Incredible facts about Ukraine, which few people know
Now, we present to your attention to an amazing article, investigating those who are easy to believe that Vikram has nothing to catch, "because the authors of the Undeniable facts and evidence leave no doubt, the hires are title, short and clear.
One thing is unclear. Maybe the authors will explain or update their behavior, answer the question we have after reading. With this kind of disgraceful superiority, and the first, and the instrument of the longest, and the first monkey is a stolen -- and most of the words with the letters "p" begin (agree, low-value), and drink with the 15 years, and the pegs after the interrogation -- (well, if he had a 15...) -- and Aegan Chopin's orns are clean, and the stock is now... And damn it, with Crumma, the rest of our reasons for national pride, we still don't have a cure... so when it's so superior, it's not a question why would such a great nation, the coffee plant, we're undoubtedly (by the way, if someone still has a sense of pride, and so on, why not the rest of the world, the rest of the world, why not the government?) Why not the rest of the world, why not the rest of the world, the world, the world, why not the world, the world, the world, why the world, why not the world, why not the world, the world, why the world, why not the government, why the rest of the world, why the world, why the world, why the world, the world, why the world, why the world, why not the rest of the rest of the rest of the world, the world, the world, why not the world, why the world, why, why not the world, why not the rest of the world, but the world, the world, why the world, why not the world, why not the rest of the world, why the world, why not the world You may have other questions after reading this wonderful article...
Despite the fact that all of the Ukrainians are trying to prove their ungodliness, they say, the best way to get out of this country as quickly as possible, "because we don't care about the world, the statistics and the facts tell us things in exactly the opposite, tells ar.com. ua.
The largest country in Europe.A country that takes .41% of the world's land region, which is 0.85% of the world's population, and gives 0.20% of the world's national product. A country that focuses on a quarter of all the supplies of Black on Earth. The country entering the three largest suppliers of the egg menu is one of the most powerful grain producers and with France, Germany and the United States are one of the largest sugar burgers.
Our country enters seven of the most powerful plants in the world, pork, sugar and potato. Hundreds of great Ukrainians were and remain the makers of world history. Artists and scientists, politicians and composers, actors and writers -- they all give us the opportunity abroad or at home with the pride of saying,"I am Ukrainian!"
First in the world
Ukrainians, akaAnton's constructor bureauSo, built a plane from the world's largest cargo age, An- 225 "Maria." He was originally designed to transport spacecraft. The Mayan currently runs commercial transportation.
Written by one of the world's first Constitution- Ukrainian political and public acting by the Pink Eagle. On April 5, 1710, he was elected by the Ghetman of Zaporizan. This day, Pillek Eagle announced "The Constitution of Rights and the Free Forces of Zaporizozhye." In the United States, the Constitution was taken in 1787, in France and in Poland, only in 1791.
First Frame StreetIt was invented in Ukraine in 1814, the Prokovich Peter. Ukraine has been confident to keep room in the tribunal of world's land leaders. By advancing countries in Europe over the quantity of copper production several times, Ukraine is at the same time the world's first produced honey per capita (1.5 kg).
UkraineThe world's largest supply of margaritas.2,3 billion, or about 11% of all the world's supplies.
The greatest men in the monastery are names to the Lauturs.The State of Lavara only have six monasteries in the world. Three of them are in Ukraine. This is the St-Upsk Kescera Lavara in Kiev who received this status in 1598, the St-Upsk Lavara in m.
The whole academy.- the first high school in Eastern Europe, the oldest Ukrainian educational institution. In 1576, Prince of Ossisezhye, Basil, declared the Slavic-Latin Academy in Ostoo.
First gas lampIt's invented in M. Lviv hardware workers under the golden star "Ignatius Lukesevich and Jan Zep in 1853. The same year the hospital had a first surgery in light of the lawn lamp. Then the gas lamp was presented in an international show in Munich, and the invention was marked by a special grenade.
The Memories of the known UkrainianTaras Shvenek's poets are installed in 1200 places.All over the world.
The Arsenal subway station in Kiev is the deepest part of the world(Sighs) It goes underground at 105 meters. The station at Parliament was built in 1960, one of the first. Some say there's hidden hiding in the Arsenal tunnels for the political front.
Ukrainianspiritual tool tremble- the longest spiritual musical instrument in the world.
The longest troll routeThere are 86 km in the world, and he's going to the Crime between Simferol and the Jarek.
The shortest main street.Of all the capital of the world, but at the same time, one of the greatest and most beautiful is the cross in Kiev. Its length is only 1225 m.
The oldest known scientists mapand also the most ancient development of Homo Sapiens are found in Ukraine: s. Revolutionary domain. They're around 14.515 years old. Mom's on the mat's bones.
Ukrainian "Southern" (m) producedthe most sustainable rockets in the world(Sighs) They send commercial cargo to space within the international Sea Start project.
Unique facts about Ukraine
First High TutorialIn Ukraine there was an Ocenov colleague founded in mine. Then these were the only higher educational institutions in the eastern Slavic world.
The longest cave in UkraineIt's called "Optimistic," and it's called "Optimistic." This is a plaster cave at 20 meters long. The longest plaster cave in the world and the second for the prolonged at all, it only comes from the American Empire cave.
In Ukraine, near the town of the Council, surrounded by painting Carpathiansbecomes
The European Geographic Center(Sighs)
The oldest tree in UkraineIt's assumed to be a 1300th-year-old oak in the Yizhyfin Risfin.
Ukrainians have madeThe biggest glass in the world for champagne56.25. How to drink champagne from such a disease until it's unclear, but it's another official Ginsness World record from Ukrainians.
ThirdThe world's most visitorsIt's in Kiev by the train station. This institution goes to the top five of the world's most efficient MacDonald.
Ukraine's Territory visited one of thelargest historical transport routes--" A way with avagang to the Greeks "-- a system of river routes and hair between them 3,000 miles, linking north land to ancient Raius with southern lands and Baltic Sea to Black. throughout the ancient history of Ukraine, Rose was a bridge between the worlds of Eastern Europe and the Danish staircase, Europe, ancient, Byzantine and Latin.
Ukraine is publishingThe fourth place in the world is the number of citizens with higher education.(Sighs) Ukraine's population belongs to the most educated, and the number of people with higher education per capita is above the Middle European level.
UPA Armyset an absolute record, holding on to the actual occupied territory for almost twenty years. The technology and the methods of Ukrainian soldiers have studied even the Cuban rebels of Fidel Castro. "If I had an army like the UPA, a German boots would never be French," said Charles de Gaulle, President of France in 1958, 1969.
Ukraine on its own initiative refusedThird in the world by the magnitude of the nuclear weapon arsenal.(Sighs) At the moment of declaring independence, there were over a thousand nuclear warheads and missiles, third largest nuclear potential after Russia and America. The warheads and rockets were transferred to Russia, the bunker was destroyed. In response to this country, Ukraine gained money for firepower and security from nuclear states.
International Ukrainian hymn consists of only six lines(four in poems and two in the hospital) The rest of the lines of the hymn are considered politically invalid. (For example, "Let's go, brothers, to the battle of blood from Sietch to Don" means the claims of Ukraine in Russia and Poland.)
Ukrainians- And in the world a nation of drinkingRight after lightning, Russians, Hungarian and Czechs. The average Ukrainian over 15 drinks on average 15.6 liters of alcohol per year (this is about a liter more than Irish and almost two liters more than Norwegian).
Most Ukrainian words begin with the letter "p."The most frequently used letter alphabet is "oh." The "f" and "g" are used most often.
In Paris's beauty contestIn 1934, the language of Ukrainian was the third place after French and Persian on such criteria as phonetic, lexicology, the structure of sentences. And for the melody of Ukraine, it took second place, after Italian.
Ukraine is focused1 / 4 of all black-color reserves on the planet(Sighs) Black soil on correct processing gives the greatest crop. During the Second World War, German soldiers even took the Black-earth away for food.
With the number of sunny days like thisWell, it's not like your buddy doesn't go to Nice.And another Mediterranean resort. Most of Ukraine is placed within a noticeable continental climate, but for the South Bank, Creed is a major sub-climate.
The makers of the popular Arcodo in the world, "Who acts against me is the one that acts against God."based on the internal decoder of the characterizerThat there were representatives of the Sith Zaporozhye who said, "If the enemy only decided to attack me, he was already defeated."
Before nearly complete destruction in the year 1240, the Kyiv Mongols wereone of Europe's largest citiesFifty times bigger than London, ten to Paris. To achieve his festival by Jarosław Mudwigo (10101054), who was renounced with French royalty, Norway, Romania and Poland. His population was about 50,000 people. In order to get to these demographics again, it took about 600 years. It could be quite possible if not the fatal destruction of Kiev could be actually the most advanced and biggest city in Europe for many years.
Interesting stories / individuals
Pablo Picasso was taken from the work of Ukrainian artist Katherine Snow(1900- 1961) When he saw her work at the expo in 1954, he said they were brilliant and compared to Katerina Belarur with the famous world artist, Serapine Lois.
One of the world's most famous Christmas Songs is"Szczepek"a folk song written by the Ukrainian composer Miśia Leontowicz. The world knows it as Carol of the Bells or Ring Christiils Bells. There are millions of views in Youtu.
During the English-urban war (South Africa) in 1899- 1902, the commander of one of the occupation storms,Ukrainian Yuri Buddha, rescued from the shooting.One young English journalist. Soon, the last helped the Buddha join the Oxford University. In 1917. Yuri worked in the government of the People's Republic. 1943. Yuri Buddha died in the Soviet concentration. The English journalist called Winston Churchill.
At the moment of declare independence in UkraineThere were 19.4 million pigs(Sighs) Today they're twice as small as 8.3 million. Despite the reputation of the Sultan, the average Ukrainian only eats 18 kilos of pork a year. It's three times smaller than the average German.
In Ukraine near Nicopoli, in Cossi, in one of the Dnieper's sleeves, you can see the phenomenon that rarely appears in the world,Slam"These are probably the strangest songs to hear after rain, when the top layer falls together and forms a fragile bone. You can hear noise like a whistle of air released from a car cam.
In Berdisch's town (Szymir) in St. Barbara, March 14, 1850The beauty of Avina Gansk was a slow man from Onora de Balzac.(Sighs) In this same town, Frederic Chopin lived for a long time, and besides writing music, he was also running a work with a tissue organ.
You could compileThe dictionary of Ukrainian names, created along the route of Russian officials(Sighs) Yes, the Ukrainian house of the Czechs in the 20th century became something of Czechs. Grandpa Achov was still Czech. The Achehov himself wrote that his grandfather was Ukrainian. Pretty funny Danica turned into Daniel. The bones of the mind became intelligent, and the Seagull became Seacocsky. The Did Petra Tchaikovsky, the great composer Peter Seagull, finished Kyiv, the Chinese Academy, and his as a medic, the Russian government saved the state doctor in Vienna. Perhaps Ukrainian atmosphere in the Seagull family has survived much better than the Easter family, because from the 24-year-old age of the future composer nearly every year lived in Ukraine, where he wrote more than 30 works, among which are the opera of Caval Vucula, "Mazump," song, "Sales of the cherry shop," duet at the city of the word. During the brutal times of the empire, he was able to do the production of Taras Bulba, the M.Lansk, used many Ukrainian folk songs in his writings.
Among those who areHe was despised by his people, he was a famous writer, a Ukrainian writer, as a result of being... Felix Dostoevsky(Sighs) The Dostoevsky village came from Dostova near Pancsk. One of the Dostoevsky becomes the Giormonac of Kyiv-Pistra, and in 1647, there is an election of another transit. What's interesting is that among the Dostoevsky, who lived on the Potions, most of them were the spiritual rank. Andrew Dostoevsky was a priest of the Ukrainian High School Church. He was a writer of the F.Dokovich. The son of Andriy fought with his father and brother and went to Moscow. They called him Michael, and as the mention of his family and country he took with him, kept and delivered his sons Ukrainian poetry. The great writer's daughter remembers, "... the poetic skills were already in the Ukrainian family of my father, not just through my mother-in-law, as defined by the literary friends of Dostoevsky." Too bad F. Dostoevsky has not been in the control of Ukraine.
You can't say that in principle.I'm an adult. The poet had a crisp crisp crisp, "Comrade scrol, no joke on Ukraine."(Sighs) He also reminded me that the skyscrapers from the history of Ukraine only know Shevenek, Tatias Bulb, borscht, and Polo ("Russian signs are not deep fat)." But they love this "brother" "stupid" to do it, put the whole weight of the mind: take and talk with two chickens -- the anecdotes of Ukrainian language. "Expose this language!" - speaking to... or deaf? By the way, he wrote about himself, "I'm with my grandfather, from the second one, the matchmaker." The researchers tell us that Ukrainian tribes of Maashevsky are leaving probably from those Cossacks standing on the side of the chicken, in the bugs that were burning in the case of the Tatars.
Sorry, too.The Ripe Ukrainians have become Russian.(Sighs) Although Ila Riepwin, who was born in Hartonia, still kept his sense of belonging to Ukrainians and painted himself as a coyote on a gun. "Time to think about Ukrainian style in art," he noted. But not only did he speak, but he created a lot of music in French, but in a sense, "The Cossacks write a letter of Turkish sultan," he painted two variations in this painting.
In 1931, there were more Ukrainians in the Soviet Union than Russians.. 812355210
55 million disappeared in six years. The following number in the book, "On the spring construction," issued 1931 in Leningrad. Same data in the first Soviet encyclopedia of 1926. No encyclopedia, no books in any library in Ukraine. We had to find the big construction in Moscow. We've been sent copies that look good at 81 million. It is said that the Ukrainians of Galilee were not entered here, which was in Poland. The next post of the 1937 population indicates that there are 26 million Ukrainians in the Soviet Union. Where did the rest go? With these numbers, even more terrifying, the repression of 1930 years.
Interesting facts
I'm sorry.One of the biggest desert in Europe is in Ukraine. Olekevsky sands are made up of useless barhamins. These sands are held in the Zetoppian area (the old name of Zetopaniki, Olekka), 30 kilometers east of m. The Dnieper sands existed for a long time, but the Olekki Desert, in its present form, appeared relatively recently: because of the eruption of the sheep in the 21st century. Oloxsky sands under temperature mode and rainfall are more likely to be carried to a semi-desert. The sand fills up to 70 degrees. There are sandstorms here. There's a fresh lake with very tasty water in the desert at 300- 400 m. But scientists have found that you can't get enough water from here, because the water levels are going to go down, and the forests that are piled around the desert can't hold sand. It's about 7 km to the nearest population. Previously on Olekki Square, there was a military polygon running the ice bombs from Warsaw Pact. This was limited to the scientific study of the region. And now there's a lot of equipment in the sand that hasn't been ripped apart.
The Hair.Ukrainian folk songs have stimulated many composers to write world music masterpieces. Based on the composition of Summertime -- the aria that George Gershwin wrote in 1935 for the Porgi and Bess opera, one of the most famous songs in the world -- is the "Oh," sleepwalking around the windows. "This is a piece by Gershwin in New York at the execution of the National Mountain under the command of Alexander Koszziez. I heard -- and I wrote one of the most brilliant and famous jazz creatures. From the writing of a piece there were a bunch of artists, but the most famous one remains Summer time in Louis Armstrong, Ellie Fitzgerald, and also Charlie Parker.
We're starting to develop a situation.In Ukrainian, a pause by Dritra Khalidi has been made to the Book of Guinness record as an author over two dozen records.
2005.- A two-time record record of the Ginsness record book: 1 - "The Stone of Beacon" (raised a broom of one hand to the rock of 152 pounds); 2 - "Black Box" (put on the chest 3 concrete blocks of a weight of 700 kilograms which were broken by the nails).
2005.- The record book of Russia's record (climb with the left hand up two branches of 122 kilos; nail hit to four-inch head of time - 15 nails per minute).
2006.- The record writer of Ukraine and Russia: holding a weight of 64 kg in the arms of a 4-second period, called "Duplicate test."
2006.- set 7 world records on the World Diver Ermine in Minsk ("The Cross of Gotham" - 7 once broken into a broom with 32 kilos; "The Cross of Gotham" - 1 once broken to a pinched of 48 kilos; with the right hand of two branches, 8 iterations; two hands of a total weight of 112, 15 pounds; one pound by twenty pounds; one hand, one pound, one pound, and a half by a half by a pound; a half a pound, a pound, a pound, and a half a half a half a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, and a half a pound, and a pound, and a half a pound, and a pound, a half a half a half a pound, a pound, a pound, a half a pound, and a half a pound, and a half a half a half a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, and a half a pound, and a pound, and a pound, and a pound, and a pound by a pound by a pound, and a pound, and a pound, and a pound
2006.- Two records for the record book: a 50-pound drop on the state neck (one repetition) and a 50-pound staff. 2006. - 3 records for the record book: 1) Blending an armatic pen with a diameter of 23 mm and a length of 120 centimeters of teeth, 2) Blending the head with 5- nail on a field of 4 centimeters across the letter 0.7 mm, 3 left hand of two people with 147 kilos, 3 repetition.
2007.- The record of the World Book - lifted an 80-60 pound pipe, and in 10 minutes - another one, 1022- pound. So he beat up a 30020 world record of the British Tommy Tafan who raised three barrels of water with 800 kilos.
Three in the forest.The arm is lit by length and polished from above and inside to transparency. In the middle of the hair, a square of a rose, which is 0.05 mm. The Ukrainian Republic of Mirya is weak, although it's not noisy, but it was a blockage, and it made a huge amount of amazing works of art. The creation of this wizard has approved a new concept in the world -- a microminiature, which has never been in the encyclopedia before, or in the dictionary. And the art of Mino the Emperor took over all continents, leaving a lasting impression among the viewers of different countries around the world. It's most full of his paintings in the Mokowska Polytech Museum, in a constant simulation of microthumbnails in the Kyiv-Pave and the Andorra microthumbnails Museum.
North Korea.British scholars found the Black Sea as one in the world's ocean across the river. This discovery made scientists at the University of English, and the woods that conducted scientific research here. It turns out that the length of the river is 37 nautical miles, the width is over half a mile, and the flow of water is 4 miles per hour (about 7.5 km / h). It was also noted that the river was carrying colossal amounts of water -- 22,000 cubic meters per second. If this river was on land, there would be a sixth place in the world at that rate. The water flow is shaped by a prototype of the Bosphorus More salty water in the less salty sea environment. So water in the river is different than high salt concentration.
Source: In the world
Now, we present to your attention to an amazing article, investigating those who are easy to believe that Vikram has nothing to catch, "because the authors of the Undeniable facts and evidence leave no doubt, the hires are title, short and clear.
One thing is unclear. Maybe the authors will explain or update their behavior, answer the question we have after reading. With this kind of disgraceful superiority, and the first, and the instrument of the longest, and the first monkey is a stolen -- and most of the words with the letters "p" begin (agree, low-value), and drink with the 15 years, and the pegs after the interrogation -- (well, if he had a 15...) -- and Aegan Chopin's orns are clean, and the stock is now... And damn it, with Crumma, the rest of our reasons for national pride, we still don't have a cure... so when it's so superior, it's not a question why would such a great nation, the coffee plant, we're undoubtedly (by the way, if someone still has a sense of pride, and so on, why not the rest of the world, the rest of the world, why not the government?) Why not the rest of the world, why not the rest of the world, the world, the world, why not the world, the world, the world, why the world, why not the world, why not the world, the world, why the world, why not the government, why the rest of the world, why the world, why the world, why the world, the world, why the world, why the world, why not the rest of the rest of the rest of the world, the world, the world, why not the world, why the world, why, why not the world, why not the rest of the world, but the world, the world, why the world, why not the world, why not the rest of the world, why the world, why not the world You may have other questions after reading this wonderful article...
Despite the fact that all of the Ukrainians are trying to prove their ungodliness, they say, the best way to get out of this country as quickly as possible, "because we don't care about the world, the statistics and the facts tell us things in exactly the opposite, tells ar.com. ua.
The largest country in Europe.A country that takes .41% of the world's land region, which is 0.85% of the world's population, and gives 0.20% of the world's national product. A country that focuses on a quarter of all the supplies of Black on Earth. The country entering the three largest suppliers of the egg menu is one of the most powerful grain producers and with France, Germany and the United States are one of the largest sugar burgers.
Our country enters seven of the most powerful plants in the world, pork, sugar and potato. Hundreds of great Ukrainians were and remain the makers of world history. Artists and scientists, politicians and composers, actors and writers -- they all give us the opportunity abroad or at home with the pride of saying,"I am Ukrainian!"
First in the world

Ukrainians, akaAnton's constructor bureauSo, built a plane from the world's largest cargo age, An- 225 "Maria." He was originally designed to transport spacecraft. The Mayan currently runs commercial transportation.

Written by one of the world's first Constitution- Ukrainian political and public acting by the Pink Eagle. On April 5, 1710, he was elected by the Ghetman of Zaporizan. This day, Pillek Eagle announced "The Constitution of Rights and the Free Forces of Zaporizozhye." In the United States, the Constitution was taken in 1787, in France and in Poland, only in 1791.
First Frame StreetIt was invented in Ukraine in 1814, the Prokovich Peter. Ukraine has been confident to keep room in the tribunal of world's land leaders. By advancing countries in Europe over the quantity of copper production several times, Ukraine is at the same time the world's first produced honey per capita (1.5 kg).
UkraineThe world's largest supply of margaritas.2,3 billion, or about 11% of all the world's supplies.
The greatest men in the monastery are names to the Lauturs.The State of Lavara only have six monasteries in the world. Three of them are in Ukraine. This is the St-Upsk Kescera Lavara in Kiev who received this status in 1598, the St-Upsk Lavara in m.

The whole academy.- the first high school in Eastern Europe, the oldest Ukrainian educational institution. In 1576, Prince of Ossisezhye, Basil, declared the Slavic-Latin Academy in Ostoo.
First gas lampIt's invented in M. Lviv hardware workers under the golden star "Ignatius Lukesevich and Jan Zep in 1853. The same year the hospital had a first surgery in light of the lawn lamp. Then the gas lamp was presented in an international show in Munich, and the invention was marked by a special grenade.

The Memories of the known UkrainianTaras Shvenek's poets are installed in 1200 places.All over the world.
The Arsenal subway station in Kiev is the deepest part of the world(Sighs) It goes underground at 105 meters. The station at Parliament was built in 1960, one of the first. Some say there's hidden hiding in the Arsenal tunnels for the political front.
Ukrainianspiritual tool tremble- the longest spiritual musical instrument in the world.
The longest troll routeThere are 86 km in the world, and he's going to the Crime between Simferol and the Jarek.
The shortest main street.Of all the capital of the world, but at the same time, one of the greatest and most beautiful is the cross in Kiev. Its length is only 1225 m.

The oldest known scientists mapand also the most ancient development of Homo Sapiens are found in Ukraine: s. Revolutionary domain. They're around 14.515 years old. Mom's on the mat's bones.
Ukrainian "Southern" (m) producedthe most sustainable rockets in the world(Sighs) They send commercial cargo to space within the international Sea Start project.
Unique facts about Ukraine
First High TutorialIn Ukraine there was an Ocenov colleague founded in mine. Then these were the only higher educational institutions in the eastern Slavic world.
The longest cave in UkraineIt's called "Optimistic," and it's called "Optimistic." This is a plaster cave at 20 meters long. The longest plaster cave in the world and the second for the prolonged at all, it only comes from the American Empire cave.
In Ukraine, near the town of the Council, surrounded by painting Carpathiansbecomes

The European Geographic Center(Sighs)
The oldest tree in UkraineIt's assumed to be a 1300th-year-old oak in the Yizhyfin Risfin.
Ukrainians have madeThe biggest glass in the world for champagne56.25. How to drink champagne from such a disease until it's unclear, but it's another official Ginsness World record from Ukrainians.
ThirdThe world's most visitorsIt's in Kiev by the train station. This institution goes to the top five of the world's most efficient MacDonald.
Ukraine's Territory visited one of thelargest historical transport routes--" A way with avagang to the Greeks "-- a system of river routes and hair between them 3,000 miles, linking north land to ancient Raius with southern lands and Baltic Sea to Black. throughout the ancient history of Ukraine, Rose was a bridge between the worlds of Eastern Europe and the Danish staircase, Europe, ancient, Byzantine and Latin.
Ukraine is publishingThe fourth place in the world is the number of citizens with higher education.(Sighs) Ukraine's population belongs to the most educated, and the number of people with higher education per capita is above the Middle European level.

UPA Armyset an absolute record, holding on to the actual occupied territory for almost twenty years. The technology and the methods of Ukrainian soldiers have studied even the Cuban rebels of Fidel Castro. "If I had an army like the UPA, a German boots would never be French," said Charles de Gaulle, President of France in 1958, 1969.
Ukraine on its own initiative refusedThird in the world by the magnitude of the nuclear weapon arsenal.(Sighs) At the moment of declaring independence, there were over a thousand nuclear warheads and missiles, third largest nuclear potential after Russia and America. The warheads and rockets were transferred to Russia, the bunker was destroyed. In response to this country, Ukraine gained money for firepower and security from nuclear states.

International Ukrainian hymn consists of only six lines(four in poems and two in the hospital) The rest of the lines of the hymn are considered politically invalid. (For example, "Let's go, brothers, to the battle of blood from Sietch to Don" means the claims of Ukraine in Russia and Poland.)
Ukrainians- And in the world a nation of drinkingRight after lightning, Russians, Hungarian and Czechs. The average Ukrainian over 15 drinks on average 15.6 liters of alcohol per year (this is about a liter more than Irish and almost two liters more than Norwegian).
Most Ukrainian words begin with the letter "p."The most frequently used letter alphabet is "oh." The "f" and "g" are used most often.
In Paris's beauty contestIn 1934, the language of Ukrainian was the third place after French and Persian on such criteria as phonetic, lexicology, the structure of sentences. And for the melody of Ukraine, it took second place, after Italian.
Ukraine is focused1 / 4 of all black-color reserves on the planet(Sighs) Black soil on correct processing gives the greatest crop. During the Second World War, German soldiers even took the Black-earth away for food.
With the number of sunny days like thisWell, it's not like your buddy doesn't go to Nice.And another Mediterranean resort. Most of Ukraine is placed within a noticeable continental climate, but for the South Bank, Creed is a major sub-climate.
The makers of the popular Arcodo in the world, "Who acts against me is the one that acts against God."based on the internal decoder of the characterizerThat there were representatives of the Sith Zaporozhye who said, "If the enemy only decided to attack me, he was already defeated."
Before nearly complete destruction in the year 1240, the Kyiv Mongols wereone of Europe's largest citiesFifty times bigger than London, ten to Paris. To achieve his festival by Jarosław Mudwigo (10101054), who was renounced with French royalty, Norway, Romania and Poland. His population was about 50,000 people. In order to get to these demographics again, it took about 600 years. It could be quite possible if not the fatal destruction of Kiev could be actually the most advanced and biggest city in Europe for many years.
Interesting stories / individuals
Pablo Picasso was taken from the work of Ukrainian artist Katherine Snow(1900- 1961) When he saw her work at the expo in 1954, he said they were brilliant and compared to Katerina Belarur with the famous world artist, Serapine Lois.

One of the world's most famous Christmas Songs is"Szczepek"a folk song written by the Ukrainian composer Miśia Leontowicz. The world knows it as Carol of the Bells or Ring Christiils Bells. There are millions of views in Youtu.
During the English-urban war (South Africa) in 1899- 1902, the commander of one of the occupation storms,Ukrainian Yuri Buddha, rescued from the shooting.One young English journalist. Soon, the last helped the Buddha join the Oxford University. In 1917. Yuri worked in the government of the People's Republic. 1943. Yuri Buddha died in the Soviet concentration. The English journalist called Winston Churchill.
At the moment of declare independence in UkraineThere were 19.4 million pigs(Sighs) Today they're twice as small as 8.3 million. Despite the reputation of the Sultan, the average Ukrainian only eats 18 kilos of pork a year. It's three times smaller than the average German.

In Ukraine near Nicopoli, in Cossi, in one of the Dnieper's sleeves, you can see the phenomenon that rarely appears in the world,Slam"These are probably the strangest songs to hear after rain, when the top layer falls together and forms a fragile bone. You can hear noise like a whistle of air released from a car cam.
In Berdisch's town (Szymir) in St. Barbara, March 14, 1850The beauty of Avina Gansk was a slow man from Onora de Balzac.(Sighs) In this same town, Frederic Chopin lived for a long time, and besides writing music, he was also running a work with a tissue organ.
You could compileThe dictionary of Ukrainian names, created along the route of Russian officials(Sighs) Yes, the Ukrainian house of the Czechs in the 20th century became something of Czechs. Grandpa Achov was still Czech. The Achehov himself wrote that his grandfather was Ukrainian. Pretty funny Danica turned into Daniel. The bones of the mind became intelligent, and the Seagull became Seacocsky. The Did Petra Tchaikovsky, the great composer Peter Seagull, finished Kyiv, the Chinese Academy, and his as a medic, the Russian government saved the state doctor in Vienna. Perhaps Ukrainian atmosphere in the Seagull family has survived much better than the Easter family, because from the 24-year-old age of the future composer nearly every year lived in Ukraine, where he wrote more than 30 works, among which are the opera of Caval Vucula, "Mazump," song, "Sales of the cherry shop," duet at the city of the word. During the brutal times of the empire, he was able to do the production of Taras Bulba, the M.Lansk, used many Ukrainian folk songs in his writings.

Among those who areHe was despised by his people, he was a famous writer, a Ukrainian writer, as a result of being... Felix Dostoevsky(Sighs) The Dostoevsky village came from Dostova near Pancsk. One of the Dostoevsky becomes the Giormonac of Kyiv-Pistra, and in 1647, there is an election of another transit. What's interesting is that among the Dostoevsky, who lived on the Potions, most of them were the spiritual rank. Andrew Dostoevsky was a priest of the Ukrainian High School Church. He was a writer of the F.Dokovich. The son of Andriy fought with his father and brother and went to Moscow. They called him Michael, and as the mention of his family and country he took with him, kept and delivered his sons Ukrainian poetry. The great writer's daughter remembers, "... the poetic skills were already in the Ukrainian family of my father, not just through my mother-in-law, as defined by the literary friends of Dostoevsky." Too bad F. Dostoevsky has not been in the control of Ukraine.
You can't say that in principle.I'm an adult. The poet had a crisp crisp crisp, "Comrade scrol, no joke on Ukraine."(Sighs) He also reminded me that the skyscrapers from the history of Ukraine only know Shevenek, Tatias Bulb, borscht, and Polo ("Russian signs are not deep fat)." But they love this "brother" "stupid" to do it, put the whole weight of the mind: take and talk with two chickens -- the anecdotes of Ukrainian language. "Expose this language!" - speaking to... or deaf? By the way, he wrote about himself, "I'm with my grandfather, from the second one, the matchmaker." The researchers tell us that Ukrainian tribes of Maashevsky are leaving probably from those Cossacks standing on the side of the chicken, in the bugs that were burning in the case of the Tatars.
Sorry, too.The Ripe Ukrainians have become Russian.(Sighs) Although Ila Riepwin, who was born in Hartonia, still kept his sense of belonging to Ukrainians and painted himself as a coyote on a gun. "Time to think about Ukrainian style in art," he noted. But not only did he speak, but he created a lot of music in French, but in a sense, "The Cossacks write a letter of Turkish sultan," he painted two variations in this painting.
In 1931, there were more Ukrainians in the Soviet Union than Russians.. 812355210
55 million disappeared in six years. The following number in the book, "On the spring construction," issued 1931 in Leningrad. Same data in the first Soviet encyclopedia of 1926. No encyclopedia, no books in any library in Ukraine. We had to find the big construction in Moscow. We've been sent copies that look good at 81 million. It is said that the Ukrainians of Galilee were not entered here, which was in Poland. The next post of the 1937 population indicates that there are 26 million Ukrainians in the Soviet Union. Where did the rest go? With these numbers, even more terrifying, the repression of 1930 years.
Interesting facts
I'm sorry.One of the biggest desert in Europe is in Ukraine. Olekevsky sands are made up of useless barhamins. These sands are held in the Zetoppian area (the old name of Zetopaniki, Olekka), 30 kilometers east of m. The Dnieper sands existed for a long time, but the Olekki Desert, in its present form, appeared relatively recently: because of the eruption of the sheep in the 21st century. Oloxsky sands under temperature mode and rainfall are more likely to be carried to a semi-desert. The sand fills up to 70 degrees. There are sandstorms here. There's a fresh lake with very tasty water in the desert at 300- 400 m. But scientists have found that you can't get enough water from here, because the water levels are going to go down, and the forests that are piled around the desert can't hold sand. It's about 7 km to the nearest population. Previously on Olekki Square, there was a military polygon running the ice bombs from Warsaw Pact. This was limited to the scientific study of the region. And now there's a lot of equipment in the sand that hasn't been ripped apart.
The Hair.Ukrainian folk songs have stimulated many composers to write world music masterpieces. Based on the composition of Summertime -- the aria that George Gershwin wrote in 1935 for the Porgi and Bess opera, one of the most famous songs in the world -- is the "Oh," sleepwalking around the windows. "This is a piece by Gershwin in New York at the execution of the National Mountain under the command of Alexander Koszziez. I heard -- and I wrote one of the most brilliant and famous jazz creatures. From the writing of a piece there were a bunch of artists, but the most famous one remains Summer time in Louis Armstrong, Ellie Fitzgerald, and also Charlie Parker.

We're starting to develop a situation.In Ukrainian, a pause by Dritra Khalidi has been made to the Book of Guinness record as an author over two dozen records.
2005.- A two-time record record of the Ginsness record book: 1 - "The Stone of Beacon" (raised a broom of one hand to the rock of 152 pounds); 2 - "Black Box" (put on the chest 3 concrete blocks of a weight of 700 kilograms which were broken by the nails).
2005.- The record book of Russia's record (climb with the left hand up two branches of 122 kilos; nail hit to four-inch head of time - 15 nails per minute).
2006.- The record writer of Ukraine and Russia: holding a weight of 64 kg in the arms of a 4-second period, called "Duplicate test."
2006.- set 7 world records on the World Diver Ermine in Minsk ("The Cross of Gotham" - 7 once broken into a broom with 32 kilos; "The Cross of Gotham" - 1 once broken to a pinched of 48 kilos; with the right hand of two branches, 8 iterations; two hands of a total weight of 112, 15 pounds; one pound by twenty pounds; one hand, one pound, one pound, and a half by a half by a pound; a half a pound, a pound, a pound, and a half a half a half a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, and a half a pound, and a pound, and a half a pound, and a pound, a half a half a half a pound, a pound, a pound, a half a pound, and a half a pound, and a half a half a half a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, a pound, and a half a pound, and a pound, and a pound, and a pound, and a pound by a pound by a pound, and a pound, and a pound, and a pound
2006.- Two records for the record book: a 50-pound drop on the state neck (one repetition) and a 50-pound staff. 2006. - 3 records for the record book: 1) Blending an armatic pen with a diameter of 23 mm and a length of 120 centimeters of teeth, 2) Blending the head with 5- nail on a field of 4 centimeters across the letter 0.7 mm, 3 left hand of two people with 147 kilos, 3 repetition.
2007.- The record of the World Book - lifted an 80-60 pound pipe, and in 10 minutes - another one, 1022- pound. So he beat up a 30020 world record of the British Tommy Tafan who raised three barrels of water with 800 kilos.
Three in the forest.The arm is lit by length and polished from above and inside to transparency. In the middle of the hair, a square of a rose, which is 0.05 mm. The Ukrainian Republic of Mirya is weak, although it's not noisy, but it was a blockage, and it made a huge amount of amazing works of art. The creation of this wizard has approved a new concept in the world -- a microminiature, which has never been in the encyclopedia before, or in the dictionary. And the art of Mino the Emperor took over all continents, leaving a lasting impression among the viewers of different countries around the world. It's most full of his paintings in the Mokowska Polytech Museum, in a constant simulation of microthumbnails in the Kyiv-Pave and the Andorra microthumbnails Museum.
North Korea.British scholars found the Black Sea as one in the world's ocean across the river. This discovery made scientists at the University of English, and the woods that conducted scientific research here. It turns out that the length of the river is 37 nautical miles, the width is over half a mile, and the flow of water is 4 miles per hour (about 7.5 km / h). It was also noted that the river was carrying colossal amounts of water -- 22,000 cubic meters per second. If this river was on land, there would be a sixth place in the world at that rate. The water flow is shaped by a prototype of the Bosphorus More salty water in the less salty sea environment. So water in the river is different than high salt concentration.
Source: In the world