Building a 3D printer to "print" quality homes

Not so long ago Habré to publish news that the Chinese were able to print 10 houses per day , using a large 3D printer of their own design. In general, the idea is great, but the flaws in the Chinese project is.
The fact is that printed just concrete shell, no insulation, space for wiring and other things. However, there is a project which aims - not the fastest creation of a concrete box, and the "seal" of quality homes with insulation, with a place for communication lines / wiring and other things.
author of the project Andrey Rudenko, who plans to create using this method two-story homes in the United States, Minnesota. Rudenko - not an amateur in the matter of architecture and construction, it has the relevant expertise. Well, the idea is to create a house using 3D printer took a fancy to him, and to light a printer of his own design, which is already a lot of things can do.

The author plans to develop the project, giving him some directions. First - the construction of quality homes, as discussed above. Second - decorative trim, with "stamped" Specifying patterns / shapes. If print quality post-processing objects created will simply not needed, walls will be perfectly smooth, so equate them to perform domestic work is not necessary.
Rudenko created his project based on the "open" Printer RepRap. The system uses a controller Arduino Mega 2560, but, by itself, the working parts of the printer are very high, more than any 3D printer of similar design.

Already planned to build a test cottage measuring 10 * 15 meters, with all the necessary communications. "Print" is conducted layers separate layer width - 20 mm thickness - 5 mm. Print material - concrete mix their own & quot; cooking.
Of course, for commercial use such ideas need licensing, permission from the relevant authorities. I suppose, if this method of construction to prove its viability / reliability, the license will be issued. But this time you may need quite a lot.
Via 3dprint
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/224913/