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How to become a scientist

Kag herds niibatstso uchionym

Rukovotstvo for chyufstvuyuschih prezvanie and ihneh raditiley.

Uchionym (ACEN niibatstso) step can only esle you have pretrasp ... pretrast ... pretraspalo ... (ugh, fuck). Vopschem herds so can esle you have to Etowah zadadke. What PVCs? - Sprositi you and will apsolyutno right. They prevodyattsa below:
1. In school, you wore glasses with abyazatelno nevebennym number dioptrief.
2. Adnoklasnike draznile you botanegom.
3. periot Polovova maturation ahuennoe excitement you caused slovosochenie "ammonium dioxide," and you could successfully masturbate only erotic "fotopartred with ezykom" Inshteena.
4. Around this vapros the date of birth you looked in the certificate of razhdenii or zvanile his Mami. But you atlichno (to the minute) pomnile start date seriynava penicillin production of the Indian pharmaceutical industry.
This is not the only zadadke, but they bespesdy major.

For these inclinations can be ischo in detstve learn buduschevo niibatstso uchionovo. But esle You have just sharpen an inquisitive mind, and your interests are not vyhodyad beyond "vskryvaniya lyagusheg search for them golovastikof" or because of your chemical opytof you change the third school and the school nevazmozhno vosstanovid then sedite exactly on the priest. You lёhkie to success nadeyattso nehuy.

Itag, you or your parents prosekli in you the makings. Just have to cross on your stavid detstve: mestame Around this postoyanovo stay stanud library, school, alimpiady. Kathog, movies and other detski mischief is not for you. Adnoklasniki you as ukazyvalos higher abzyvayud botanegom, uebanom and more as the realties. Adnaklasnitsy schitayud insult innocent pinch of zadnittsu. You are not zovud to parties and discos, you do not predlagayud beer and shysheg. But you is not zabotid. Beer and shyshki not for you, and lean charms adnaklasnits pesdy you up because you masturbate to Inshteena and fperedi you fucking with severe lifelong lady by the name of Science.

But the school has finished, the shee you Zalata midal and you pesduete university uchittso dalshe. The university teachers zaёbyvaete you pile simplicity, because they uchad you uchevnikam of old and new trends in science or any sharyad dick. Datsenty daktara and Sciences - is chyuvaka that behind the zhyzni nafsekda. You predlagayud Pesa kandedadskuyu thesis after ftarova course. There PVCs you find yourself sputnetsu zhyzni. It should obladad following properties:
1. Appearance it is not imeed values. Ideal zhenschiny for you - Marie Curie, but these are not sechas vypuskayud. The other women for you on one Letsie.
2. It is not zabotid fashion. She fpolne mozhed obhodittso sour cream instead of cream, and Letsie sapozhnova cream. She did not risued her eyebrows, and lips resnittsy as boittso INTO You can not uznad it (see para. 1) and ispugattso.
3. Regardless of her fears EC paragraph 2, it is the demon of fear pozhertvued fsem INTO imeed science. Since science panimanii it is you, it fsem zhertvued for you.
4. Wife niibatstso uchёnova dozhna able hands ostanovid generator and enter the room with a working nuclear riaktorom.
Here you zakonchile University deplomom red and soon poluchile PhD. You think INTO entered the world of science and became her there? Dick out there! Esle ispolzovad Army Slenk, you - the soldiers Pervova period of service. Drugime slovame "spirit." You shtoby probittso in the first rows, pishyte many articles and publish them in journals that are only interested in the same as you, and from which normal people nachinayud boled teeth have the type of obloshki. You do not spend on clothes, so after dvuhletnevo sovmesnovo you stay with your wife look tag INTO when you go on the subway, mother prizhimayud children and handbags to her, and compassionate grandmother dayud you pyatachog to hlep. Then you rozhdayuttso children one more silt. Kar it happened, it is not clear neither you nor your wife. Their cries and disease otvlekayud from thinking about the great. And children otpravlyayuttso to grandparents or children's pre-school institutions. Kag pravelo such kids vyrastayud narmalnyme chyuvakame: pyud beer and interesuyuttso defchёnkame. You bespezdy genius? So let preroda otdohnёd on your children!

The scientific world - the slowly developing organization. Therefore spryachte a perpetual motion machine that rabotaed 15 years the devil break f closet. Let there molotid ischo age 10. Hula, who is also the eternal!

You ibashyte as mom and dad Carlo Carlito together. You eat, drink and find INTO INTO lёttso IS tap. What is your favorite suit is not protёrso up holes only because the Soviet INTO kremplin eternal (as well as your drive). But in his SRI You are surrounded by the same uchionymi because your lifestyle in the eyes brosaettso. It is only correct in your environment.

Here, at last, has come true your dream! You 50 years and King Shvettsii vruchaed you for your niibatstso invention niibatstso Nobelefskuyu Prize. On your smokink that zhmёd yayttsa and rezhed sheyu. You do not understand why it was nilzya naded your favorite suit with vypuskovo school. He CAG NEW! On uzhyne in your honor you drink champagne and eat some Huet. And you do not understand CAG is to eat and drink. You are at the reception, and FLV ideas in science and pridumyvad prodolzhayud izobretad. On you fell Glory! You priglashayud in a TV interview. You fotografiruyud. Try vyglyaded irotichno not possible INTO when realties to your JKLF buded drochid some realties vunderkint (as you do in detstve). Your adnoklasniki zheleyud INTO chmorili you at school. Your adnoklasnitsy agree with you on any razvrad. And those and others on the sickly nadeyuttso gudesh on primialnoe loot. But budud forced oblomattso: its award You bought a working model of elementary particle accelerator at full value for the primary school in the village of the Criminal Code. It remains only hvatid day delivery, montash obmyf and lemonade.

Now you niibatstso uchiony, niibatstso vilichina. Now you can vynimad IS your closet perpertuum Mobile and pokazyvad Evo world. You can now everything!

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