Video from the ISS in HD quality in real-time: High Definition Earth Viewing

Do not know why, but the news that the ISS began broadcasting in HD-quality, passed somehow passed Habra. And it is - a new experiment, which started more April 30 this year.
The project found a few very high-quality HD video cameras aimed at the Earth. Camera, how you can understand from the outside of the ISS, on the casing, but enclosed in a housing with controlled pressure and temperature.
view is constantly changing, being broadcast from different cameras at a time.
Of course, there are times when communication with the ISS lost ground station, in addition, periodically station is in shadow, so to see something unlikely to succeed at the appropriate time. Except for these periods, all perfectly clear.
In general, even something as unusual look at our Earth "outside", and we do not look at the photos and watch video streams in real time.
Translation itself is available here on this link .
There is another camera with them to broadcast less quality. But see still interesting , right?
But more detailed description of the experiment .
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222283/