Good and bad Canada. Findings after 7 months
I found on the net interesting story about a man who went to live in Canada. Knowing one remarkable saying, "Well, there where we are not," I was interested to hear his point of view and outlook on life in Canada. Therefore, I share with you this story. Fasting is not for sracha, if someone is not interested, pass by, someone like mercy-proshu.Cheloveka name Lastdjedai continue with his words ...
Hello! It's been 7 months after our arrival in Canada and it is time to draw some conclusions. At the moment, it is very important to me summarizing these outcomes, you need to break it down and put things in order in my head. I want to make a "debriefing" traditional that you can see where we are going and what is going on.
In the continuation of the pictures will be 11 + the story itself.
Today we'll talk mostly about the fact that you will have to wait for the arrival of bytovuhe:
Apartment and accommodation
Car, transportation, driver's license, and fines
Furniture, social support and food banks
Mobile telephony, internet
So, what we have ... We rent a 2-bedroom apartment, pretty good by Russian standards, it Furnishing Your sly and get hold odds and ends. We bought a car, it's Chevrolet Cavalier 2005 mileage 120 thousand., As I got a Canadian license category F (full), Anna also handed over to the law, but only the theory, the practice will take the summer. We both work. I work in the same area as before, and Anna works in the field, which always wanted rabotat- preschool education. In general, everything is OK. But I would like to consider the pros and cons of all aspects of living. It will be interesting to those who follow in our lives. And for those who are going here, it gives food for thought and a bit of useful information. Chase ...
Apartment and accommodation.
We rent a one-bedroom apartment (in Russia it is a 2-bedroom) Cost $ 913. It is a 10-15 minute drive from the center, the same to me to work. Apartments are usually rented unfurnished, but the kitchen is fully furnished (fridge, dishwasher, stove, microwave oven). The price includes heating, water, electricity paid separately. Another $ 50 / month is a parking place, but I do not put the parking lot, because it is open and in this sense I have absolutely no parking see. The machine is directly under the window. Electricity accumulates in the past month ~ $ 25. The apartment is very hot, stoked much. Even in the severe frosts vinipezhskie we slept with the window slightly open.
I will not say that we had a cheap apartment, you can find much cheaper. But the fact that the delivery of apartments in Winnipeg (and probably in all of Canada) is engaged agentsvo, which belongs completely home (private rent apartments here I've never seen), and agencies stremayutsya rent apartments New Arrivals. Usually asked letters from the last place of residence or take a large deposit. Our agency (Active Management) rent apartments without collateral and recommendations, but probably a little raised because of this price. In short now, when I already have a recommendation, you can find an apartment is cheaper and probably better, but we have to move in the scrap.
Those who have lived here for quite some time and / or can afford a home, find themselves in a slightly better position. Since ippoteka will be approximately equal to the cost of removal of apartments and accommodation will be in the property. Old-timers are advised to do it well like will be able to immediately buy your nedvizhku. But this I do not know anything ...
Cons: Housing rented Unfurnished, high cost of removal. Almost forgot! The apartment is not allowed to set their own washing machines. I do not know for what reasons, but it is ... In our house on each floor has a large stiralka and dryer. Payment by kartochkam- 1, $ 75 per wash. Someone hesitate to use such cars and put their illegal (if they find, then fine ... probably do not know) or even hardcore washed by hand. Its stiralka Katchow differently, but by and large I do not care.
Pros: Flats better quality than similar rental housing in Russia, good location.
Car, transportation, driver's license, and fines.
Without a car in Canada hard. Distances Veda large, and on foot are. You can ride the bus, they go there quite snostno, but when you need to equip byt- go shopping and stuff, it is not without tachki- kamilfo. In addition, they are not here as in Russia, and a lot cheaper. You can meet the 3 thousand greens 7-10 saving miracle of the American automobile industry in the normal state and city within 150-200 thousand (consider the most accessible and acceptable option). It is true then you have to pay a fee (depending on the value of the car), but you can bargain when buying and during his stay. Purchase and registration takes 20 to 40 minutes, depending on which of all the insurance companies. Rooms offer immediately, will go further is not necessary. A feature-selling car in the preliminary safety test- must pass it something like inspection, but without it you can not sell a wheelbarrow. More precisely it is possible, but safety will have to be held for the buyer, otherwise the machine does not insure and give no room. If the machines are cheap, then insurance "who is strong and big" with a vengeance selects hard earned Tug. I spent such $ 120 per month and say it's not very much.
Briefly about avtobusy- walk properly, slightly late. The cost of the journey 2, $ 5 per trip, you can take the shuttle at the exit ticket and within an hour (or more) to transfer to a different route. Travel cost ~ $ 20 and $ 84 weekly for a month.
Replacing the Canadian rights. You must first pass the theory, then all praktiku- as everywhere else. Conventional theories to the test, with him no problem. After passing the theory you like vdovesok their Russian law, the right to receive a Category A Canadian (but not in his hands, they send you by mail the week 2). Before the practical exam you withdraw Russian law and are only Canadian rights A. If you hand over the practice from the first time, the right immediately upgrade to Category F, and taking into account the foreign experience. BUT! If you are not giving up the practice from the first time, the Russian has the right bye-bye, sailed! And still you have the rights of category A, which allows to drive your car (where you're up to this great riding a couple of months and on which personally came to the exam) only if the machine supervisor driver'a (driver's license category F or equivalent them). If you have filled up the exam, even for some bread no longer will leave without having to call a neighbor to the rights you have to sit in the car while you taxi to the supermarket. I did not know about this Framed with supervisor driver'om and filled up the practice for the first time. Naturally, I was told that anywhere I will not leave one and that I would have somewhere to look for a supervisor to a wheelbarrow up to the house to drive away ... It put a word! After 2 weeks, with the third attempt I had all happened, and I went home alone and not familiar vyzvanivaya them to come after me :)) 2 weeks later in the mail comes a plastic card category F without restrictions. Ie I even pivasika can now legally permissible to pull within 0, 5 ppm.
Fines. Fines here konskie- for speeding (if the camera catch or stop), parking and so on. I once shlopotal fine when parked in the way of snow removal equipment $ 100 (but if you pay within 2 weeks, the $ 50 will be). The city is very tough watching asshole who parked in the wrong place in downtown or in the "sleeping areas" during snowfall and punishes their dollar. On the one hand it is good. In winter, it is especially important, because Snow falls are many and buses often must clean the streets. After heavy snowfalls announce general "clean zone" areas on the streets. Are notified by e-mail type from 7 pm to 7 am on-street parking in the area "C" is prohibited. Where you want, there is the park (if you have a parking space, then this pofek clean), but the snow will be removed at a time.
Cons: High cost of insurance and fines. Rule suprviser driver'a for drivers, confirming the right (most likely to bring trouble for inexperienced drivers). OOOOOGROMNY, fat minus the roads in the spring time. They were killed just in the trash! A severe negative impact and temperature extremes, and their snow-clearing equipment breaks.
But if Uryupinsk it can justify, in Canada I think not. Pit to pit as in the good old times at ul.Ukrainskoy in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ...
After a week like patching done, but still not the same. Taxes mine where !!! ???
Pros: low cost machines, organized system of urban transport, covered and heated bus stops (not all, but there are). Organized system of the rule change, having a great experience and having passed the first time, you can avoid any problems at all. The procedure for parking in the city center, timely snow removal.
Furniture, social support, and food banks.
As I mentioned, the apartment in Winnipeg shall Unfurnished. Necessities such as mattress and desk-chairs we bought in Ikeja immediately upon arrival, but any type of excess sofa komp.stola and so on. We booked into the service of social support, as cut the budget, who knows how many have to sit without work. Fortunately we telefonchik whispered good people, well, I just can not share 204 261 86 07 Furniture yuzaniya :), but in good condition. Someone certainly shrink, but we have not soared. Now we have almost all been replaced by another, or buy a new one. There is one place where you can just come and choose whatever you like, and just to take home for free. Look Centre Flavie-Laurent. This charitable center, the townspeople seem to pass that they did not need. We just came to see, in fact, there are good furniture or something for the house. But their schedule for the removal of veschey- 8am, so we have something in the scrap was to go there, and then get a job and no longer need.
A lot of people in Winnipeg uses the services of food banks. Make phone calls, write down the list, and every 2 weeks for example possible for them to come for a free meal (vegetables, cereals, bread, milk, etc.). We do not yuzali this service, but many of our friends who took advantage, like all happy. In short die of hunger will not allow a last resort, zvonite- 204 982 36 60.
Cons: by and large no downsides unless a long time to have to be on the waiting list for 2-3 weeks.
Pros: one big plus! Well, where else for free just settle and furniture will eat?
Mobile communication, Internet.
Briefly about mobile communications and the Internet expensive. In Winnipeg, there are several mobile operatorov- Rogers, Telus, Fido, and other MTS. Prices at all about the same and is not small, so connected to, "which came out like a cheaper» - MTS. As the Russian equivalent, Manitoba Telecom Systems to give full by shit. A few words about ... Most tariff rates are the type of Russian bezlimitov- prepaid. I paid the agreed amount and are using what was included. Usually it is ~ $ 20 fare where there is only a minute of conversation (and quite a few), and about $ 50 plan with unlimited calls and internet. Why is it, from one extreme to kraynost- unclear. Initially, prices for mobile communications I was just shocked. In Moscow, I do not pay for the link, use corporate mobiles and Ufa NL with shitty cloud gigabytes of Internet cost in the region of 300-400 rubles ($ 10-15). Here you have to give $ 100 a month for two mobile phones. At first I took eksperimentiroval- the cheapest tariff that there mudil spit-and in the end I went to the expense of $ 300 so I ofigel! They are still at $ 40 for the connection charge, that freaks !!! But thank God, I began to bore for support, and eventually returned to me on account of all that is written off properly (actually written off partially correct, but since I caught them at this joint, they returned me to the penny). Then he switched to the normal tariff, so as not to "play up" and do not count megabytes and calls and everything seems ustakanilos but osadochek stayed ...
Internet, we connected long queue was about 2 weeks. Cost $ 56 / month, the first 6 months discount up to 20 $ / month, speed- 10Mbps. Msc I have about the same rate as the cost was $ 15 a month. Let the sad outcome ...
Cons: Internet and especially mobile telephony unreasonably expensive, there is no possibility of flexible tariffs and adjust the costs by itself. A very common mistake on the billing statement. and the first comes through the mail, and it is really possible to break down the brain as you will understand, but I advise you to understand. otherwise you will be charged. These schools get out because I mudil a tariff that is connected and disconnected and the system is faltering, but the fact is not fakt- normal system fails.
Pros: Pros oddly too. First is the ability to connect a heap of discounts, such as if someone is learning, you can arrange mobile phones and the Internet to 10% studenta- your plane :) secondly you really listen, and if it turns out that the company is not right, then return all the loot. in the first 3-4 months of each account was a joint and I hated operators brain, they often returned to the account that did not need to be persistent ... and everything will be ok), the third is if you have your own Mobile, then you put off 10% of the fare. Ie on arrival you can take the S Galaxy IV for just $ 174 with a contract for 2 years. Mobil gets really very cheap with a little difference in the cost of calls.
I would like to say a few words about the local
Well, just to be so, for the story. Here, too, the situation is ambiguous. All wildly polite and constantly apologizing. Just infuriates even! "We do not have this size, I'm sorry for that." Ufff)))
Canadians are very slow, and sometimes even the people of the brakes. All very slowly ... Asia rests. All of this can be attributed to a leisurely lifestyle in Winnipeg, in Russia the pace of life much faster. More Canadians raspizdyai terrible and this is especially noticeable in the service sector. BUT! Their raspizdyaystvo compensated by their courtesy and grafted philanthropy. If they can help you, they really help you even though that is not required or is not part of their job. In general, Canadians are very good lyudi- kind and helpful, so if you get used to the local life style, the slowness and raspizdyaystvo brighten somewhat.
If we continue the theme mesttnogo color, it is worth mentioning that there is something like a dress. I would say sloppy, sometimes just dirty. What got pinned and can go outside. Well, the type I would like garbage left to endure. Of course not all of these, but the percentage is large. In Toronto, it was different, all the same big city. In Winnie not steamed.
There is another problem, and I, as a married man, I must say this somewhat abstract, but the wife pochikal :) There are no beautiful women. Well, that's true, is remembered in Moscow go down the street and noggin spinning here and there (well, you know what I mean;)) and I'm here for 8 months have seen beautiful and simpotichnyh devchenok ... well, you can count on the fingers. And half of them at all in the «Hooters» ... Slavyanka immediately stand out from tolpy- nice. A mestnye- sadness ... In addition, well, just ooooogromny percentage of fat (oh, I am intolerant ... sorry about that). I'm in no other country is not seen as are massive, as here. And when my wife is at work said that a little recovered and showed his old pictures, she was told that she looks at them unhealthy. But the fullness of this type and health standards. Very often you can see paru- sports, and a great guy to pull (not complete, namely a huge babischa). So the women of the Renaissance are in vogue, well, or just change the standard of beauty for fast food craze.
That is all. This post was written and based on my personal experiences and the experience of living in Winnipeg 8 months from September 2013 to April 2014. Perhaps my point of view different from your perception, and I absolutely agree with this. But I'm sure this post will be useful to those who are going to come here, to slightly dilute those "pink snot", which are mainly to be found in the network. The coin has two sides, so it's best before coming to see both sides of it, than to be a disappointment already in place. ©
Thank you, I have everything, I hope you liked it !!!
P.S. in conclusion one of the famous memes in Canada
Hello! It's been 7 months after our arrival in Canada and it is time to draw some conclusions. At the moment, it is very important to me summarizing these outcomes, you need to break it down and put things in order in my head. I want to make a "debriefing" traditional that you can see where we are going and what is going on.
In the continuation of the pictures will be 11 + the story itself.

Today we'll talk mostly about the fact that you will have to wait for the arrival of bytovuhe:
Apartment and accommodation
Car, transportation, driver's license, and fines
Furniture, social support and food banks
Mobile telephony, internet
So, what we have ... We rent a 2-bedroom apartment, pretty good by Russian standards, it Furnishing Your sly and get hold odds and ends. We bought a car, it's Chevrolet Cavalier 2005 mileage 120 thousand., As I got a Canadian license category F (full), Anna also handed over to the law, but only the theory, the practice will take the summer. We both work. I work in the same area as before, and Anna works in the field, which always wanted rabotat- preschool education. In general, everything is OK. But I would like to consider the pros and cons of all aspects of living. It will be interesting to those who follow in our lives. And for those who are going here, it gives food for thought and a bit of useful information. Chase ...

Apartment and accommodation.
We rent a one-bedroom apartment (in Russia it is a 2-bedroom) Cost $ 913. It is a 10-15 minute drive from the center, the same to me to work. Apartments are usually rented unfurnished, but the kitchen is fully furnished (fridge, dishwasher, stove, microwave oven). The price includes heating, water, electricity paid separately. Another $ 50 / month is a parking place, but I do not put the parking lot, because it is open and in this sense I have absolutely no parking see. The machine is directly under the window. Electricity accumulates in the past month ~ $ 25. The apartment is very hot, stoked much. Even in the severe frosts vinipezhskie we slept with the window slightly open.
I will not say that we had a cheap apartment, you can find much cheaper. But the fact that the delivery of apartments in Winnipeg (and probably in all of Canada) is engaged agentsvo, which belongs completely home (private rent apartments here I've never seen), and agencies stremayutsya rent apartments New Arrivals. Usually asked letters from the last place of residence or take a large deposit. Our agency (Active Management) rent apartments without collateral and recommendations, but probably a little raised because of this price. In short now, when I already have a recommendation, you can find an apartment is cheaper and probably better, but we have to move in the scrap.
Those who have lived here for quite some time and / or can afford a home, find themselves in a slightly better position. Since ippoteka will be approximately equal to the cost of removal of apartments and accommodation will be in the property. Old-timers are advised to do it well like will be able to immediately buy your nedvizhku. But this I do not know anything ...
Cons: Housing rented Unfurnished, high cost of removal. Almost forgot! The apartment is not allowed to set their own washing machines. I do not know for what reasons, but it is ... In our house on each floor has a large stiralka and dryer. Payment by kartochkam- 1, $ 75 per wash. Someone hesitate to use such cars and put their illegal (if they find, then fine ... probably do not know) or even hardcore washed by hand. Its stiralka Katchow differently, but by and large I do not care.
Pros: Flats better quality than similar rental housing in Russia, good location.

Car, transportation, driver's license, and fines.
Without a car in Canada hard. Distances Veda large, and on foot are. You can ride the bus, they go there quite snostno, but when you need to equip byt- go shopping and stuff, it is not without tachki- kamilfo. In addition, they are not here as in Russia, and a lot cheaper. You can meet the 3 thousand greens 7-10 saving miracle of the American automobile industry in the normal state and city within 150-200 thousand (consider the most accessible and acceptable option). It is true then you have to pay a fee (depending on the value of the car), but you can bargain when buying and during his stay. Purchase and registration takes 20 to 40 minutes, depending on which of all the insurance companies. Rooms offer immediately, will go further is not necessary. A feature-selling car in the preliminary safety test- must pass it something like inspection, but without it you can not sell a wheelbarrow. More precisely it is possible, but safety will have to be held for the buyer, otherwise the machine does not insure and give no room. If the machines are cheap, then insurance "who is strong and big" with a vengeance selects hard earned Tug. I spent such $ 120 per month and say it's not very much.
Briefly about avtobusy- walk properly, slightly late. The cost of the journey 2, $ 5 per trip, you can take the shuttle at the exit ticket and within an hour (or more) to transfer to a different route. Travel cost ~ $ 20 and $ 84 weekly for a month.
Replacing the Canadian rights. You must first pass the theory, then all praktiku- as everywhere else. Conventional theories to the test, with him no problem. After passing the theory you like vdovesok their Russian law, the right to receive a Category A Canadian (but not in his hands, they send you by mail the week 2). Before the practical exam you withdraw Russian law and are only Canadian rights A. If you hand over the practice from the first time, the right immediately upgrade to Category F, and taking into account the foreign experience. BUT! If you are not giving up the practice from the first time, the Russian has the right bye-bye, sailed! And still you have the rights of category A, which allows to drive your car (where you're up to this great riding a couple of months and on which personally came to the exam) only if the machine supervisor driver'a (driver's license category F or equivalent them). If you have filled up the exam, even for some bread no longer will leave without having to call a neighbor to the rights you have to sit in the car while you taxi to the supermarket. I did not know about this Framed with supervisor driver'om and filled up the practice for the first time. Naturally, I was told that anywhere I will not leave one and that I would have somewhere to look for a supervisor to a wheelbarrow up to the house to drive away ... It put a word! After 2 weeks, with the third attempt I had all happened, and I went home alone and not familiar vyzvanivaya them to come after me :)) 2 weeks later in the mail comes a plastic card category F without restrictions. Ie I even pivasika can now legally permissible to pull within 0, 5 ppm.
Fines. Fines here konskie- for speeding (if the camera catch or stop), parking and so on. I once shlopotal fine when parked in the way of snow removal equipment $ 100 (but if you pay within 2 weeks, the $ 50 will be). The city is very tough watching asshole who parked in the wrong place in downtown or in the "sleeping areas" during snowfall and punishes their dollar. On the one hand it is good. In winter, it is especially important, because Snow falls are many and buses often must clean the streets. After heavy snowfalls announce general "clean zone" areas on the streets. Are notified by e-mail type from 7 pm to 7 am on-street parking in the area "C" is prohibited. Where you want, there is the park (if you have a parking space, then this pofek clean), but the snow will be removed at a time.
Cons: High cost of insurance and fines. Rule suprviser driver'a for drivers, confirming the right (most likely to bring trouble for inexperienced drivers). OOOOOGROMNY, fat minus the roads in the spring time. They were killed just in the trash! A severe negative impact and temperature extremes, and their snow-clearing equipment breaks.

But if Uryupinsk it can justify, in Canada I think not. Pit to pit as in the good old times at ul.Ukrainskoy in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ...
After a week like patching done, but still not the same. Taxes mine where !!! ???
Pros: low cost machines, organized system of urban transport, covered and heated bus stops (not all, but there are). Organized system of the rule change, having a great experience and having passed the first time, you can avoid any problems at all. The procedure for parking in the city center, timely snow removal.

Furniture, social support, and food banks.
As I mentioned, the apartment in Winnipeg shall Unfurnished. Necessities such as mattress and desk-chairs we bought in Ikeja immediately upon arrival, but any type of excess sofa komp.stola and so on. We booked into the service of social support, as cut the budget, who knows how many have to sit without work. Fortunately we telefonchik whispered good people, well, I just can not share 204 261 86 07 Furniture yuzaniya :), but in good condition. Someone certainly shrink, but we have not soared. Now we have almost all been replaced by another, or buy a new one. There is one place where you can just come and choose whatever you like, and just to take home for free. Look Centre Flavie-Laurent. This charitable center, the townspeople seem to pass that they did not need. We just came to see, in fact, there are good furniture or something for the house. But their schedule for the removal of veschey- 8am, so we have something in the scrap was to go there, and then get a job and no longer need.
A lot of people in Winnipeg uses the services of food banks. Make phone calls, write down the list, and every 2 weeks for example possible for them to come for a free meal (vegetables, cereals, bread, milk, etc.). We do not yuzali this service, but many of our friends who took advantage, like all happy. In short die of hunger will not allow a last resort, zvonite- 204 982 36 60.
Cons: by and large no downsides unless a long time to have to be on the waiting list for 2-3 weeks.
Pros: one big plus! Well, where else for free just settle and furniture will eat?

Mobile communication, Internet.
Briefly about mobile communications and the Internet expensive. In Winnipeg, there are several mobile operatorov- Rogers, Telus, Fido, and other MTS. Prices at all about the same and is not small, so connected to, "which came out like a cheaper» - MTS. As the Russian equivalent, Manitoba Telecom Systems to give full by shit. A few words about ... Most tariff rates are the type of Russian bezlimitov- prepaid. I paid the agreed amount and are using what was included. Usually it is ~ $ 20 fare where there is only a minute of conversation (and quite a few), and about $ 50 plan with unlimited calls and internet. Why is it, from one extreme to kraynost- unclear. Initially, prices for mobile communications I was just shocked. In Moscow, I do not pay for the link, use corporate mobiles and Ufa NL with shitty cloud gigabytes of Internet cost in the region of 300-400 rubles ($ 10-15). Here you have to give $ 100 a month for two mobile phones. At first I took eksperimentiroval- the cheapest tariff that there mudil spit-and in the end I went to the expense of $ 300 so I ofigel! They are still at $ 40 for the connection charge, that freaks !!! But thank God, I began to bore for support, and eventually returned to me on account of all that is written off properly (actually written off partially correct, but since I caught them at this joint, they returned me to the penny). Then he switched to the normal tariff, so as not to "play up" and do not count megabytes and calls and everything seems ustakanilos but osadochek stayed ...
Internet, we connected long queue was about 2 weeks. Cost $ 56 / month, the first 6 months discount up to 20 $ / month, speed- 10Mbps. Msc I have about the same rate as the cost was $ 15 a month. Let the sad outcome ...
Cons: Internet and especially mobile telephony unreasonably expensive, there is no possibility of flexible tariffs and adjust the costs by itself. A very common mistake on the billing statement. and the first comes through the mail, and it is really possible to break down the brain as you will understand, but I advise you to understand. otherwise you will be charged. These schools get out because I mudil a tariff that is connected and disconnected and the system is faltering, but the fact is not fakt- normal system fails.
Pros: Pros oddly too. First is the ability to connect a heap of discounts, such as if someone is learning, you can arrange mobile phones and the Internet to 10% studenta- your plane :) secondly you really listen, and if it turns out that the company is not right, then return all the loot. in the first 3-4 months of each account was a joint and I hated operators brain, they often returned to the account that did not need to be persistent ... and everything will be ok), the third is if you have your own Mobile, then you put off 10% of the fare. Ie on arrival you can take the S Galaxy IV for just $ 174 with a contract for 2 years. Mobil gets really very cheap with a little difference in the cost of calls.

I would like to say a few words about the local
Well, just to be so, for the story. Here, too, the situation is ambiguous. All wildly polite and constantly apologizing. Just infuriates even! "We do not have this size, I'm sorry for that." Ufff)))

Canadians are very slow, and sometimes even the people of the brakes. All very slowly ... Asia rests. All of this can be attributed to a leisurely lifestyle in Winnipeg, in Russia the pace of life much faster. More Canadians raspizdyai terrible and this is especially noticeable in the service sector. BUT! Their raspizdyaystvo compensated by their courtesy and grafted philanthropy. If they can help you, they really help you even though that is not required or is not part of their job. In general, Canadians are very good lyudi- kind and helpful, so if you get used to the local life style, the slowness and raspizdyaystvo brighten somewhat.

If we continue the theme mesttnogo color, it is worth mentioning that there is something like a dress. I would say sloppy, sometimes just dirty. What got pinned and can go outside. Well, the type I would like garbage left to endure. Of course not all of these, but the percentage is large. In Toronto, it was different, all the same big city. In Winnie not steamed.
There is another problem, and I, as a married man, I must say this somewhat abstract, but the wife pochikal :) There are no beautiful women. Well, that's true, is remembered in Moscow go down the street and noggin spinning here and there (well, you know what I mean;)) and I'm here for 8 months have seen beautiful and simpotichnyh devchenok ... well, you can count on the fingers. And half of them at all in the «Hooters» ... Slavyanka immediately stand out from tolpy- nice. A mestnye- sadness ... In addition, well, just ooooogromny percentage of fat (oh, I am intolerant ... sorry about that). I'm in no other country is not seen as are massive, as here. And when my wife is at work said that a little recovered and showed his old pictures, she was told that she looks at them unhealthy. But the fullness of this type and health standards. Very often you can see paru- sports, and a great guy to pull (not complete, namely a huge babischa). So the women of the Renaissance are in vogue, well, or just change the standard of beauty for fast food craze.

That is all. This post was written and based on my personal experiences and the experience of living in Winnipeg 8 months from September 2013 to April 2014. Perhaps my point of view different from your perception, and I absolutely agree with this. But I'm sure this post will be useful to those who are going to come here, to slightly dilute those "pink snot", which are mainly to be found in the network. The coin has two sides, so it's best before coming to see both sides of it, than to be a disappointment already in place. ©
Thank you, I have everything, I hope you liked it !!!
P.S. in conclusion one of the famous memes in Canada
