in the Earth's DNA and manifested in the form of unusual abilities or original way of thinking. This issue is devoted to another article, but for now let's talk about the Earth's karma and the last incarnation of the soul star.
The Earth's harsh reality, it is simply impossible to make mistakes, because life is like a razor's edge. One offense stellar soul already lays the foundation for a series of subsequent incarnations, it's not always their fault shower time to fix a single life. In the past, many of us were wrong, why we are here and now painful to get out of the shackles that have created for themselves by their misconduct.
Dense Matter insidious, it creates the illusion that confuses pure souls astray, pushing them to the side of darkness, and the darkness. Often our star brothers tied to carnal pleasures, the plant family, bear children than tightly tied his soul to earthly reality. They were immersed in life, trying to live by the customs of the earthlings, losing memory of his cosmic nature. All this is a burden to consciousness so that we had to stay for a few incarnations, that in the future to untie karmic knots with those who caused the fall of the soul into matter.
Take, for example, the story of Elizabeth Haich, which she describes in her book "Dedication". It was embodied in the ancient Egypt, had high spiritual initiation, receiving his rapid way. E.Heych does not reveal the secrets of their initiation, as this sacred knowledge, which is only available for election. I'm sure that during the dedication she discovered stellar memory and showed the native cosmic world.
The teacher gave her instructions relating to the need to abstain from carnal pleasures. But the soul of this woman could not stand the temptation of passion, she fell into the arms of the earthly man, leaving her soul was tied to her dead body in the course of 3000 years, after which she regained the ability to embody and recreate the path traversed in the dedication. Her last earthly life was full of hardships - disease, war and other disasters. It all came as a result of a single fatal mistake, do not be a soul would have returned to the spiritual world many thousands of years ago.
The most common mistakes alien souls who wear the earthly body - is joining the physical relationship because of animal passion and premature disclosure of dangerous knowledge unprepared mankind.
Animal passion delayed many souls in gross matter swamp and created karma that they are forced to work for several incarnations. Sphinx has been created for visitors from other worlds is always mindful of his dual nature, the fact that the need to control their animal part - bodily instincts. The upper part of the Sphinx - the human, the lower - animal. We need to develop a trezvomyslie, will power and aspiration to the divine, to once again not to fall into the swamp of matter. That's why many star shower in the last incarnation sharply there is a problem of partnership and family breakdown. The roots must be sought in past incarnations.
Another error - a premature disclosure of secrets - creates karma associated with the implementation in the professional sphere. There acutely manifest problems related to work, career, choice of profession, painful search for himself in this world. If you have seen this picture, so your past misdemeanors related to the violation of the law of informational equilibrium. I call it "karma Prometheus." By the way, some liver diseases occur for this reason. This I have noticed in practice.
The latest incarnation - a breakthrough alien souls back into space. This is a chance to work ALL the earthly karma in one life, and it happens oh how difficult. Here is another example, from the biography of a famous writer Lobsang Rampa. In one of his books, he describes his painful incarnation and what preceded his choice. Once astrologers predicted the fate of the boy variants depending on the person's individual choice in one direction or another.
The boy chose the most difficult path, because it was connected with the mission of helping humanity, but because of that he had to endure a lot of wandering, disease, Japanese captivity, the loss of the physical body and the transmigration of the soul in the body of a foreign citizen. Thanks to this amazing world learned of the book Tibetan lama and his adventures in the subtle worlds.
In the books of L. Rampa writes that if a person has a hard fate, this means the latest incarnation of the world, as one life gather all the debts and difficult karmic situations follow one another. In other debts do not give, and will have to rotate in the wheel of Samsara indefinitely. Many spiritual workers choose exactly this way of parting with karma, because the next opportunity can only be after many thousands of years.
If you feel that your destiny too hard, let the thought of the last incarnation will dry your tears and quenches spiritual sorrow. The latest incarnation of the soul star are experiencing a strong yearning for their native worlds, crying, looking at the starry sky, suffer from loneliness and separation from kindred spirits. If you experience this, then your soul is alive and the memory is about to wake up. These experiences need to bless, they lead to a spiritual awakening.
As a result, we get home, it's Call of the Creator of the spiritual worlds of deep space. To get closer to the House, it is necessary to strive for it, because we all know that a rolling stone gathers no moss. The more our spiritual aspiration, the most in our lives happen welcome change - meeting with the brothers embodied space, memory and comprehension of the awakening of the divine nature, his destiny.
Many of us are not even aware of his enormous power, capable of changing the world. This force is sleeping, but it's time to wake up. Do not humiliate yourself sadness and remorse. Just accept things as they are and release all that disturbs your soul. Past mistakes - it's an experience that can be known only on Earth. Thank this world of experience and a lot of adventure and continue your Star Trek - from planet to planet, from star to star. Our native worlds await us and has opened its arms!
Smoothly deploy their wings over the earth
And without fear leave this world for a!
Letting your Spirit to infinite worlds,
We sail on the invisible ether waves ...
Daria Siberian