Chinese lunar rover is still functioning, but in a restricted mode

"Jade Hare", a Chinese lunar rover, five months is on the moon. As we know, there was a machine breakdown, which led to the impossibility of hiding important units and components (mast, solar panels) in box with heating.
This, in turn, caused the gradual "loosening" the machine, because every moonlit night, which lasts 14 Earth days, leads to failure / breach of that or any other system devices. Nevertheless, the rover is still "alive", and transmits the signal to the earth through the lander.
Lunokhod can not move because its wheels are no longer functioning. And over time, without exception denied the system, though it may not happen so soon.
In any case, the project for the study of the Chinese lunar lander using the rover and can be considered a success, since most of the program is executed. Yes, there were some points of the program, which was not possible to carry out, but the launch, landing and operation of the devices on the moon - it all went quite well. Deviation from the intended landing site, breaking the chain drive unit - annoying problem, but, in general, the project has proved to be successful.
I would hope that the Chinese (and not only they) will go on and continue the development of Earth's natural satellite. By the way, at a recent conference of leading experts NASA announced that the agency priority at the moment is landing a man on Mars, the Moon it does not go. So all hope - to the Chinese.
Via cri
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/224917/
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