Colocation, ordinary and not very
Recently there was a desire I put my curiosity CubieTruck in the data center to check how it will behave under combat load. And ... I do not work out, because data center, in which I asked, not yet ready to place as standard equipment. And then it dawned on me to make a very brief outline of what people may wish to place on colocation.
Yes, in the photo Mac Mini, placed in a server rack. But more about that later.
Desktops h4> The first place in frequency accommodation (after the classic rack servers, which I generally will not touch upon in this article) - desktops. And although the area colocation desktop configurations its elegance rather resembles some garage or warehouse, this service is quite in demand.
Mac Mini h4> Accommodation Mac Mini in the data center, we have not yet gained popularity (in any case, I have not heard about it). But in the US there are entire companies that specialize on such a deployment. As with desktops, there are two options of accommodation. Accommodation in a 19 & quot; You've already seen the rack. And here is how the placement of the rack:
Notebook h4> Yes, me and myself wondering how it looks. I have not found a gallery, but on the forums asked questions, where you can put on a colo laptop, as well as testimonials of people who have already done it. In particular, one person mentioned that his ISP loved his energy. But the demand is really low, go into details because it is not necessary.
CubieTruck h4> Perhaps the new and unpopular kind - placing the mini-computers (including the architecture-based ARM). Basically, ARM is used for mobile phones and tablets. But gaining momentum production of mini-computers, such as CubieBoard . And if Cubieboard 1 and 2 can be applied advantageously in DIY projects, the third version of the performance quite live up to a small VPS.

Yes, in the photo Mac Mini, placed in a server rack. But more about that later.