The most delicious cheeses

Cheese - a food product derived from milk using syroprigodnogo milk clotting enzymes and lactic acid bacteria or by the melting of various dairy and non-dairy raw material with the use of salt-melters. №1. Parmesan - hard, brittle, spicy taste.

It needs to be cut into thin slices, and is - with pears and walnuts. Parmesan is added to pasta, risotto, omelets. 100 g contains on average 392 calories. №2. Bree - vintage French cheese. Cheese Kings.

Its taste, depending on the variety and timing of maturation varies from mushroom to fruit. Fruits and brie - the best combination. 100 g contains on average about 330 calories. №3. Cambozola (Cambozola) - German cow cheese, producers who have managed to combine the features of French soft cheeses and Italian Gorgortsoly.

The taste is similar to Camembert, however, due to mold inclusions it more intense and sharp. This cheese is best to file a fruit (such as melon, grapes or pears). To fully understand the delicate taste of the cheese "Kambatsola" should be allowed to fully unfold its flavor. To do this, put the cheese on the plate for an hour before serving. 100 g contains on average 427 calories. №4. Mascarpone - Italian cream cheese, with a rich flavor, like a cream and yogurt.

100 g contains on average 453 calories. №5. Camembert - a soft cheese made from cow's milk.

Brie and Camembert are similar, but slightly less fat brie. 100 g contains on average about 300 calories. №6. DorBlu - German blue cheese. Its better to eat nuts and grapes. If you eat several varieties of cheese at the same time, this variety is best left for last. 100 g contains on average 354 calories. №7. Gorgonzola (Gorgonzola) - one of the most famous Italian cheeses, wherein the characteristic tangy flavor.

This cheese has a sweet taste, with delicate and light nutty flavor. 100 g contains on average about 358 calories. №8. Mozzarella - cheese made from buffalo milk.

This cheese goes well with tomatoes, basil and olive oil. You can add a little black pepper. 100 g contains on average 250 calories. №9 Roquefort - the famous French cheese.

Roquefort is combined with wines: Cahors, Sauternes, Porto. 100 g contains on average 335 calories. №10. Tete de Moine - refers to the exclusive Swiss cheese.

Translated from the French the name means "the head monk." Tete de Moine is made from cow's milk produced exclusively in the summer months. Matures over three months. Ready to slice cheese homogeneous, dense texture is different. Has a very strong aroma and a pronounced tangy taste. Good white wines. 100 g contains on average 410 calories.
Source: mirfactov.com/