More than three is not collected: Blogs have to register

On strange i> coincidence Habré was not lit so interesting point - The deputies of the State Duma want to make record popular blogs
Let us consider what would be like to be and what's next?
The amendment prepared by Alexei Mitrofanov ("Fair Russia"), Andrei Lugovoi and Vadim Dengin (both from the Liberal Democratic Party), it is about creating a new category of users on the Internet called "blogger." This category deputies propose to refer those who have a personal website or social networking page recorded at least three thousand hits per day. At the same time, those who fall into this category, will be recorded in a special register, and will be able to earn money from advertising. Mitrofanov said that in the future may categorization bloggers depending on the number of visitors, "blogger", "super-blogger" and "old-blogger»
And of course, once the registry:
In addition, entering such a register would oblige the owner of the blog to check the accuracy of information posted, follow the rules of the election campaign, distribute information about the private lives of citizens, distribute extremist materials, specify an age limit for users. Blockquote>
Boring fines for violation of the requirements of the penalty: for individuals from 5 to 10 thousand. Rubles, legal - from 10 to 50 thousand. Rubles. For offenders repeatedly evades the regulations Roskomnadzora, a penalty of 500 thousand. Rubles or work stoppages blog for 30 days.
How to be measured? H4>
Number of visits: If you have 3000 or more visitors - welcome to Roscomnadzor - you are a dangerous offender blogger.
Oddities h4>
As usual, Roscomnadzor thinks it should all - he believes that all web hosting system and blogingovye sites should themselves (!) To inform him about the number of visitors to the blog.
No well, of course, VKontakte and meylru possible LJ immediately disclose such information, but what about Facebook? Twitter?
Much more funny sounds that hosting companies have to do it, too, Roscomnadzor again offers to buy all DPI.
Well, perhaps the apex can be considered as No classification
How likely it will be implemented h4>
1) The way the mind
With the help of SORM will be monitoring outgoing connections, and if it will be seen that certain URL have a high popularity - URL will be checked upon registration
2) The path of realism
Any site which came complaint (note, no matter it is a blog, a news site, a personal card) will be checked in the "register" if it is not listed - blocked
An excellent method to block whatever you want without attracting attention techs.
What to do? H4>
* politicized in this context is meant - any opinion different from the opinion of the majority of the CPSU i>
I have my own personal blog, I do not politicized people h5>
Can do nothing, 99% of them will be nothing if not received complaints
I have a personal blog, I politicized h5>
I feel sorry for you now to express my personal opinion is likely to be possible only for not Runet
I blog more than 50% technicians / knowledgeable people h5>
Prepare them, write about what it can be locked, a link to the browser extension.
Please note that if you have a domain in .RU zone and (or) hosting in this country, you can relax and have fun to stand in line to register your blog.
Alternative? H4>
How to use / where to look for a second opinion?
1) Tor - Anonymous access to the normal internet (partially darknet)
2) I2P - Anonymous access to the darknet (Alternative Internet)
3) Twister - Anonymous microblogging service
The fact that a twister I have written many times, first time - I told you what it is, second time made reference to the compiled version, which did not take off 99% of users Habra, and third time - already working build customer who unfortunately shows a black box, and sometimes flew.
And now - the fourth: 1) The customer now has a free installer - NSIS
2) The customer is fully working through the Node-Webkit
3) Fixed a huge number of bugs
4) Added new features
5) There are two themes
6) On average, online users about 6500
7) Now there is a client for OS X that works out of the box without a drum
None of this would nebilo without the support of you - the audience Habra, maybe, almost all developers in the project came from here.
So, I suggest you consider using this application as a backup link
And I draw your attention, if there is a wish to help the project developers - it would be cool.
Assist in the development, you can here:
Kernel -
Interface -
Node-webkit client -
Twister now looks like this:
Important! H4>
As usual, according to tradition, let's refrain from discussing politics, geopolitics, and other things that are not very welcome Habré.
In the post, I propose to discuss ways of adequate impact / change the situation or bypass tract.