Nuclear power plants in Ukraine disconnected.
Official site of the Rivne nuclear power plant. To perform the dispatch schedule load unit №2 (VVER-440) April 13 at 1:41 put in reserve. Approximate time spent in reserve - for six months. There are 2 blocks of four.
Official site of the South-Ukrainian NPP. April 13 at 11:00. 5 minutes. the third unit of South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant was put into a reserve for the implementation of Ukraine established Minenergouglya restrictions on the production of electricity at nuclear power plants in Ukraine. There are 2 blocks of three.
That is, the power consumption drops sharply in Ukraine, nuclear power plants from February 21 - Day of the coup d'état in Kiev, reduced electricity production by 70 million kilowatt / hour per day.
This official data Minenergouglya Ukraine.
This vivid evidence of the fall of the Ukrainian economy. Falling demand for electricity.
Official site of the South-Ukrainian NPP. April 13 at 11:00. 5 minutes. the third unit of South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant was put into a reserve for the implementation of Ukraine established Minenergouglya restrictions on the production of electricity at nuclear power plants in Ukraine. There are 2 blocks of three.
That is, the power consumption drops sharply in Ukraine, nuclear power plants from February 21 - Day of the coup d'état in Kiev, reduced electricity production by 70 million kilowatt / hour per day.
This official data Minenergouglya Ukraine.
This vivid evidence of the fall of the Ukrainian economy. Falling demand for electricity.
