Canada won illegal immigration visas

As you know, there is no need to enter Russia visa with Transcaucasia and Central Asia, because of visa with Mexico could not deliver US from Mexican illegals. Well, the American experience - a very useful thing, and we can only rejoice in the fact that the Russian authorities have decided to at least something to learn from it. Only in the case of visas is unlikely to succeed, because the Americans brought them too long to be able to assess their real effectiveness. But, fortunately, on the US world is large enough, there on the planet and other countries with visas. For example, Canada, where just recently the authorities were worried because of the growing number of illegal immigrants and introduced visa regime with several countries, including the very Mexican.
They called Kenny
Canada no less a country of migrants than the United States. 35 million Canadians each year adds another quarter of a million people who came there to live and work legally. Compared with the US, in Canada there are no problems with illegal immigration. According to various estimates, the country is somewhere 100-200 thousand illegal immigrants that per one thousand inhabitants is much lower than in the US, with 11, 7 million.
But the Canadians did not give absolute figures lull their vigilance and a few years ago seriously attended to the alarming trends in growth in the number of illegal immigrants. They were especially worried about the growing influx of illegal psevdobezhentsev who first told the Canadian authorities that they must save them from persecution in their home country, and then dissolved somewhere among the wheat fields, without waiting for the consent.
In 2009, the accumulated number of pending requests for asylum in Canada reached a historical record, topping 60 million, - increase ten times compared with 1989. And only one in 2009 received 34,000 new (12000 - 1989 th). But the percentage of those complaints that the Canadian authorities considered justified for these twenty years, on the contrary, has fallen sharply: from 84 to 42 percent. It turned out that in Canada annually enters about 20 thousand ordinary illegals. And the authorities, they are completely fail: in May 2008, officials acknowledged that, as of the end of 2007 from 63 million illegal immigrants, which it was decided to deport, they really were able to send only 22,000, the other did not find.
Just at this time, in late 2008, after a long reign left liberals, the post of Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism in Canada took a conservative Jason Kenney. In this role, he was famous for many things. For example, refused to give political asylum to US soldiers, who did not want to serve in Iraq - once they voluntarily went to the soldiers, we must carry out the orders. Or here is not let in Canada British MP for the fact that he openly donated money Hamas. But his main concern during the five-year tenure as Minister was the fight against illegal immigration.
Gypsies are found in Canada
Minister Kenney acted very simple: look, from what obscure stream of migrants is growing fastest, comparing this list with the list of countries whose nationals to enter Canada do not require a visa, and brought them a visa. The experiment turned out crystal clear with the Czech Republic. Until the end of 2007 the Czechs to travel to Canada needed a visa. But in late 2007, the Czech Republic, along with other new EU countries joined the Schengen area. With the Schengen zone visa-free regime in Canada, so Canadian visas for Czechs automatically canceled.
And suddenly flooded into Canada Czech refugees. For the whole of 2006 Canadians from the Czechs received less than five requests for asylum and a half years after the abolition of visas - nearly three thousand. And in most cases, refugees ceased almost immediately get in touch with the authorities and disappeared on Canadian spaces. It is clear that no civil war, genocide and other humanitarian disasters in the Czech Republic in 2008 did not happen. Simply Czech Roma were delighted abolition of visas and the sky instead went to Canada entire encampments.
Canadians have introduced a visa without any sentimentality. Another 12 June 2009 the Czechs did not know anything, and already on June 15 at the entrance to Canada with them began to demand a visa. Moreover, Canadians do not even bother to open its embassy in Prague visa office: in Vienna there are regional, and that's enough - let the Czechs go there to receive. Perfect mockery, because by the Austrians visa to Canada are not needed.
Initially, the Czechs were outraged and demanded protection from the European Union, but have not been able to change. Obligations under the Schengen area did not allow them even to impose retaliatory visas for Canadians - of course, the rest of Europe, too, did not want to go to Canada on a visa for the sake of solidarity with the Czech Republic. But Canada has solved the problem with the influx of Czech Roma. In the last visa year (2009) the number of applications for asylum was 2213 units, in 2012 - only 70.
Of course, the number of requests for asylum and the number of illegal immigrants - it's not quite the same thing. But illegal immigrants out and illegal, that for them there is no exact statistics. A number of requests for asylum more or less reflects, at least, the scale of illegal flows and their dynamics. And the speaker's kind: five of them in the last year before the abolition of visas (2006), 2113 pieces in the last year without a visa (2009) and 70 pieces in three years after the return of visas (2012). Regarded as interest for anything, here with a simple multiplication tables perfectly clear that we are talking about a few orders.
Visas vs. oceans
That the results of the experiment to get another visa clearer and more reliable, the Canadians had exactly the same experience with Mexico. Almost to the end of the twentieth century Canada and Mexico are not particularly unaware of each other's existence. But in the early 90s, looking at the first results of market-oriented reforms of President Salinas, the world is talking about the fact that Mexico that look will catch up with developed countries. Then the United States and Canada have decided to integrate with Mexico and created three NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Area.
The promises of the Mexican economic miracle did not come true, the country has not got out of the third world, but integration agreements remained. Thanks to them, the Mexicans have learned that in addition to the United States in the world is still a beautiful country and Canada, where you can also try to immigrate. As a result, by the middle of zero Mexico has become the largest supplier of refugees in Canada.
As we know from the American experience, against Mexican illegals did not help any visa. But Canadians have decided to still try and in 2009 entered them. The last visa year (2009) Mexicans filed in Canada 9322 asylum application - several times more than any other country in the world. But in the next year (2010) they became in 1299, then - 763, in 2012 - only 321. Again: the number of requests for asylum and the number of illegal immigrants - figures among themselves, though not equal, but directly proportional. And the fact that in three years the number of visa applications for Mexican refuge reduced from nine to three hundred thousand, clearly indicates that the flow of Mexican illegal immigrants as a whole has become many times smaller.
Canada now require a visa to enter the citizens of virtually all countries of the Third World. And here's the result: According to the Border Guard Service of Canada, which is illegal catches, in 2012 the first place in the number of working illegally in the country not occupied by Mexicans, not Arabs and Pakistanis, and US citizens. On the second - the Filipinos, the third - the Israelis. With the United States and Israel in Canada visa-free regime with the Philippines - an agreement on visa-free transit. Naturally, to enter because of this visa for Americans in Canada, no one is going: the losses from such a decision would be incomparably more than a few thousand illegal American workers. Enough and that through smart visa policy illegal largest community of Canada were representatives of developed and mentally close countries that do not provide for Canadian society no particular stress or irritation.
Of course, we can say that the visa regime has nothing to do with it, and find a bunch of other reasons for Canadian success in the fight against illegal immigrants. For example, a pervasive system of social security, because of which in Canada is almost impossible to get a job without documents. Or there are two huge ocean reliably separating Canadians from the rest of the world. But the welfare system was not created yesterday, and oceans also not poured yesterday. Neither did not save Canada from the annual portion of the nine thousand and two thousand Mexican illegals Roma before Canadians guessed introduce visas for them. But visa saved: in just three years from tens of thousands only a few hundred.
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