Vapros, yeah, it was ...
- Can you tell me - what is it?
In the morning, the President was not in the spirit. He carefully, almost disdainfully, moved his finger blue plastic folder.
- These are the questions of the citizens of our country - Advisor to the President carefully extricated his hands out from under the folds of a shapeless black robes and pulled a folder to itself, tsarapnuv long sharpened fingernails on the table. The President frowned. Advisor to open a folder and silence for some time looking through the sheets with accurate printouts of questions. Guess what expression was at that moment on his face hidden under a yellow silk mask, could not have one, moreover, that no one knew - if there is, under the mask, at least something resembling a person.
He closed the folder. The President looked expectantly into narrow slits cut into the silk. He could not see his eyes advisor so irritated more and more, but did not submit the form.
- What? Normal questions - Advisor pushed fingertips. Nails clanged like daggers.
- Especially the first! - The President did not restrain himself and raised his voice. Pulling the top sheet from the cover of the folder, he nervously smoothed it, and read:
- "How do you feel about the awakening of Cthulhu?»
Advisor shrugged and said nothing, seeing as chief crumpled sheet and threw it in the wastebasket.
- They're that - think it's toys? - President with the power pripechatal fist to the polished tabletop. - One idiot made a fashion ... what's his name ... flash mob! Others pulled him like sheep! This is not a squid, in the end! Not octopus!
On second thought, he pressed a button selector.
- Listen, - said the speaker.
- What's with the monitoring of R'lyeh? Report back to me immediately.
- A minute later, I give the latest data.
It took no more than forty seconds, and a selector came alive again.
- On the shelf quietly. The temperature and the bottom currents are normal. The area is patrolled by our two submarines of class "Typhoon", no activity was observed. About an hour ago over a point on its course was a Japanese trawler, then ships and aircraft in the region was noted. If necessary, I can be contacted with the captains of the two submarines.
- No, - the President has calmed down a bit, but still spoke sharply and abruptly - a sure sign of discontent - was passed to send a report to the headquarters of each hour, okay?
- That's right.
In the office there was silence again. Advisor imperceptibly shifted in his chair, a heavy cloth robes rustled.
- I do not understand your concern - his voice is passed through a box of electronic filter, it sounded smooth and melodic. Without this device it was impossible to understand the adviser - the frequency of his speeches were imperceptible to the human ear. - The stars indicate that favorable to the nearest location, which may affect the prison, there are still three thousand two hundred years. Without this it is impossible to awaken him, I assure you.
- Stars of show? And except for the stars? I did not understand that there is also thought capable of a lot? For eight thousand people asked this question. Eight thousand! This means that all eight thousand one think!
- What is even eight thousand for the Ancients? - Scornfully dropped hidden behind the yellow silk source. The President leaned back and exhaled slowly, calming the flood of rage. "Good!" - He said to himself.
- You do not say, okay? - Tamed mind, his voice did not waver. - If at home, in Leng, you can operate with such concepts ..., we have in Russia, I would ask to take into account the realities of mentality. We are only now Cthulhu not enough to be completely happy. I can assure you that in the case of his awakening, he will not become a threat to national security?
- I can not - nails gnashed furiously confronted - and more than that, I do not. Because if Cthulhu wakes up, no security - neither national, nor, especially, the world - simply will not. This is unacceptable, because with the collapse of your world will certainly come to an end and our.
- And what? - The president raised his eyebrows, pursed his thin lips in an unusual grin. - Are you all this scares?
- Do not be alarmed - the first time in the whole conversation Adviser to the President looked straight into his eyes, and he squinted, catching a cold, bursting out of the black holes in the slots silk mask. - The case is different. Recently, we are too accustomed to cooperate. Your dreamlike expedition - reached ... let's be honest, achieved great diplomatic success. At the highest level, onyx Kadath the first time in countless millennia decided to conclude an agreement with the representatives of the people. Also, do not last argument was the success of a punitive mission in Antarctica. Death Tsatthogua and perfect your Russian special forces actions were discussed everywhere, believe me. Winning spirit was a complete surprise for the ... Well, if it were not so, I would not present here as your advisor.
Squeaked selector flashing red light emergency call. President pressed the button.
- North Korea, did not let us know, launched two medium-range missiles toward the famous square on the shelf - in the voice of an unseen speaker does not feel the tension, but deeply hidden irony.
- And? - Advisor saw a white-knuckled fists tightly clenched.
- The two missiles were destroyed in the air, the wreckage of one of them fell on the Russian territory. No injuries were reported.
- He sleeps but feels - the adviser said slowly, his head covered with a hood. President glanced sideways at him, chuckled and said rigidly to the selector:
- If so - the Koreans are to blame. Question tabled at the UN Security Council, and on personal channels are transmitted, so as not flogged fever, it would be the worse.
Mute the microphone, the President stood up and walked around the room, hands in his trouser pockets. He turned on his heels and asked:
- So, sleeps but feels? - And after an affirmative nod yellow mask and shrugged. - Well, let him sleep on. To your health. What's the second question?
- "Will the Russian Federation to use for the defense of their borders huge fighting humanoid robots?" - Slowly read Advisor.
They both laughed.
c3 course, 14 *****
In the morning, the President was not in the spirit. He carefully, almost disdainfully, moved his finger blue plastic folder.
- These are the questions of the citizens of our country - Advisor to the President carefully extricated his hands out from under the folds of a shapeless black robes and pulled a folder to itself, tsarapnuv long sharpened fingernails on the table. The President frowned. Advisor to open a folder and silence for some time looking through the sheets with accurate printouts of questions. Guess what expression was at that moment on his face hidden under a yellow silk mask, could not have one, moreover, that no one knew - if there is, under the mask, at least something resembling a person.
He closed the folder. The President looked expectantly into narrow slits cut into the silk. He could not see his eyes advisor so irritated more and more, but did not submit the form.
- What? Normal questions - Advisor pushed fingertips. Nails clanged like daggers.
- Especially the first! - The President did not restrain himself and raised his voice. Pulling the top sheet from the cover of the folder, he nervously smoothed it, and read:
- "How do you feel about the awakening of Cthulhu?»
Advisor shrugged and said nothing, seeing as chief crumpled sheet and threw it in the wastebasket.
- They're that - think it's toys? - President with the power pripechatal fist to the polished tabletop. - One idiot made a fashion ... what's his name ... flash mob! Others pulled him like sheep! This is not a squid, in the end! Not octopus!
On second thought, he pressed a button selector.
- Listen, - said the speaker.
- What's with the monitoring of R'lyeh? Report back to me immediately.
- A minute later, I give the latest data.
It took no more than forty seconds, and a selector came alive again.
- On the shelf quietly. The temperature and the bottom currents are normal. The area is patrolled by our two submarines of class "Typhoon", no activity was observed. About an hour ago over a point on its course was a Japanese trawler, then ships and aircraft in the region was noted. If necessary, I can be contacted with the captains of the two submarines.
- No, - the President has calmed down a bit, but still spoke sharply and abruptly - a sure sign of discontent - was passed to send a report to the headquarters of each hour, okay?
- That's right.
In the office there was silence again. Advisor imperceptibly shifted in his chair, a heavy cloth robes rustled.
- I do not understand your concern - his voice is passed through a box of electronic filter, it sounded smooth and melodic. Without this device it was impossible to understand the adviser - the frequency of his speeches were imperceptible to the human ear. - The stars indicate that favorable to the nearest location, which may affect the prison, there are still three thousand two hundred years. Without this it is impossible to awaken him, I assure you.
- Stars of show? And except for the stars? I did not understand that there is also thought capable of a lot? For eight thousand people asked this question. Eight thousand! This means that all eight thousand one think!
- What is even eight thousand for the Ancients? - Scornfully dropped hidden behind the yellow silk source. The President leaned back and exhaled slowly, calming the flood of rage. "Good!" - He said to himself.
- You do not say, okay? - Tamed mind, his voice did not waver. - If at home, in Leng, you can operate with such concepts ..., we have in Russia, I would ask to take into account the realities of mentality. We are only now Cthulhu not enough to be completely happy. I can assure you that in the case of his awakening, he will not become a threat to national security?
- I can not - nails gnashed furiously confronted - and more than that, I do not. Because if Cthulhu wakes up, no security - neither national, nor, especially, the world - simply will not. This is unacceptable, because with the collapse of your world will certainly come to an end and our.
- And what? - The president raised his eyebrows, pursed his thin lips in an unusual grin. - Are you all this scares?
- Do not be alarmed - the first time in the whole conversation Adviser to the President looked straight into his eyes, and he squinted, catching a cold, bursting out of the black holes in the slots silk mask. - The case is different. Recently, we are too accustomed to cooperate. Your dreamlike expedition - reached ... let's be honest, achieved great diplomatic success. At the highest level, onyx Kadath the first time in countless millennia decided to conclude an agreement with the representatives of the people. Also, do not last argument was the success of a punitive mission in Antarctica. Death Tsatthogua and perfect your Russian special forces actions were discussed everywhere, believe me. Winning spirit was a complete surprise for the ... Well, if it were not so, I would not present here as your advisor.
Squeaked selector flashing red light emergency call. President pressed the button.
- North Korea, did not let us know, launched two medium-range missiles toward the famous square on the shelf - in the voice of an unseen speaker does not feel the tension, but deeply hidden irony.
- And? - Advisor saw a white-knuckled fists tightly clenched.
- The two missiles were destroyed in the air, the wreckage of one of them fell on the Russian territory. No injuries were reported.
- He sleeps but feels - the adviser said slowly, his head covered with a hood. President glanced sideways at him, chuckled and said rigidly to the selector:
- If so - the Koreans are to blame. Question tabled at the UN Security Council, and on personal channels are transmitted, so as not flogged fever, it would be the worse.
Mute the microphone, the President stood up and walked around the room, hands in his trouser pockets. He turned on his heels and asked:
- So, sleeps but feels? - And after an affirmative nod yellow mask and shrugged. - Well, let him sleep on. To your health. What's the second question?
- "Will the Russian Federation to use for the defense of their borders huge fighting humanoid robots?" - Slowly read Advisor.
They both laughed.
c3 course, 14 *****