The man turned himself into a living doll

all started with one operation on his nose decade ago. A native of Brazil, Rodrigo Alves, who lives in the UK, decided to use inheritance to change one thing he always hated himself. Today nothing remains of the former Brazilian nice guy!

Now the 30-year-old Rodrigo Alves spent more than $ 150 000 on 12 plastic surgeries and a lot of cosmetic procedures. He argues that he could not finish his search for the perfect face and body, despite the fact that he almost died after a recent protsedury.

"I hate the way I look at his nose, which was distributed all over my face - says Rodrigo. - It all started with operations on the nose, but I still was not happy after that, so went back for another. But I'm still unhappy ».

Rodrigo admires Barbie's boyfriend Ken - because this toy looks like a "perfect man." Especially like the figure of Rodrigo Ken but he, alas, boasts a muscular body could not. "I tried to work hard to get results. I went to the best gym in the country, I have had personal trainers, but for me, nothing worked. So I prefer a quick decision. "

In January, Rodrigo suffered from dangerous complications after the procedure to increase the biceps, triceps and shoulders with silicone. The chemical has seeped into his body, and within a few days of his hands were swollen so much that he could not even wash and pick something up. At some point, the doctors told him that the one hand, may have to be amputated. If an infection caused by the leakage of the liquid reached his heart, he would have died. Rodrigo was perilously close to death, but luckily the doctors succeeded him pomoch.

A total of Rodrigo underwent 20 cosmetic procedures and operations, including rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast implants installation, Botox injections, and various fillers. The therapist diagnosed him dysmorphia - unhealthy obsession with her appearance. People with dysmorphia constantly compare their looks with others, spend a lot of time in front of a mirror or avoiding mirrors altogether. They can do plastic surgery, but it is unlikely that this will ease their suffering.
Source: www.kasjauns.lv/ru/novosti/152578/muzhchina-prevratil-sebja-v-zhivuju-kuklu
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